Teacher – 19 Day 5 – Mon at School – new challenges by DBSKR123

“Congratulations Ms. B. You did it!” Jake said. “We finally got to see you climax in our classroom.”

She felt a buzz on her wrist.

She looked at the text on the podium screen and a new line appeared.

“Unscheduled climax +0.25

Cumulative Score -0.25 points.”

Evidently, she had erased part of the penalty score.

Once the tremors from her climax started to subside, she felt her blader give her a message that it was now time to pee. She tried to resist but the feeling only got stronger. She did not want to call on anyone to help her but knew she had no choice but to do so.

“Class, I hate to ask this, but it is one of my requirements for today. I need to pee, and I am not allowed to hod the carafe. Whoever I choose will also need to use the carafe to masturbate me to orgasm. Hate to ask any…”

“I’ll do it. Please pick me!” Jake cut in.

“As I was saying I hate to ask anyone to do this. But it is a requirement. Anyone other than Jake?”

“Why not me? I said I would do it at the start of class. Why anyone but me?”

“Jake, I have asked repeatedly for you to cut your vulgar talk. I will not reward you by allowing you to do what you want. If you cut the vulgar talk, we can see about tomorrow, if this is still what is required. If you behave between now and tomorrow, I may, I repeat MAY, allow you to do what you want. But not today. Now is there anyone else?”

Sadie raised her hand. “Ms. B. I volunteer. I am sentenced to being eleven weeks topless, but that is all. I don’t know how you are dealing with the ridiculous requirements they are putting on you. I will help you.”

“Thank you, Sadie.”

Sadie got the carafe from the cart and walked up to her teacher and placed it between her legs. Laura reached down and adjusted the exact placement. “Right there. Please just hold it in place.”

Laura tried to pee and was not able to. It was so humiliating to have a student hold the pee carafe for her. Sadie’s face was only a foot from her pussy, and she was looking directly at it. But she had to pee so badly. She thought of waterfalls, dripping faucets, babbling streams, anything with running water. But Nothing.

“Ms. B. Are you going to pee or not?” Sadie said. “By the way, your pussy looks nice up close. Your pussy lips are very prominent. Mine are kind of hidden.”

“Sadie, that is not helping. I’m sorry I am taking so long. I really do need to pee, but it is just so humiliating with you looking at me there so closely.”

“That is okay with me. I don’t get to look at a pussy other than mine, and then I can only do that with a mirror. I like looking at your pussy.”

“Sadie, Please!” Laura had to pee so badly it was starting to hurt. She had a similar problem when she had to pee the first time when she was holding the carafe. Eventually pressure overrode embarrassment. A trickle started and soon a flood of pee came gushing out of her into the glass container. As usual, the shape and material of the container made it sound louder than it should.

“WOW Ms. B. You are really letting it out. I didn’t know a person could pee so fast. I bet if you were on your back and peed like you are now, it would shoot out ten feet or more. That is amazing to see up close. I just know where it comes out of me, but seeing it come out of someone else is really interesting.”

Laura tried to ignore what Sadie was saying and just concentrated on letting the pee out. God, it felt so good to pee. As before, it felt better because she had held it in. She wasn’t having an orgasm, but it did feel wonderful to pee. After what seemed like forever, the pee stream started to diminish. The Carafe was almost full.

“I had no idea your bladder could hold so much pee. You really had to go didn’t you. I was starting to get afraid that you were going to overflow the container and pee on my hand. That was amazing, Ms. B. I have to use the carafe to masturbate you now, don’t I?”

“That is the requirement of the day. Every time I pee, I need to orgasm too.”

Sadie tried to rub the edge of the carafe against Laura’s pussy, but it was crude motions and did nothing to pleasure her. She rubbed too hard and in the wrong places. Where she had been close to orgasm when she was done peeing, she was soon losing any arousal. “Sadie, please stop, you’re hurting me. You’re pressing too hard and not in the right spots. Ow!”

“I’m sorry Ms. Burk. I’m not sure how to use this carafe to give you pleasure. I know you don’t have a blue modifier, but if you say so, I can use my hand and I am sure I can do better.”

“Oh, Sadie, I’m sorry. I will take the penalty for not achieving orgasm after I pee. I don’t want you to have to do that for me.”

“It’s okay, really. I know what I like and … well, I want to see how you feel. You are different down here than I am, and I know how I feel. I want to see how the difference feels. Is that okay? I have never felt another pussy and, well this is an opportunity to feel a grown woman’s pussy. Please let me feel you.”

“Oh God. This is so embarrassing. Go ahead and do what you can. I really appreciate you going the extra distance for me.”

Sadie set the carafe on the floor, off to the side. She then gently touched Laura’s spread pussy. At first it was light touching of her pussy lips. Then she used her other hand to run through the thick hair above her pussy. Sadie used her fingers to run up and down her pussy lips. Soon she grabbed a lip in each hand and pulled them down and apart. Before it started to hurt, Sadie let go. “Your lips are stretchy Ms. B. You are getting wet down here and it is not from the pee. You are getting all slippery. This is so cool to see up close.”

Laura felt Sadie rub her clit. She raised up on her toes a little when she felt the sensation and a low moan escaped her lips. Sadie gently rolled Laura’s clit between index finger and thumb on one hand and slowly inserted two fingers on her other hand into her pussy and wiggled them independently. Within moments Laura was moaning out loud and she felt her legs get weak. Had she not been able to have both hands on the podium, she would have collapsed when the big orgasm hit.

It took a moment for her to register the sound she was hearing. Her class was clapping! Sadie was still playing with her pussy, and she had to say, “Sadie, please stop. Thank you very much. That was wonderful. You did your job very well.”

“Thank you, Ms. B. Yours is the first pussy, other than mine that is, that I have played with. I’m glad you liked it.” She took the two fingers that had been in Laura’s pussy and stuck them in her mouth to clean them off. “MMmmm, Ms. B., You taste really good too. I have never tasted another pussy before. If you call me again, maybe I can use my tongue instead of my fingers.”

“That is quite enough Sadie. You really have done enough. I don’t plan on having anyone’s tongue in my pussy today. Okay class, the show is over for now. Please resume working on your homework.”

Laura looked at the display and saw that her time on the pedestal was up. The message section said:

“Required urination climax achieved.

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