Phantom Phallus – The Completed Saga by CarnationWriting


Ms. Delaney’s sixth period class was more relaxed than the rest. They had completed most of their finals a day early, and were now just working on the essay portion. Ms. Delaney kept her eyes fixed on Alex the entire time, watching him struggle to focus as she rolled the voodoo-doll under her feet behind her desk. The end of class came, and she found some bullshit excuse to keep Alex for detention as well. She wouldn’t let it count towards his grades or anything – and the same went for Trina – not when she had so much fun planned for the two.

As the two got situated in their seats, ready to wait out the next thirty minutes or so, Ms. Delaney stood up and sauntered over to the door, making sure it was locked and that the papers covering the little glass panel in the door were secured. She didn’t need anyone walking in on them. “Alex,” she said carefully, “you know Trina, don’t you?”

“Sort of,” the young man answered. “We have a couple classes together but we’ve never really talked.”

Ms. Delaney nodded as she sat herself on top of her desk, crossing one leg over the other and facing the two seniors. “Do you like her?” She could see Trina blushing profusely, but she didn’t care.

“Well, yeah, she’s chill.”

“Do you like her?”

“Um… I mean…” He turned to Trina, also blushing now. “You’re cute, but we’ve never talked, so I don’t… I dunno.”

Ms. Delaney nodded again, this time reaching behind her, opening one of her desk drawers and pulling out the voodoo-doll. She heard Alex’s breath hitch as she moved, and she wasn’t sure whether it was from her touch or from the way her tight skirt pulled up to reveal a tiny bit of her panties. She turned around again, holding up the little cloth bundle. “Alex, do you know what this is?” He shook his head, and she turned to Trina. “Would you care to explain?”

Trina refused to look either of them in the eye, and refused to look at the voodoo-doll. “It’s, uh… it’s a spell. I practice witchcraft, and it’s, um… it’s kind of, like…”

“You made a figure of Alex’s penis, correct?” She ignored Alex’s shocked face in favor of Trina’s nod. “And you’ve been using it during class to entertain yourself at his expense, right?” The young woman nodded again, and Ms. Delaney sighed, gently switching the doll between one hand, then the other. “Not okay, Trina, not okay. A man’s genitals are very sensitive. You could’ve really hurt Alex.”

“I’m sorry, I’m just trying to wrap my head around – agh!”

Ms. Delaney silenced Alex’s interjection with a tight squeeze around the doll’s shaft, assuring herself that it really did work. “See?” she said to Trina. “It’s dangerous to possess this much power.” She let the doll fall to the ground, smirking at the way Alex flinched. Once again, she removed her foot from her heel with ease, and began to roll the doll under her toes. “I think we should have a little fun with him before we cut this whole thing short, shouldn’t we?”

Trina was looking at her with a mixture of shock and excitement, while Alex looked like he was going to be sick. The constant contact couldn’t feel very good, but that didn’t matter. Ms. Delaney wanted to have her fun, and she figured it was only fair to let Trina join in.

Picking up the little toy with her toes, she palmed it before tossing it to Trina, who wasn’t gentle about catching it. Alex flinched, gripping the sides of his desk as Trina glanced at him, then grinned and squeezed the cloth bundle. Ms. Delaney laughed softly, hopping off of her desk and walking over to Alex’s, bending down just enough to give him a peek down her button-up. “It’s alright, honey. We’re just going to give you what every man your age deserves.”

Alex looked up at her questioningly. “What the hell do you think I deserve?” he whispered.

Ms. Delaney stood up, instead wandering over and seating herself on Trina’s desk, taking the voodoo-doll and squeezing the balls absently. “When I was younger – maybe your age, Trina, roughly eighteen years old – I worked as a waitress, and I had to serve an older man one night. He was a disgusting, perverted creep. He kept trying to grab me and kept making comments about me. When my shift ended later that night, I found him waiting outside my work.” She shivered, this time stroking the shaft of the doll as she grabbed the balls harder, enjoying the way Alex’s face twisted in pain. “He ended up pinning me against the wall, with no cameras around and nobody nearby to help me. I didn’t know what he was going to do to me, but I managed to get away by kicking him square in the sack, as hard as I could.” She leaned back on the desk, handing the toy to Trina again and letting her play with it. “Since that day, I have been leered at, grabbed, and catcalled by plenty of men. Too many, in fact. I decided a long time ago that most, if not all men, deserve to have their balls broken by the same beautiful women they harass. Alex, you’re a sweet boy, but you’re packing just the same parts as those men. You deserve it just as much as they do.”

As she finished speaking, Trina suddenly twisted with both hands in opposite directions, making Alex groan in agony, and the girls laughed at his reaction. “Nice job, Trina, but I have something more fun in mind than just twisting and squeezing.” She took the voodoo-doll back, holding it tight as she walked back to her desk. She reached down and grabbed her purse, rifling through it and pulling out a thick, rectangular object. “Alex,” she said firmly, “I’d like you to strip for us.”

“What?” Alex looked startled.

“Strip. There’s no need to put on a show, I’d just like you naked. I’m sure Trina would appreciate it as well.” Alex started to protest, but Ms. Delaney clicked a button on the little black rectangle, and both the students jumped as it suddenly crackled with white-hot electricity at the end of it. She was holding a fucking taser. “Go on,” she ordered. “We wouldn’t want this near your precious little doll, would we?”

Alex’s hands were shaking rather noticeably, but he did as told anyway. Trina could only stare as he reached behind his head and pulled off his shirt, revealing a toned body that he clearly spent lots of time on. Who knew he was a gym rat? He stood up from his desk to tug off his jeans, and the sight of his masculine hands undoing his belt was enough to make Trina’s pussy drip. Alex stood there in his black boxers, his head hung sheepishly as he glanced at Ms. Delaney – she nodded towards him encouragingly, and he sighed, slowly peeling off those as well. His cock sprung up into view, hard for the attention in spite of the pain he’d endured so far, and it was… underwhelming.

“What – that’s it?” Trina said without thinking, immediately blushing and covering her mouth with one hand when she realized she’d just spoken aloud. She was justified, though. Alex’s dick was only maybe five or six inches long, and not very thick. Pretty average for an eighteen-year-old, sure, but Trina couldn’t help feeling a little disappointed.

Alex blushed at her reaction, but Ms. Delaney laughed. “Get used to it, Trina. Not a lot of men actually have very impressive dicks. Most of them hardly deserve to even use what they’ve got.” She pressed the tip of her taser against the cloth form of Alex’s cock, grinning mischievously. “On your knees, boy. Trina, take your pants off for him.” The students did as told, and Ms. Delaney laughed softly. “Trina, have you ever had your cunt licked before?”

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