I discover my body by vanessa.evans

I discover my body by vanessa.evans

Explore self-discovery and sensual awakening in 'I Discover My Body' by Vanessa Evans. This erotic sex story invites you to experience intimate moments and personal empowerment. Dive into a captivating journey of pleasure and connection—perfect for those seeking inspiration in their own exploration. Read more now!<br/>

A chance encounter in town leads to an 18 year old girl realising that she has a beautiful body and that she likes showing it.

I discover my body

by Vanessa Evans

In fact I would now say that I am really proud of my tiny tits, larger than average nipples, small areolae, flat stomach and bald, flap-less pussy. And what’s more I like people seeing what I am proud of.

I discovered this about myself just after I had turned 18, I was walked through a quiet part of town when this young woman came up to me and asked me if I’d like to earn some easy money. What 18 year old wouldn’t so I asked what I’d have to do.

“All you have to do is pose for some photographs.”

“What sort of photographs?”

“Slightly erotic photographs.”

“Me, erotic photographs, are you serious, there’s nothing erotic of even beautiful about me, I’m just your average, boring 18 year old girl.”

“I beg to differ, tell you what, come with us and let us take a couple of shots then you look at them. I’ll give you £100 just to let us take 2 photographs of you.”

“Come with you where?”

“That bikini shop on the high street.”

“Bikini shop! Would you want me to put a bikini on?”

“One for each shot, and as well as the £100 you can keep the bikinis.”

I was silent for a minute or so then I said,

“So, just to be clear, you want me to come to that bikini shop on the high street, put on a couple of bikinis and pose for just 2 photograph, and you’ll give me £100.”

“That’s correct.”

“Who else will be there?”

“Apart from you and me, a photographer and maybe a few customers.”

I was silent for another minute or so whilst I thought about it.

“£100 and a couple of bikinis for a couple of photographs, in a public place where it’s expected that girls will try on bikinis, that sounds safe enough.”

“Okay,” I said, “when are you thinking of doing this?”

“Right now, it’s only a couple of minutes away, shall we go?”

As we walked to the bikini shop the woman said,

“My name is Carrie, the shop belongs to my boyfriend Chuck and he’s the guy who will be taking the photographs.”

“I’m Ella.”

“So are you a student Ella?”

“Yes, at the local college.”

“So the £100 will come in handy then?”

“It will, the student loan covers just enough for me to live on bread and beans.”

“If you ……… no, I’ll wait until we’ve done the photos then I’ll ask you Ella. We’re here now.”

I’d never really noticed the bikini shop before, possibly because I’d only ever worn a one-piece and I didn’t have any money to spend on frivolous things like a bikini.

I was quit surprised by what I saw, racks and display of bikinis of all shapes and sizes, and one girl walking out of the changing room wearing a very skimpy bikini and asking her boyfriend if he liked it.

“Ella,” Carrie said, “this is Chuck, my boyfriend and the photographer. Chuck, this is Ella, she’s volunteered to model a couple of bikinis for us. What do you think?”

“Wow Ella,”Chuck said, “my girlfriend really does know how to pick them, you look perfect and I’m sure that you’ll look totally awesome in a bikini. Lets’ have a look for one that I think will do you justice. Size 8?”

“Err yes, I’m still not sure about this, maybe I should just go.”

“No, no,” Carrie replied as she got the £100 out of the till and put it on the counter, “£100 for just trying on a couple of bikinis, what harm could there be in that?”

“None I guess.” I replied after a few seconds of silence.”

Chuck handed me a bikini and I held it up and said,

“This!? It’s tiny, I’ve never worn anything this small before.”

“Please Ella,” Carrie said, “I’m sure that you won’t be disappointed.”

I followed Carrie’s eyes that went to the counter and the £100 then said.

“Where do I change?”

“The changing cubicles,” Carrie said, “oh, they’re occupied. Tell you what, go in the back room. You can bolt the door if you want. Give us a shout when you are ready.

I went into the back room and I did bolt the door. Then I looked around. The room was obviously a store room and an office but it had one wall painted green which looked a bit odd.

I took all my clothes off then looked at the bikini, It was really tiny. The bottoms were just a tiny triangle of thin, silky fabric and some strings which were challenging to tie on me. When I’d got it in place I picked up the top. It too was tiny, just 2 tiny triangles and strings.

“This is obscene.” I thought as I pulled the fabric this way and that trying to cover more of my flesh. Okay, it covered the vital parts, but very little more.

I looked for a mirror but couldn’t find one.

“I guess that I’m technically covered,” I thought, “covered just enough to not get arrested.”

I again thought of the £100 then took a deep breath and stepped out of the room.

“Wow,” Carrie said, “you look even better than I imagined.” Ella said.

“Magnificent Ella, your skin tone, your breasts, perfect, that bikini really suits you. Have you ever been a model?”

“No, I’ve never even considered it because I don’t think I have the looks or the body for it.”

“Oh Ella, you certainly do.” Chuck turned and said to the customers, “Ladies and gentlemen, please come and look at Ella, help me convince her that she looks amazing.”

I was quite surprised by that and somewhat embarrassed as the 6 or 7 people in the shop turned and looked at me.

The comments soon started, and all of them were complimentary. As they kept coming I started thinking that maybe, just maybe, I wasn’t that bad looking. In fact, by the time they had stopped I was actually starting to think that maybe they were right. What’s more, my embarrassment had gone.

“Some photographs,” Chuck said, let me take some for you to look at Ella, then you will see that everyone here is right.”

By then I’d forgotten that there was only supposed to be 2 photographs and I happily posed for quite a few, both Chuck and Carrie telling me how to stand and what expressions to put on my face.

I was in quite a happy mood when Chuck stopped and said,

“Please change into the other bikini Ella.”

Carrie handed me a little cellophane bag and I went into the back room to get changed.

I took off the first bikini then opened the cellophane bag. As I pulled the bikini out I thought that there must have been a mistake, a manufacturing error because there was no fabric, just strings. As I started to put the strings back in the bag I saw a label on the bag.


I stopped and thought,

“Jeez, I never even knew that these things existed. Are they even legal? Do Chuck and Carrie really expect me to put this on and go out there?”

My subconscious was working overtime and when it finally came to a conclusion I opened the bag and sorted out which string belonged to which part of the bikini. When I’d sorted it into the 2 parts I dropped the bottoms and put the top on.

As I was doing that I looked at my tits and saw that my nipples were as hard as they ever have been, and I realised that they were tingling.

“Jeez,” I thought, “not now Ella, wait until tonight in bed.”

But the tingling didn’t stop and my nipples stayed hard.

I sorted out the bottoms and put them on. I’ve worn G-strings before and found them quite comfortable, and these bikini bottoms felt very much the same, except that my pussy wasn’t covered. When I looked down I saw the black strings framing my vulva and bald pubis. I was pleased that I shaved, hair would look horrible in that frame.


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