Cutie in the Lamp Part 1 by BiGuyPisser

My penis, suddenly realising I was naked and in front of a very pretty girl who has her breasts on show, stood to attention. I am by no means big at 5” erect, but for some reason, at that moment it was a challenge to cover with just my hands. This obviously caused my cheeks to go bright red especially as I noticed Stella’s eyes drift down.

“I can change my outfit or even my body, if you are uncomfortable with my current appearance.”

“No, no you look good. I just wish I wasn’t so exposed.”

“Right away.” Stella quickly adds as she clicks her fingers together.

Next thing I knew I was fully dressed in my own clothes.

“What” I stammered

“Well that is what you wished for wasn’t it?”

“Oh I see”

I remembered thinking that I would have to be more careful in the future about how I worded things. I wouldn’t want to wish for something unintentionally.

“Wow! Thanks, I feel a little more comfortable now.” I said a little awkwardly

“No problem. Like I said, I am here to serve. I was enjoying the view tho” She adds at the end.

Her flirtatious nature was putting me a little on edge as up until now I had never had a girl in my room let alone one with her tits visible.

“Shit.” I just realised “I just used one of my only 3 wishes haven’t I?”

“Don’t worry.” Came the surprisingly calming voice of Stella. “The whole 3 wishes thing was made up a long time ago by people who didn’t want others to think they were constantly messing with reality. Honestly the sky’s the limit.” “Well technically you could change that” she added at the end.

“So what. There are like no rules then?” I exclaim

“Well there are a few limitations but I’ll let you know if you ever hit them. And for rules. Well I have only one.” Stella narrows her eyes slightly before looking down towards my pants and then slowly back up to meet my gaze. “Don’t wish for something that I could have the pleasure of doing myself.”

I really was trying my hardest to look at Stella’s face and ignore her breasts as we talked. But thinking back now I definitely was glancing down very obviously and repetitively.

About to apologise I was interrupted before even beginning. Mum had begun yelling at me from down stairs again. “Go to school Max. You’re gonna be late.”

Turning back to Stella I said “I got to go to school. I wish there was a way you could come with me.”

“Sure thing!” responds Stella.

She clicked her fingers and disappeared momentarily before reappearing in a short white skirt, a tight pink sweater and a backpack on her back. “As long as you bring that lamp with you I can follow you anywhere.”

“Sweat!” I popped the lamp in my school bag and went to leave. “Are you able to sneak outside without mum seeing you?”

“Of course I’ll just go back inside the lamp and you can rub it again when you get outside.”

With that Stella disappeared and I closed the bedroom door before heading down stairs. Made a quick pit stop at the kitchen to load up on food for lunch and then I practically ran out the front door. As soon as I was out of the house and around the corner of the fence I brought the lamp out of my bag and gave it a rub.

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