I had my way with my girl –Leah-04 by aamir Hyderabad

I had my way with my girl –Leah-04 by aamir Hyderabad

Experience the thrilling erotic tale 'I Had My Way with My Girl – Leah-04' by Aamir from Hyderabad. Dive into a passionate story filled with desire, intimacy, and unforgettable moments. Discover the allure of forbidden love and let your imagination run wild!<br/>

An sadomasochistic, erotic story in the first person where Deepak Kumar lured a girl he knows into a kind of erotic torture chamber, called “The Snuggery”, in his house, and takes considerable pride in meticulously planned Sex which is described in minute detail that will awaken any woman’s sexual passions

Most of the story takes place in a room in a house called ‘The Snuggery’, which the narrator, ” Deepak “, converts into a kind of erotic torture chamber equipped with beds to which women can be strapped and held helpless and which is soundproofed to make their screams unheard. Other equipment includes cords and pulleys, flagellation implements and a mechanical “Chair of Treachery” to which helpless females are lured to be restrained in.

From the Dairy of Mr. Deepak Kumar..

You have read in part-3 that :
But I did not give her time to think. Quickly I encircled her waist again with my arms, drew her to me till her bottom pressed against my chest, then, while my left arm held her firmly, my right hand began to wander over the junction of her stomach and legs, pressing inquisitively her groin and thighs, and intently watching her in the mirror.

Her colour rose, her breath came unevenly, she quivered and trembled on her legs as she pressed her thighs closely together. She was horribly perturbed, but I do not think she anticipated what then happened.

Quietly dropping my hands, I slipped them under her clothes, caught hold of her ankles, then proceeded to climb up her legs over her stockings.

‘No! no! for God’s sake, don’t Deepak!’ Leah yelled, now scarlet with shame and wild with alarm at this invasion of her most secret parts. Frantically she dragged at her fastenings, her hands clenched, her head thrown back, her eyes dilated with horror. Throwing the whole of her weight on her wrists, she strove to free her legs from my attacking hands by kicking out desperately, but to no avail.


Now Further

The sight in the mirror of her struggles only stimulated me into a refinement of cruelty, for with one hand, I raised her clothes waist high, exposing her in her dainty drawers and black silk stockings, while with the other, I vigorously attacked her thighs over her drawers, forcing a way between them and finally working up so close to her mount of Venus that Leah practically collapsed in an agony of apprehension and would have fallen had it not been for the sustaining ropes which alone supported her as she hung in a semi-hysterical faint.

Quickly rising and dropping her clothes, I placed an armchair behind her, and loosened the pulleys, till she rested comfortably in it, then left her to recover herself, feeling pretty confident that she was now not far from surrendering herself to me, rather than continue a resistance which she could not but see was utterly useless. This was what I wanted to effect.

I did not propose to let her off any single one of the indignities I had in store for her, but I wanted to make her suffering the more keen through the feeling that she was, to some extent, a consenting party to actions that inexpressibly shocked and revolted her. The first of these I intended to be the removal of her clothes, and, as soon as Leah became more mistress of herself, I set the pulleys working and soon had her again standing erect with up-stretched arms.

She glanced fearfully at me as if trying to learn what was now going to happen to her.

I deemed it as well to tell her, and to afford her an opportunity of yielding herself to me, if she should be willing to do so. I also wanted to save her clothes from being damaged, as she was really beautifully dressed, and I was not at all confident that I could get her garments off her without using scissors to some of them.

‘I see you want to know what is now going to happen to you, Leah,’ I said. ‘I’ll tell you. You are to be stripped naked, utterly and absolutely naked: not a stitch of any sort is to be left on you!’

A flood of crimson swept over her face, invading both neck and bosom (which remained bare); her head fell forward as she moaned: ‘No! … No! … oh! Deepak … Deepak … how can you …’ and she swayed uneasily on her feet.

‘That is to be the next item in the programme, my dear!’ I said, enjoying her distress. ‘There is only one detail that remains to be settled first, and that is, will you undress yourself quietly if I set you loose, or must I drag your clothes off you? I don’t wish to influence your decision, and I know what queer ideas girls have about taking off their clothes in the presence of a man; I will leave the decision to you, only to say that I do not see what you gain by further resistance, and some of your garments may be ruined – which would be a pity! Now, which is it to be?’

She looked at me imploringly for a moment, trembling in every limb, then averted her eyes, but remained silent, evidently torn by conflicting emotions.

‘Come, Leah,’ I said presently, ‘I must have your decision, or I shall proceed to take your clothes off you as best as I can.’

Leah was now in a terrible state of distress! Her eyes wandered all over the room without seeming to see anything, incoherent murmurs escaped from her lips, as if she was trying to speak but could not, her breath went and came, her bosom rose and fell agitatedly. She was endeavouring to form some decision evidently, but unable to do so.

I remained still for a brief space as if awaiting her answer; then, as she did not speak, I quietly went to a drawer, took out a pair of scissors and went back to her. At the sight of the scissors, she shivered, then with an effort, said, in a voice broken with emotion: ‘Don’t … undress me Deepak! … if you must … have me, let it be as I am … I will … submit quietly … oh! my God!!’ she wailed.

‘That won’t do, dear,’ I replied, not unkindly, but still firmly, ‘you must be naked, Leah; now, will you or will you not undress yourself?’

Leah shuddered, cast another imploring glance at me, but seeing no answering gleam of pity in my eyes but stern determination instead, she stammered out: ‘Oh! Deepak! I can’t!! have some pity on me, Deepak, and … have me as I am! I promise I’ll be … quiet!’

I shook my head. I saw there was only one thing for me to do, namely, to undress her without any further delay; and I set to work to do so, Leah crying piteously: ‘Don’t Deepak, don’t! … don’t!’

I had left behind her the armchair in which I had allowed her to rest, and her blouse and bodice were still hanging open and thrown back on her shoulders. So I got on the chair and worked them along her arms and over her clenched hands on to the ropes; then gripping her wrists in turn one at a time.

I released the noose, slipped the garments down and off and refastened the noose. And as I had been quick to notice that Leah’s chemise and vest had shoulder-strap fastenings and had merely to be unhooked, the anticipated difficulty of undressing her forcibly was now at an end! The rest of her garments would drop off her, as each became released, and therefore it was in my power to reduce her to absolute nudity! My heart thrilled with fierce exultation, and without further pause, I went on with the delicious work of undressing her.

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