Now while the band played my dick was pulled and spanked, my ass was being smacked and then someone started grabbing at my nipples. The band was going on break, which I sure needed, I made it back to my table by blending in with the others. When I got there, Faith, the guy at the parking lot and the group I came in with were at the table. Faith sarcastically said, why aren’t you completely naked by now. I said really, you want me to take me shoes and socks off too? She, Jason, and the guy all said yes. While I was bending to take them off, parking lot guy starts fingering my butt hole. He had some sort of cream or lotion on his finger and he worked it until his finger was all the way in. with his other hand, he was messing with my balls. The next thing I hear a zipper going down and he whispers to me to not even think of standing up as I feel the tip of his dick start pressuring my entrance. He did not seem to have a very big dick as when he pulled out his finger, it did not take much effort for him to side in. While he was inside me, Faith asked me where those shoes and socks were.
I picked up my head just far enough to head everything to her. Parking lot guy then told the table he was about to cum and who was next. Jason told me when he pulls out get that dick into your mouth and swallow then reassume the fuck position. While I made that move, I could see Faith and the other girls laughing. I managed to swallow his load stood up and them bent back over. The parking lot guy introduced himself as Nathan and said he was happy to meet me. As he was talking, Brad decided he was next, then Nick, then Jason and then several other guys I did not know. The band had wrapped up playing and the lights were on. Before we left, I we then spanked, dick, balls ass and nipples. Once again Faith and the girls came back and sarcastically said why are not you wearing any rubber bands and threw some on the table. Without even being told, I took one and wrapped it around 1 ball, took another at wrapped it around the other ball, then with the 4 that were left, wrapped them tightly around me very sore dick. Nicole said let me see it and I came around the table so not only her but other could see it. With it wrapped, using my own belt, she whipped my dick then had me left the head up so she could hit my balls.
My night ended with Nathan and his friends, Faith and the girls and the guys I was driving for having my go out to the parking lot naked with the rubber bands in place and I could not get into the car until 5 cars either drove by, pulled in our pulled out. They all told me there was going to be more fun to come