Amy-Sue: Who Me? by Boez_99

Amy-Sue: Who Me? by Boez_99

Dive into "Amy-Sue: Who Me?" by Boez_99, a tantalizing erotic sex story that explores desire, temptation, and unexpected encounters. Join Amy-Sue as she navigates her innermost fantasies in a captivating narrative filled with passion and intrigue. Perfect for readers seeking a thrilling escape into the world of erotic literature. Discover your next favorite story today!<br/>

new writing after 8 years

Amy-Sue: Who me?

By Boez

Chapter One

It was one of those days where the temperature and humidity together passed 200. The kind of day you would expect in an equatorial rain forest. The kind of day that gave a new meaning to sweat.

You always hear that high temperatures in Phoenix are accompanied by low humidity thereby making 117 degrees merely bearable. Look it’s not natural to be able to defrost a steak by putting it on the hood of your car for 2 minutes.

Amy-Sue had to do a little shopping downtown on this day and was standing in her bedroom rummaging through her dresser looking for something to wear. Because Amy was a rather Junoesque woman, a compromise had to be reached between comfortable and practical. Not an easy feat anytime and even more difficult on this particular day.

“Damn it, I’ve put on a few pounds. I better not wear these shorts,” she groused. Soon clothes were flying over her head as she searched for something to wear that wasn’t too hot or constricting. She finally settled on a denim skirt that was literally a belt but fit fine around her waist. ‘Better not bend down too much,’ she thought.

Amy had put on the skirt and was now thinking about what to do with her COLT 45’s (really 44’s, but whose counting). Anyway she decided on a leotard type top only because it was very light and cool. The impossibly thin straps were aptly thought of as spaghetti straps. They were by no means linguini or vermicelli but more like Angel Hair. Hungry??? You wait!!!

Chapter Two

Getting into her truck, she turned it on and then pumped up the AC to bring the heat down to blast furnace. After a few minutes of cooling, Amy was on her way into town. There was a sale for some clothing items at the “Grotto” that she did not want to miss.

The traffic seemed routine, a little congestion but nothing out of the ordinary. She had her XM going to “Evanescence,” her favorite band, (probably because she wanted to do the Amy Lee in the worst way). Our Amy was listening to “Open Door” while taking a hit from a sneaky. Her legs were apart as she drove and she was getting just a tad musty. She realized that the top she had on was cool all right but a pain in the ass because of the size of her bust.

‘Oh well.’ She thought; ‘so what, I like the feeling of being almost naked and besides by the time anyone notices, I will be blocks away.’

As she passed the Convention Center, the ride got a little bumpy. She rolled down the passenger side window and listened. Sure as shit she had a flat in the right rear tire. “Ah fuck, just what I fuckin need!”

She was at the corner of Washington and Third by Symphony Hall when she had to pull over. There was a space near the drop off area. Amy-Sue got out of the truck oblivious to how she was dressed. The heat was oppressive and the sweat began to extrude from every pore in her body. Talk about “beaver’s,” Amy got out as if her legs had never met. Every inch of her pussy and inner thighs were right there for the looking. She never even thought about it.

Chapter Three

She went around the back of the pick-up and as she expected the tire was as flat as a pancake. She took down the rear gate and got what she need off the truck. It never once crossed her mind that she did not exactly have a mechanics outfit on.

I mean if you pulled into your garage with a flat tire and someone came out to change your tire wearing a very short denim skirt, bare-legged, and a flimsy top with teeny thin straps trying to keep two sweaty, round breasts in place, along with a shock of thick blond leonine hair and big brown eyes, what would you think? Probably that you walked into the filming of a Russ Meyers movie. Or maybe even that this was a flashback from drug use at a younger age.

Amy-Sue rolled the tire around and rested it up against the side of the truck. Then she had to crouch down to take of the lugs off. Have you ever seen a catcher in a baseball game when he’s calling for a pitchout? You know what I mean, one leg stretched way out to one side, the other beneath the torso for balance. Got the picture? Can you see it in your mind’s eye?

Let me just say that a few people in the coffee shop, a woman at a florist counter, and a handful of people going in and out of the Hall knew that they were NOT at a baseball game.

Chapter Four

Maybe you are wondering how I know all this. Maybe I was in the coffee shop. So don’t sweat the small stuff and concentrate on your mental picture…Amy in a squat, open-legged, vagina very visible, sweating and grunting as she changed tires. Tires are just a tad dirty from dirt and grime on the roads and if you manhandle one you soon begin to look like the tire.

In addition to getting dirty, sweat was running profusely from every pore of her body. She was dripping, dirty and just a sight, and totally oblivious to the show she was putting on.

I wish I could have sold tickets. Would have made a bundle, but back to Amy-Sue.

Bad tire off; good tire on, tighten the lugs and pump down the jack. That’s what did it. The action of pumping down the jack forcefully (and if you have ever done it you know exactly what I mean) made her ample chest bounces around likes a super ball on a tile floor.

Those “Angel Hair” straps just plumb gave up. The threads began to unravel slowly. Just as Amy pulled the jack out from underneath the frame, she stood up. In her hands she held a crowbar and the jack so there was nothing she could do when the left strap burst and was immediately followed by the right one doing the same.

Amy-Sue stood there with a crowbar in one hand and the jack in the other, hands down at her side, skirt riding up on her hips and her prodigious bust right there for everyone to see. Sweat was permeating her entire body and she glistened. The bright hot sun made her look like she was made of gold or on fire.

She quickly tossed the tools onto the truck bed and added the flat and tried to cover herself to no avail. Her hands were way too small to cover her tits. She was able to pull down her skirt just a bit because she was so wet but it did no good.

Chapter Five

It was at this very moment that Amy became totally aware of her surroundings. There were fifty or so people around, standing still and they were all ‘STARING AT HER.’ Some of the men were glassy eyed from trying not to blink, lest they miss one moment. Even women were staring and some were offended (probably because they were uglier than Freddie Kruger, and no one would look at them even if they were starkers).

If I didn’t see it with my own eyes I would never in a million years expected to see Amy-Sue blushing. But there she was in all her glory, sweaty, streaked with road dirt, covering her bust with her hands and trying to keep her legs together.

Look I know she’s no dilettante. She knows what she has, is proud of it, doesn’t mind placing her menu in the window and is not by any stretch of the imagination, innocent, but this crowd of people gave her goose bumps, which made her all the more attractive to most of the crowd there. I guarantee that half of the guys would have married her on the spot.

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