Blue Balled by Eccho

“Wow. You really care that much, huh? Well, if you insist, I’ll tell you. I was born with a deficiency called ‘blue balls syndrome’. To put it in Layman’s terms, I kinda need sexual release every 30 minutes or else the blood in my penis will build until it bursts, sending shockwaves all throughout my body, gradually shutting everything down every passing second.”

This news breaks Kate’s heart. She doesn’t want anything like that to happen to anyone. It’s such an inhumane way to go.

“Oh no,” she manages to say, “Isn’t there any other way to stop it?”

“Afraid not,” Ray says with a shrug, “And since I’m not that much of a looker, I’m kinda hard pressed to find anyone who will help me. It’s just…It just sucks, y’know? Do you have any idea what it’s like to have your life barely hanging by a thread every single day and the only way to survive is to luckily find a selfless person in a world of selfish people? Doesn’t seem fair, does it?”

Ray manages to force a few tears from his eyes, falsely sniffing, giving the illusion that he’s crying. This, in turn, causes Kate to tear up. She can’t believe that this much of a burden would be implemented on someone.

“That’s terrible,” she says through tears, “I wish there was something I could do.”

“Well,” Ray says, “Like I said earlier, you’re the kind of person who is willing to do anything to help anyone. And all I need is to have someone give me sexual release in order to continue living. So…y’know…”

“I-I don’t understand.”

“If I need sexual release and you’re right here and you’re the most selfless person I’ve ever met, it seems like an obvious solution, right?”

Kate gives a confused look, trying to piece everything together. Ray fights the urge to facepalm himself, instead, opting to say,

“Here’s an idea, why don’t you help me out with it?”

Kate finally pieces together his proposal, giving a shocked expression.

“Wait,” she says, “You don’t mean we…”

“It’s the only way I’ll live,” Ray debates, “And it’ll be really quick. You won’t even know it happened.”

“B-but Greg says doing things like…that with other people is bad.”

“I’m his best friend. He’ll understand. He wouldn’t like it if I died, would he?”

Kate shakes her head.

“See? So this isn’t exactly cheating. This is just you helping out a fellow friend.”

“I-I don’t know. I-”

Ray interrupts her, letting out a fake pained groan before lying on his back, revealing his raging erection. Kate, thinking it’s his condition, covers her mouth, gasping at the sight of his growing penis.

“Please,” Ray pleads, “You don’t want me to die like this, do you? It hurts so much. No one else can do it. It’s up to you.”

Kate’s conflicted. She doesn’t want him to die, but she can’t do this to Greg. She doesn’t know what to do. Ray then seals the deal with a sigh and saying,

“It’s ok. Forget I said anything. It was stupid of me to think that you would put my looks aside for a single moment. No one would ever wanna do something like this with someone as ugly as me. I don’t blame you. I guess I’ll just die, then.”

“W-wait,” Kate says, “…I-…I’ll do it.”

Ray grins at Kate’s proposal, feeling quite proud of himself for coming up with this.

“Thank you,” he says, “Thank you so much. You’re a lifesaver.”

Kate doesn’t feel like a lifesaver. But she hopes that saving a man’s life will change that. Surely, Greg will understand. She loses her eyes, taking a breath to prepare herself. But as she does so, she feels Ray’s hand grab the back of her head and push her down. She immediately fights against it, saying,

“Wh-what are you doing?!”

“Y-you said you’d help me,” Ray rebutes,

“Well, not like that!”

“It’s the only way. Please. I don’t have much time left.”

Now Kate really feels awful. But, again, a man’s life is hanging in the balance. She can’t just take back her word. So she takes another breath before nodding, giving him permission to proceed. Ray’s grin gets bigger as he pushes her down again as Kate reluctantly opens her mouth.

“Yeah, that’s all of it,” Greg says to Marshall, “…I’m positive…Sure, you give an absolute retard the physical copy and I’m prone to making mistakes?…Huh? Oh, nothing. Just talking to myself…Alright, if it’ll make you feel better, I’ll ju-”

Greg is interrupted by the sound of Ray groaning. Immediately thinking the worst, he says,

“Uh, I’ll call you back. Preferably on my own phone.”

He hangs up the phone and pushes past Todd to get to the balcony. When he reaches the doorway, what he sees before him instantly makes his blood start boiling. In his presence is his douchebag coworker lying down on the floor with his hands behind his head, groaning in ecstasy as his beloved wife is bobbing her head up and down his shaft. Ray notices Greg and gives him a smug grin, saying,

“You’re quite the lucky man, dude. Not everyone is blessed with a partner that would be a little slut to save a life.”

Kate gives him a confused look, slowing down her bobbing.

“Slut means hero,” Ray lies, “Now, keep sucking.”

He brings his hand to the back of her head, pushing her down even further.

“He’s right, you know,” Todd cosigns, “Take it from me, girls like that are rare. You really got quite the slut on your hands.”

Greg can’t even move. He’s so angry that he’s frozen in place. He can’t believe the horrendous sight in front of him. A man is taking full advantage of his wife. And he feels no shame. Ray gives him a wink before falsely groaning in more pain and saying,

“Fuck, it’s not enough. It’s worse than I thought. I need more in order for it to work. I need you on your back.”

Kate tries protesting, but before she’s able to, Ray guides her on her back, facing her away from the door. Then, facing the opposite direction, he brings a leg to the other side of her head. He then lowers himself, saying,

“Thanks for understanding.”

He then brings his cock inside of Kate’s mouth again, groaning in pleasure as he slowly starts thrusting in and out of it. He then leans down, focusing his attention on her exposed pussy. He gives it a few licks, earning disgusted groans from Kate as her mouth’s being violated.”

Every second that this goes on is more anger being built inside of Greg. He just wants to kick Ray’s ass and toss both of them out. But for some reason, he can’t move a muscle. Todd then brings out his phone to record and brings a hand to his arm, saying,

“Just look at that. A professional whore at work. I’m jealous. I mean, you get this every day if you want. Cherish this woman, dude.”

Moments pass of Ray using Kate as she tries relenting against it to no avail. Ray is having the time of his life. The fact that he’s making another man’s wife his own free use slut right in front of him just brings a whole new wave of pleasure to him. And he wants more.

He removes his mouth from Kate’s lower lips and brings his leg over her head, freeing her. She gasps and coughs as new air reaches her lungs.

“Alright, we’re almost done,” Ray says, filling Kate with relief, “I just need one more thing.”

He turns Kate over, pulling her lower half in the air. Kate blushes in embarrassment before it’s replaced with discomfort as Ray slides his fingers inside of her entrance and licks her slit. She hates everything about this. She just wants this to stop. She can’t figure out why Greg isn’t saying or doing anything. Does he like seeing her like this?

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