Brenda and Simon – Ch. 02 by zoedog

An adult stories – Brenda and Simon – Ch. 02 by zoedog

When Cindy came into Brenda’s kitchen in the morning she was crying. It took a few minutes before she was able to talk through the sobbing.

“Nelson forced me to have anal sex with him last night. He forced me over the back of the couch, held me down and fucked me in the ass.”

Brenda held her and comforted her.

“He didn’t even ask. I felt like I was raped but what I really felt was humiliation. I was helpless and felt totally humiliated.”

Brenda looked at her and asked, “Do you want to get even?”

Cindy nodded and said, “Yes, but I love him and don’t want to hurt him.”

“Well, how about a bit of humiliation?” Brenda asked. “I have a plan,” she told Cindy. “I have this latex nurse uniform I wear for Halloween. Nelson won’t be able to resist.” They discussed what she had in mind.

The following afternoon when Brenda got home from work, she saw Cindy and her husband sitting on their back porch and went over to talk with them.

Cindy asked her if she would like a glass of wine.

Brenda sat in an empty chair and said, “I’ve been doing prostate exams all day. I’d rather have a Gin & Tonic with a tequila chaser.”

Nelson brought her the gin & tonic and the tequila. “I must have given 3 dozen prostate exams today,” Brenda said after taking a big swallow of the drink. “We found 7 seriously enlarged prostates today. The worst was a 27-year-old kid who was having trouble peeing.”

Cindy acted surprised, “You’ve had your fingers stuck up assholes all day?”

“At work the exams are purely clinical,” Brenda said. “With my private patients I get to explore and do a little massaging.”

She finished off her gin & tonic and tossed back the tequila. “Come over to my place and I’ll grill some burgers. Give me 20 or 30 minutes to get a shower and change out of these smelly scrubs.”

Cindy and Nelson were sitting on Brenda’s patio when she came out. She was wearing a skimpy white nurse uniform straight out of every guy’s fantasies. It had a short latex skirt that didn’t even pretend to cover the tight latex panties.

Nelson looked at her breasts straining to escape the latex blouse and couldn’t hide his erection.

Brenda said, “I like to wear this uniform for my private patients. It makes them more willing to let me push my fingers up their ass.”

Nelson stood up and dropped his pants letting his hard cock free. “You’ve sold me. I’m feeling the need for a prostate exam.”

Brenda led him and Cindy back to her bedroom.

“Before we begin, I have two conditions,” Brenda said. First, Cindy gets to watch so she knows there’s no hanky panky going on and second, you have to be strapped down.”

Nelson started to protest but Brenda cut him off, “I get carried away sometimes when I give prostate exams. On a couple occasions my patients reacted so suddenly I broke my fingers.”

He was about to object but just then the Velcro on her uniform let go and her breast popped out of the blouse.

“Sorry about that,” she said, stuffing her breast back in the latex uniform.

Cindy went over to Nelson and grabbed his hard cock and said, “It’s up to you, honey.”

Nelson said, “Okay, let’s do this.”

Brenda handed him a pillow and said, “I want you to lie down with this pillow under your hips. It makes the angle easier for my fingers.”

Nelson got on the bed and Cindy buckled his wrists while Brenda did his ankles.

Brenda pulled on a pair of latex gloves and Cindy squirted some lube on her fingers.

As soon as Brenda rammed her fingers up his ass and found his prostate, she looked at Cindy and said, “Go get Simon, he’s in the study watching the football game.”

A minute or so later Cindy came back with Simon. Brenda told her to get a condom off her dresser and put it on Simon’s massive cock.

Nelson was lying face down but was able to see her put the condom on Simon. She split the first two condoms trying to get them over the tip of Simons cock. His cock was huge. Finally, she unrolled the third condom down the length of his cock. It only reached about half way down his cock.

“Nelson, you’re such and idiot,” Cindy said. “I’ve been wanting you to fuck me in the ass since our very first date. But you had to go and spoil it by holding me down and forcing me to have anal sex.”

Simon climbed on the bed between Nelson’s legs and pushed his cock up against his asshole.

“All you had to do was ask.” Cindy said.

Simon pushed his cock into Nelson’s ass. Slowly at first then with one final thrust buried it up to his balls.

When Nelson started yelling Cindy took off her panties and stuffed them in his mouth.

After Simon finished cumming Cindy rolled up the condom being careful not to lose any of his cum. She then took her panties out of Nelson’s mouth and poured Simon’s cum all over them.

Before she stuffed them back in Nelson’s mouth Brenda said, “Wrap your panties around Nelson’s cock to catch his cum when I milk his prostate.

Brenda easily pushed her fingers in his ass, “Simon stretched your asshole,” she told Nelson. “My fingers are going in easier than usual.”

Nelson’s cock was hard but the cum shooting out the tip wasn’t from an orgasm. It only took a few minutes before Brenda’s prostate milking succeeded. Cindy made sure she caught all his cum in her panties before pushing them back in his mouth.

Brenda held up an anal plug and said, “I always like to plug the hole after prostate milking.”

The business end of the anal plug was large. Simon’s cock had stretched Nelson’s asshole so Brenda was able to push it in with a lubricant.

“Let’s go get lunch,” Brenda said to Cindy. “Simon will keep an eye on Nelson while we’re out.”

They were finishing their lunch and paying the check when Brenda said, “I told Simon to fuck Nelson in the ass again while we were away.”

When Brenda and Cindy returned Nelson no longer had the butt plug in his ass. They knew Simon had given him an ass-fucking again.

Cindy pulled her panties from Nelson’s mouth and said, “We’ve just sent Simon to install a chain with a neck collar in our bedroom that is long enough to reach the bathroom. Here’s the deal, Nelson, from now on, until I decide differently, your cock will be caged or you will be chained. Have you seen the Dolly Parton movie ‘Nine-To-Five’? You’re Dabney Coleman.”

If you don’t agree we will leave Simon here to keep ass-fucking you.

Cindy clicked the lock closed on Nelson’s collar. “Give me a minute and I’ll get the key to unlock your cock.” She left the room and came back in a couple minutes with a key that unlocked his cock cage.

Nelson got an immediate erection. Remembering his agreement, he asked, “Can I fuck you please?”

Cindy pulled her panties down and asked, “Yes, you can fuck my pussy.” She turned around and bent over, “Or you can fuck me in the ass!”


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