Teacher – 19 Day 5 – Mon at School – new challenges by DBSKR123

Today there were three students that had various sentences. Andy was wearing boxers and no pants and a green and white band, Korra was wearing bra and panties and a solid white band, and Kelly was wearing a white band, but she was wearing translucent white panties and a matching bra that was more revealing than supporting, made of the same translucent material. Andy and Korra showed less than what was normally seen at a pool, but Kelly appeared almost nude.

As they came in, each greeted Laura and asked why they were sentenced.

Andy was blonde, about 5’10’ and average build for a highschooler. Andy said that he and his sister had gotten into an argument, so their parents said that they both lost their pants for a day.

Korra was about 5’4”, slender, brunette of mixed heritage being part Asian and part black. She looked like she had a solid dark tan, but it was her normal skin color. Korra said she had stayed out past curfew. She lost her blouse for the first ten minutes, her skirt for the second ten minutes, for each additional ten minutes she would have lost another item. At sixty minutes they would have gone to a blue sentence. She was happy it was only twenty minutes. Each ten minutes also meant a day, so she was going to have a two-day sentence.

Kelly had dark red wavy hair that seemed appropriate to her pale skin. The translucent material of her panties showed that she had a thick patch of red pubic hair that matched the color on her head. She was about 5’8”, and very curvy having at least a D cup bra. She had a surprisingly small waist and large hips. Kelly remained silent when she came in until Laura asked. She replied by saying, “My mother found some clothing items in my dresser under my underwear. She got mad at me for having them, mainly for trying to hide them from her. I tried to tell her that I wasn’t going to wear them anywhere, I just wanted to see what it felt like to wear. She said that if I spent good money on something, I should at least be willing to be seen in it. I had like, seven different outfits that I would wear only in my bedroom behind closed doors and fantasize about being brave enough to wear under other clothes. She said that I had to wear one outfit for twenty-four hours and then I had to wear the next one. This is the first of seven days. Two others are similar to what I am currently wearing, only a different color. Two are a little less revealing and two are much worse. One of those is really kind of bad. I know I will die of humiliation when I wear that one. She numbered each set, and I have to pull a number out of a box. I have no idea what I will be wearing tomorrow. I am so embarrassed.”

When the bell rang, Laura told everyone what she needed to do for each class. She asked for a volunteer to hold the carafe, Avie said that he would be willing to do so. Laura felt uneasy to have a boy hold the carafe for her, but she felt she needed to be balanced in her picking of students, otherwise she may have to pay a penalty tomorrow. She asked if any of the three sentence students needed relief at the start of the period, but all three declined.

Laura explained the rules for her today as she stood on her podium stand and masturbated. She tried to tell everyone to just do their studying but much to her dismay, every eye in the room was glued to her as she masturbated. The crap in the flavoring was having an effect on her and she felt an orgasm building much easier than it had been during the first period. When she had a satisfying orgasm, a number of students clapped in support. She felt her face go red knowing they were clapping at her humiliating herself.

Soon her breathing returned to normal and as she looked around the room, she saw that everyone was busy doing whatever homework they needed to be working on.

A few minutes later, she felt her balder telling her it was full again. Damn it was early in the period, she might have to pee twice at this rate. “Avie, Would you please get the carafe for me. I need you to do the job you volunteered for.”

When he stood before her, she said, “I’m sorry you or anyone needs to do this. Thank you for helping.”

“That is okay Ms. B. I am more than happy to see you this close. I like looking at your pussy. Do I get to touch you when you are done peeing. I heard that in the other classed they touched you.”

“I would rather you not. You are supposed to use the edge of the carafe to masturbate me.” Then she thought for a moment and said, “Oh, fuck, everyone else has, I would probably get in trouble if I DON’T let you touch me at this point. Do whatever you need to do.”

“Cool, I have wanted to touch your pussy since Thursday when I first saw you bottomless.”

“Avie, please don’t talk about it. Just hold the damn carafe.” She showed him how to exactly hold it so that it would catch her pee. It was getting easier to start to pee as the day went on too. God, it felt good to pee. When she was done peeing, she felt Avie rub her with the carafe a few times then he set it down. Then she felt fingers on her pussy. She nearly jumped off her stand. She partly expected it but at the same time desperately wished that it would not play out the way it was. He obviously did not know his way around a pussy. He was rubbing too hard and in the wrong places. “Avie, Avie, please not so hard.”

“But I thought women liked it rough. I’ve seen enough porn to know that women say ‘harder, harder’ all the time.”

“That is porn. The real world is a little different. They were also probably fucking at the time. When you use your hand, you have to be gentle.”

“Can you teach me? Tell me exactly what to do.”

Laura thought about how humiliating it would be to have to describe what to do in front of the class. “Damn, I don’t want to say it where everyone can hear, but I really have little choice at the moment. Okay, first rub gently up and down the edges of my pussy lips… Mmm … Much better. A soft touch is what you need to do. No. a little harder. Not that soft. Okay better.”

“Where is your clit. I hear that it is very sensitive and should be rubbed.”

“Yes, it is very sensitive. You know how your… Penis is sensitive.” Laura was not sure what she should or could say to a student as a teacher. “Well, it is much smaller, but has even more nerves packed in it. It is very sensitive. Follow my pussy lips up in front. Feel the little nub.b.b.b.” she stuttered when he actually started rubbing it. “Y.. you found it. Careful. Oh God.” Soon a shudder went through her body followed by a second and a third. She had to lean forward onto her podium to keep from falling. “God enough, please Avie, stop! I’ve had my had my orgasm.”

“Wow, you made my fingers get all wet.” He suddenly put his fingers in his mouth and licked them. “That tastes good. Can I lick your pussy? You have a lot more pussy juice that I can clean up for you.”

“God no! please just give me a tissue. I don’t want you, or anyone, licking my pussy.”

“Aww. Please.”


“Ms. B. I got a message on my phone from a friend that was in your last class, and they said that you let Jen lick your pussy. Why won’t you let Avie lick you now?” April said.

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