The Theft of Jessie Gray by AnonTheMouseKing

The Theft of Jessie Gray by AnonTheMouseKing

Immerse yourself in 'The Theft of Jessie Gray' by AnonTheMouseKing—a tantalizing erotic tale of passion, intrigue, and desire. Discover the twists and turns of this steamy adventure that captivates the senses and fuels fantasies. Perfect for those who crave excitement in their reading. Dive into this seductive story now!<br/>

Welcome, dear audience. This is my newest story which my early patrons have graciously allowed me to release publicly ahead of schedule as I introduce myself on new sites and bring in new readers. It is a fully consensual story with strong exhibitionism/voyeurism themes about a young man, a teen, and the best friend/sister who finds herself witnessing the beginning of their relationship. I hope you all enjoy.

The heavy, insistent beat of a relentless bass line cranked up entirely too loud pulsed back and forth between Lily’s ears and her brain. The teen had decided pretty quickly that Club 77 just wasn’t her kind of scene. A few of her school friends had dropped by for the place’s grand opening and spent the next few weeks positively raving about the party, but Lily wasn’t as impressed. The club was more rock than pop with a bit too much grunge and a bit too little flash. In the grand scheme of things, though, it didn’t matter all that much. With the mood they were in, she and Jessie could have celebrated in a disco parlour.

It was hardly the first time the two girls had gone out dancing together. They had, after all, been inseparable ever since the second grade when they first bonded under the thumb of their mutual bully, Deb Connors. From there their friendship had only grown. In fourth grade, they had each earned themselves a month long suspension for a prank their classmates still talked about in hushed tones. In the sixth, Jessie had dragged Lily along with her to volleyball tryouts and the pair had made their first team together. Come middle school it was only natural that Jessie was the first person Lily came out to around midnight one evening after the pair had spent several hours watching old movies and swapping more than a few practice kisses. While the blonde hadn’t returned her best friend’s affections, she had never held them against her either.

The pressures of high school might have broken some of their peers’ friendships, but they had only served to bring Jessie and Lily closer together. Every year the girls would tinker with their schedules to get into as many shared classes as possible. Not once but twice Jessie had even chosen to turn down a spot in their school’s top choir in order to stick with Lily in the general chorus. (Though, to be fair, her nerves had played into that decision as well.) Perhaps most importantly of all they had spent each and every fall and winter together as stalwarts of their school’s volleyball team. Even when the season ended and Lily went off to run track while Jessie focused on her photography (Lily had, of course, been her first model before the blonde decided she preferred nature shots) they hung out at least a few evenings every week. As such, it had surprised none of their teammates when the pair of besties had bailed on the volleyball seniors’ end of season party to go out clubbing together instead. Thanks to a pair of mediocre fake Ids coupled with some top notch flirting on Lily’s part, they were young veterans of several of their home city’s more youth oriented nightclubs.

It has been a hell of a run, Lily thought while she leaned back in their booth and waited for Jessie to return with another pair of drinks, and it just might be getting better. Even had she a genie all her own there wasn’t a single thing the teen would have wished to change about tonight. Sure the state tournament might have gone to hell in a handbasket, but a regional title was still the best result their school had managed in decades and the whole team had been riding the high all week. In such a euphoric mood, Lily had thrown caution to the wind and spent the night flirting more openly with Jessie than she had allowed herself to do in ages. To her utter jubilation, instead of Jessie’s usual flustered awkwardness the blonde had been responding with coy smiles and even a few giggles. Whether it was due to the joy of triumph, the buzz from their drinks, or something having changed between them in an indescribably wonderful way Lily honestly didn’t care. She was too busy seizing the moment and hoping against hope that the night might end with her and Jessie fooling around for the first time since that fateful night when they had last practiced making out.

The thought of what the two teens might get up to once back home was enough to draw tingles up Lily’s spine and a Cheshire grin to her lips when she caught sight of Jessie returning. It was going on two months since she had broken things off with her second girlfriend and the young lesbian was starting to get unspeakably horny. If Lily was being honest with herself, Kelsey had been nothing more than a rebound girl after She Who Must Not Be Named shattered her heart into tiny little pieces then stomped on them, baked them into a cake, and made her eat it, but if nothing else the sex had been spectacular. With that outlet abruptly denied to her, the teen’s libido had been enduring an endless feedback loop. For whatever reason her own fingers had never been as satisfying as another girl’s, and she was just dying to be eaten out.

By the time Jessie arrived and was sliding into their booth, her brunette friend was about as flushed as a girl could get. The blonde didn’t notice, though, and it wasn’t because the club lights were turned too low. Lily was well aware that her best friend was about as innocent as it was possible for a teen in the internet age to be. Puberty had hit her like a freight train, and it had been less than two years since that curse finally transformed to a blessing. She might be beautiful now, but being constantly overlooked during the lean years had left Jessie much too shy to handle the flood of attention she had inevitably received from what seemed like every guy with a pulse since coming into her own. So shy that Lily knew for a fact she had never so much as gone on a date, let alone started rounding the bases.

“Thanks, babe,” Lily greeted her friend once she had settled in, reaching across their table for one of the drinks as she did. “You got a few dances left in those sweet legs, or are you thinking it’s time to get out of here once we finish these… whatever the hell they are?” The teen shook her head in dismay at Jessie’s latest ***********ion, sending the short brown hair of her pixie cut bouncing. Four years since they had shared their first hard lemonade and she still regretted not holding out for a can of beer. Maybe then the blonde wouldn’t have wound up with a taste for weird fruity crap like whatever they were drinking now.

“Yeah, I think I am tired enough to call it a night. If that’s okay with you,” the blonde answered. “Will, uh… will Justin be home? You know what my parents think about us drinking.” Unless she was singing, or just particularly excited, Jessie’s voice was almost always soft and pretty. It was an unusually perfect fit for a shy beauty like her, and something Lily wouldn’t change for all the world. Against the atmosphere of a club, however… it did leave Jessie frequently bordering on inaudible.


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