A New Life by BenLong

“Normally?” I questioned, having caught her slight emphasis on that word. “I take it sometimes people get carried away in public?”

“Oh no, openly having sex outdoors is not allowed. But when you’re naked and get to feeling a little amorous and haven’t got clothes to hide your arousal…”

“Jessie was the one that caught us first,” Ted said, “she was about 9 at the time, maybe 10, and we’d put them to bed. We were watching TV in our bedroom, some sexy movie… I don’t even remember what it was, do you?” Ted stopped his description to query Alice.

“No. Whatever it was, it was arousing… and we got a little amorous ourselves… and I was going down on Ted when he gasped and said, “Go to bed, sweetheart.” When I looked over, Jess was standing there and said, “Are you guys having sex?”

“She left,” Ted picked back up, “but it was the next day when she asked her mother if my penis always got that big and why was Mom putting it in her mouth and we ended up having quite an… uh, birds and the bees session.”

“We never even knew that Jerry had seen us until he told us that he’d seen us having sex. He’s seen me on my hands and knees, Ted doing me doggie, and he asked about that position, whether it was normal.”


“You know what I want to do tonight, Paul?” Stephanie whispered, lying beside me, and holding my cock. We’d returned from the beach with a couple of hours to ourselves before we’d agreed to meet Ted and Alice for dinner. Having spent most of the day in the nude on the beach, and only putting on her beach coverup to walk back to the car, it had been nothing for her to strip the coverup off and become nude again as soon as we walked into our room. The door had barely shut before she was attacking me; instantly helping me strip off my shirt and shorts. Not that I didn’t attack her back, I think I was as horny as she was.

“What’s that?”

“I want you to take me back and make love to me on the beach.”

“Yum,” I confirmed, leaning down, and planting a kiss on her. “Sounds decadent.”

She lowered her head to my shoulder, her hand slipping up to my belly and relinquishing my expended cock for the moment. “Do you think they’re swingers?”

“Ted and Alice? I don’t know, I don’t think so. Have you gotten that feeling?”

“Not really, but yet, I’m not so sure about going naked all the time. How many times have I known you had an erection where if you hadn’t been clothed someone else would have seen it …?”

“Yeah, but getting aroused and doing it with someone else, those are two different things. How many times have we ever talked about having sex with someone else?”

“All the time. But talking about it in bed at night for sexy talk and being aroused while naked with others? Just a little different. And their kids have seen them have sex? Do you think our boys ever saw us?”

“I don’t know. I don’t think so, but if they have, we’d never know if we didn’t see them and they didn’t say anything.”


“I can’t believe we’re really going to do this,” Stephanie giggled, taking my hand. We’d had to park on the highway, the gate to the beach park closed and locked for the night. Steph was wearing just her beach coverup, naked underneath, the same state of dress she’d worn as we’d gone home that afternoon. She was carrying the beach bag with two towels and a blanket in her other hand. “I feel so naughty!” We ducked under the gate and headed across the parking lot. “Do you suppose there will be anyone there?”

“I don’t think so. The parking lot is empty, and we were the only car on the road, so not likely. I suppose someone might be camping there, but we saw no signs of that this afternoon.”

I was correct. When we climbed the short trail between the two beaches, standing over Little Beach, observing it in the moonlight, there was no sign of anyone else. We had the beach all to ourselves. We spread the blanket before shucking our clothes and heading into the water.

The water, cool during the afternoon, now seemed to be virtually the same temperature as the air. It wasn’t hot, wasn’t chilly; we floated and talked for a short time, bouncing with the subtle waves sweeping in before we headed back into shore. “Come on,” I said, taking Steph’s hand and heading down the beach. “Let’s walk to the end.”


“Of course, naked. Is there anyone here to see us? And, even if there were, wouldn’t they probably be naked too?”

“Oh My God!” Stephanie exclaimed when we were halfway down the beach. Dropping my hand, she raised both hands and spun in a circle. “I feel so free! I wish the world was here to see me!”

“Oh, I doubt that,” I said. In my mind I relived all the times she’d been so bashful over the years. Getting amorous in the living room, she’d suggest we move it to the bedroom and carefully closed the door. Early in our marriage, before we had an attached bathroom — she never walked naked from the bath to our room. Myself, I wasn’t quite so bashful. Although I didn’t flaunt it, it hadn’t been unusual for our boys to enter our bedroom while I was dressing, or the bath while I was showering. Truthfully, Stephanie neither, although I knew that hadn’t happened in several years now as they had somewhat learned about privacy and modesty. When they’d been really small, she and I had both showered with them in our arms, so them seeing us naked wasn’t too unusual.

“I don’t know why we’ve never done this before. Let’s move to a naturist community like Ted and Alice, shall we? That way we never have to get dressed again.”

“If you say so,” I laughed. Reaching the end of the beach and a rock outcropping, we began to climb onto it, but the sharp lava rock was too much on bare feet. Despite years of erosion by water and sand, just a few steps and we turned back to save our feet. Taking her hand again we walked back toward our blanket, sometimes in the water, sometimes on the sand, although without the blazing sun heating the sand we could walk anywhere comfortably.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” I commented as Steph stepped back up to me. She’d pulled away from my hand and stepped out knee deep into the water, and now had rejoined me. I reached out, pulling her to me and letting my hand caress her bottom momentarily before reaching again for her hand.

“What’s beautiful? My bottom, or the view?” she laughed. The moon, nearly full, wasn’t quite overhead, a long silver streak of light across the water accentuating the beauty of the scene, the beach seemingly as bright as during the day. A dark spot on the horizon was all that was visible of the Molokini Volcanic Island, just 3 miles away.

“Your bottom is always beautiful, but this time I was looking at the moon and the ocean.” Walking back, we had just reached the point where our blanket was higher on the shore and I was about to turn up towards it when Stephanie gripped my hand and turned the other way, again plunging into the gently lapping waters. Laughing, she pulled me with her, and in just two steps we both fell forward into the rapidly deepening water. I managed to get back to my feet and almost immediately Stephanie grabbed me again, pulling herself to me and wrapping her legs around me. Her mouth met mine, a lustful kiss full of tongues ensuing.

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