Phantom Phallus – The Completed Saga by CarnationWriting

Heart beating fast, Trina attempted to steady her breathing as she crossed her arms and leaned on them, being extra mindful of the cloth bundle within her sleeve. She glanced at Alex, and for a moment couldn’t believe how handsome he was, and the fact that she was about to have all of that under her control. He seemed to sense her looking at him, and looked up, meeting her gaze and smiling that gorgeous smile before returning to his test. Trina shivered as she felt more and more excitement flooding her veins.

With a slow, calming breath and as strong of a mental image as she could conjure, Trina closed her eyes and stroked her pinky finger over the hidden bundle of cloth and herbs and oils and his name paper. She opened her eyes and glanced over, wondering what his reaction was.


Fuck, the spell was a bust! Frustrated, Trina felt the sense of power and excitement drain away, replaced by that familiar feeling of jealousy as she remembered what kind of power Celeste had over Justin. It was so unfair! With a soft huff, she picked up her pencil and began her test.

Several minutes passed, and Trina could barely focus, frustrated and disappointed. How could the spell not have worked? She did everything it had said, down to the letter, what had gone wrong? Maybe it was her intention. Could the Universe feel her intent to control him through his cock? The rule of three – a Universal law that said that any energy spent would be returned threefold, be it negative or positive – wasn’t exactly specific. Not always. The desire for a large amount of power was considered negative intention, but small-scale control shouldn’t bother anybody, right?

A cough to her left startled her, and Trina looked over to see Alex looking rather uncomfortable. He was tense, his whole body stiff as he stared down at his paper, and she watched as he stuck one hand in his hoodie pocket, as if he were readjusting or hiding something…

Confused, Trina reached back into her bag to grab the cloth bundle. How did he have a boner now – so much so that he seemed to be struggling to keep his cool – when the spell hadn’t even worked? She dug as quietly as possible for a moment, searching for the spell, and suddenly realized the cloth was still within her sleeve.

And in that moment, she understood.

Trina had a habit of fidgeting when she was struggling academically. During tests she was known for tapping her pencil or, in this case, fiddling with her sleeves. She’d been stroking the cloth bundle residing within her sleeve without even realizing it, and it seemed that the tiny little attention had given him the beginnings of what was now a major problem on his end. So… the spell worked? she wondered. Curious, Trina reached into her sleeve again and rubbed one end of the cloth bundle, the way her thumb would circle over the tip of a cock. Alex responded with a slight jerk of his leg and a hand flying up to tangle in his hair as casually as possible.

She had him. He was finally under her control. And it was going to be so much fun.


Justin sighed as he opened his notebook. One more day of this bullshit, then he could go on semester break. Fucking finally. He couldn’t wait for break – Christmas was what he was most looking forward to, but the idea of three weeks off from school was almost even more appealing.


He jumped at the sound of his name, looking up to see the teacher glaring at him. “Are you paying attention?”

“Um… yes?”

“Then maybe you could tell me,” his anatomy teacher said as she crossed her arms, “what section of the course we’re doing this project on?” He hesitated, then hung his head. “I thought so,” she concluded as his face turned pink, scattered snickers drifting through the class. “As I was saying, this project focuses on section four of the course – penile development and anatomy. Quiet, quiet, come on, you guys are seniors. You’re practically adults, the word penis shouldn’t be funny to you. Now, this project focuses on male anatomy, particularly the inner workings of the penis. Because this is a small class, and because you are a higher grade level, I’ve decided that this year’s end-of-semester project will be to perform a dissection of the penis.”

The females in class groaned in disgust, some of them giggling, while the males crossed their legs and coughed and gagged.

“Oh, settle down,” the teacher sighed. “They won’t be real.” She used her pencil to tap the closed box resting on her desk. “They’re fake, almost like, um… adult toys. They’re made of silicone, designed so that you can see and identify the insides of a penis when you make your -” she used air quotes to accentuate the last word – “incisions. Now, let’s make a single-file line on this side of the room, and I’ll pair each of you off with one of the silicone figures, a craft knife, and a worksheet that will tell you what to do. Do not forget to answer the questions, people, it’s not just directions. And be careful with the knives, they’re small but they are sharp, and I don’t feel like sending anyone to the nurse today.”

Justin sighed, feeling just as uncomfortable as the rest of the guys in here. He couldn’t think of any guy who would want to see a dick dissected, even if it was basically just an anatomically-correct dildo. But then, at least he was about to be paired with Celeste. She’d been transferred from first period Anatomy to sixth period a week or two ago, and had been sparing him today – thought it was kind of unnerving due to the relentless teasing and in-class orgasms she’d been subjecting him to almost every day now. He didn’t mind too much, however, just allowing himself to enjoy the break she’d been giving him before the end of the semester.

The class split into their respective pairs, each branching off to a different desk and pulling up chairs so that two people could fit at one desk. Celeste smiled and gave Justin a soft “hey”, to which he responded with a smile and a nod. “Are you doing okay?” she asked him quietly.

“Just waiting for the end of the day.”

“Dude, me too. Can’t wait to go home.”

“Any plans?”

In response to his question – an innocently-intended question that she was no doubt about to twist – she looked away and grinned. “A little, actually. I was hoping you’d come home with me after school today? Unless you’re busy, of course.” She glanced back up at him curiously, and he wasn’t sure he could resist those beautiful eyes.

But, shit, last time he’d visited her house, they’d nearly hooked up, and… clearing his throat, he leaned forward and whispered cautiously, “I’m not gonna lose another body part, am I?”

“I don’t think so,” Celeste giggled. “I just wanted to… y’know, hang out.” Hang out. Was she implying a hook up? How could he even manage that with no dick? God, he desperately wanted to fuck her, but it didn’t seem feasible considering his dismemberment. Celeste seemed to guess what he was thinking, because she brightened up a little and leaned forward. “I almost forgot!” she whispered. “I wanted to play a game with you.”

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