Tina had kept messaging me. She let me know her second job was going well, and she hoped to get promoted enough to leave the job at the lingerie shop. The old owner was getting creepier and creepier. She hadn’t minded modeling for me at all, but some of the other customers were not really her cup of tea. She even shared with me that she thought that one of the “customers” was actually the shop owner’s aged husband and that was one of the ways they got their kicks.
I really did like Tina. Our chats felt like a natural part of my week, but I was also aware that I wasn’t pushing to go beyond that. Deep down I suspected that mom was right. Fucking her and the other strippers was just too exciting to give up for the chance at even a potentially solid relationship.
I was worried that my distance from pursuing Tina would really get to mom, and she would stop everything we were doing, so I was especially excited when one evening she told me to meet her at the club. She mentioned that there was a new girl that she wanted my help in “breaking in” to the back room culture. From my own experience, I saw how girls in the backroom would earn extra cash by fucking the clients. I guess mom helped girls feel safe when they were interested in getting into that.
“I just want to make sure she has a good first experience. I know you’ll be good to her.”
I laughed. “You don’t have to sell me on it mom. It’s not a hard thing to say yes to.”
The thought of fucking some young newbie stripper with mom was more than enticing. Plus it would be a nice change of pace to fuck mom outside the house too.
That night I drove over to the club and walked up to the bouncer, bypassing the line. Mom said that he would be expecting Bruno and would let me right in. I had never been there again since that night so many weeks ago, so I was nervous but the bouncer gave me a nod.
“Have fun, Bruno,” he said, as the patrons in line groaned their disapproval at being made to wait.
As I entered the dimly lit space I passed the coat check girl who gave me a wide smile. “Welcome back Bruno. Skyler’s working the floor and told me to let you know to have a seat somewhere in the lounge.”
I smiled and gave her a thanks. Mom’s club must be pretty high end to give such service to someone who they assumed was just some friend. It felt like every staff member gave me a knowing nod. I could get used to this.
I took a seat at a lounge bench in a relatively empty part of the room and scanned over the space to see if I could spot my mom. A cute girl wearing very high heels and a low top came over to place a drink in front of me. “Hi Bruno,” she said sweetly. “Its on the house.” In the dim lighting I realized that I knew her. It was Daisy, one of the girls who had come over for a threesome.
“Thanks Daisy,” I said.
She blushed, and leaned in, giving me ample views of her cleavage. “I had a really good time the other night. Can you tell Skyler? I really want her to call me back. I need the cash.” She then winked at me. “And your cock is a nice bonus.”
I laughed. “I’ll let her know for sure.” Daisy smiled and walked away. How did she balance all those drinks one those heels? I played the exchange back in my head and was astonished at how calm I kept it. What had my life become? Girls were asking me to help them get the job of fucking me? My mom is some kind of porn star/stripper/pimp?
Soon I spotted mom, not too far away from me, giving a lap dance to a gentleman in a booth close by. She was halfway through the song and grinding hard on his lap. The man was middle-aged, overweight and loving every minute of it. It hadn’t dawned on me that in coming to mom’s place of work, I would get to see her…working.
Mom turned her body and rubbed her bare tits in his face, then brought his hands up to her ass, signaling him that she was OK with touching. He hungrily pawed at her ass and rubbed her legs as she rubbed her knee against his cock. She was never not touching his dick in some way. Almost on cue, as the song wrapped up, I saw the man tense and a look of great satisfaction washed over his face. Mom was pressed tight against him, head side by side with his, whispering god knows what into his ear. He seemed to savor her words and the caress of her hands in his hair as she did her slow dance over his body. After a moment, mom stepped away and the man gratefully handed over the entire contents of his wallet to her. She smiled and gave him a kiss on the top of his balding head.
She looked directly over at me and nodded her head toward the back. I guess she knew I was watching. I stood and followed her direction to the back area. I followed her into the back area, near where the private backrooms were. This section seemed to be for dancers and employees only. Past the partition, the sound of the music seemed to dull to a less obtrusive thudding.
This back area was a thrum of activity. Servers and staff moved quickly on errands, and now and then a basically naked girl (the uniform of a dancer) also hurried about. As we moved further back to an office area, I noticed that the others seemed to be nodding or giving my mom signs of deference. Mom closed the door behind us and threw on a blazer that had been hanging on the back of the chair.
“What do you think of my new office?” she said, arms stretched out. She looked really sexy in her formal suit blazer, but with only a g-string underneath. She hadn’t yet bothered to put her top back on after the dance. The lapels of the blazer spread apart to show off her tits, but when her arms were down they gave the effect of showing just enough side-boob to still be very sexy.
“Your office?” I questioned.
“Yup. The owners at the club like all the work I have been putting in, and the way I have been helping the other girls. They promoted me to manage the girls and maybe eventually merge the cam business with this one. We’ll see.”
I raised my eyebrows. “Mom, you kind of sound like a Madam at a brothel.”
She looked serious suddenly and lowered her voice. “It’s Skyler, here. Remember, Bruno?” Her face relaxed again. “And… Yea, I guess I am. And why not. It’s good for me and it’s good for the girls.”
“But, if you are in this new position, why were you just out dancing for tips? They still make you do that?”
“Make me?” Mom gave a laugh. “No one makes me. I love it. I do it when I’m bored or if an old favorite comes in.” Her smile widened. “You wouldn’t remember this, but that last guy was your first grade soccer coach. He’s been coming here forever. I’m glad he didn’t recognize you.”
Coach Steve? What the fuck?
Mom moved closer to me, and I instinctively wrapped my arm behind her and rested it on her ass. We kissed a bit and I lifted my other hand to reach underneath her blazer to feel her up. Mom moaned a bit, but then pulled back. “OK cowboy. Let’s save it for the new girl.”
A little disappointed (and hard) and nodded. “You’re right. Sorry. Couldn’t help it. So, when do I meet her?”
“I’ll take you back to a room. I told her you are just a regular customer and bought out some ‘special’ time with her. Her stage name is Jade, and she’s been doing great at the club and wants to start earning more money. She’s nervous but excited about it. She seemed so young and innocent I didn’t realize she had it in her. Just follow her lead and be good to her. And yes, just like the other girls, she’s been tested and is clean.”