The F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray Tales – The Experimenters Part 1 by fidgetwrites

“Right? A girl’s gotta make a living somehow.”

“Well, whatever, that was underwhelming,” Zoey said, still trying to find a setting to zap themselves with that seemed in any way interesting. She’d bought the ray to push her and Leah’s boundaries, but for some reason they kept using the ray for the most mundane things. “Let’s find something sexier!”

“Wait!” Leah exclaimed, finally having actually read the instructions to the mind-control ray that she and her friend had been recklessly zapping each other with for the past few hours.

“It says here that the effects are irresistible, compulsive, and permanent! You said that they just gave you a ‘tendency’ to do whatever it is!” Leah glared at her friend accusingly, fighting her perfectly natural, ever-present temptation to glance down between her friend’s legs and lose herself in that wonderful pussy.

Zoey was fighting the same temptation, of course, knowing that eventually she’d falter and look down as well. The fact that both girls had programmed themselves to unconsciously show off their naked bodies also meant that they were compelled to keep their tantalizing pussies on prominent display, daring the other to look, which just made it all the more inevitable that one of the brainwashed duo eventually would.

Zoey wasn’t really worried about losing that internal battle, because doing so would just fill her with that familiar, delightful need to lick her straight friend’s tight little slit until she came, and Zoey couldn’t think of a better way to spend her time. It was more of a friendly, unspoken competition that came naturally with having girlfriends. Still, as sexy as the competition was, it did frequently make things more difficult, like trying to have this conversation with Leah while her smooth, naked torso was right there. But, it wasn’t like there was anything girls could do about it, and Zoey couldn’t deny that it felt fantastic to finally lose that internal battle, to glance down at a girl’s naked crotch, feel your self-control slip away, and then bury your face in that delicious snatch until your urge was satisfied.

“Ok, ok, I’m sorry!” Zoey said, feigning remorse that she didn’t really feel. “I really did think it just made you want to do that thing more. Still, it’s not like anything bad has happened – everything we’ve done so far has been so normal that I wouldn’t want to ‘resist’ or anything like that anyway.”

Leah nodded in agreement without meaning to. She couldn’t deny that she felt the same way.

“In fact,” Zoey continued, emboldened by her roommate’s apparent approval. “If we did try something that we really, really didn’t want to do, I’m sure we’d still be able to resist. So come on, let’s try something fun for once!”

Leah hesitated, still terrified that the ray would somehow turn her into a slut. She could tell from her note earlier that she definitely hadn’t wanted to show off her breasts for some reason, so who knew how she would have felt about all of the other settings. On the other hand, she couldn’t deny that she loved all of the things she’d supposedly been zapped with, and they felt so much like a part of who she was as a person that it was hard to worry about it.

Finally, she gave in. “Ok, fine. But before we go any further, we should see if there are any compulsions that we definitely don’t want, so we can avoid them just in case.”

“That seems fair,” Zoey responded before scanning the list of fetishes, though she was still confident that she could resist anything too extreme. “Oh wow, yeah, a breeding kink is definitely something I wouldn’t want. I don’t want kids.”

“Good call. Yeah, me either, or at least not yet.” Leah shuddered at the thought of accidentally programming herself with a compulsion to get herself pregnant as she started her own list. It occurred to her how insane she must be to even consider continuing to use the ray at this point, but just then Zoey interrupted her train of thought.

“Oh, also! I really don’t want to get programmed to have PIV sex with guys. That would feel like a betrayal somehow.” After saying so, it occurred to Zoey that she’d just programmed her timid, straight roommate to have sex with women right after she’d protested that she was straight, but Zoey quickly decided that going down on girls was so natural that it really wasn’t the same thing at all. Plus, Leah had clearly liked it, and the sex had been mind-blowing. There was nothing hotter than a girl giving in to her compulsion to go down on her girlfriends for the first time.

“Makes sense,” Leah said, making a mental note that “PIV intercourse” was on Zoey’s list of no-nos, while having absolutely no reason to question her own healthy appetite for vagina. “Anything else?”

Zoey scanned the list again. There was a lot of weird stuff there that she really wasn’t interested in, but she could just try to resist them if they ever came up. Plus, it wasn’t like Leah would zap her with anything she didn’t want anyway.

“Nah, I think I’m good. How about you?”

“Definitely the pregnancy thing for me too. Also, no butt stuff. That’s just nasty,” Leah said, cringing a bit at the thought of anything coming near her petite derriere.

“You won’t think butt stuff is nasty if I zap you though,” Zoey said, playfully threatening her friend with the ray.

“True, but I’ve heard that it takes so long to prepare for, and it just seems kinda dirty, so I really don’t want to…” Leah began, but then Zoey zapped her with ANAL anyway, ensuring that the shy girl would now be downright eager to offer her virgin asshole up for penetration at the first opportunity.

“… miss out on it!” Leah finished, getting a bit turned on at the mere thought.

“Wait, so you don’t want butt stuff then?” Zoey asked impishly.

“Well of course I want butt stuff! I was just talking about how sexy it sounds!”

“But what about the prep time?”

“You mean the foreplay and build-up period? That part’s so hot though!”

Zoey laughed out loud. It was endlessly entertaining to see innocent little Leah getting so turned on at the thought of anal sex. The ray had been worth every penny.

“What are you laughing about?” Leah asked, perplexed.

“Just at how much fun we’re having,” Zoey lied, still giggling a bit as she made a note on her pad. “So, just Breeding fetish for you then, right?”

Leah nodded, though in the back of her mind she felt that wasn’t quite right somehow, but she couldn’t put her finger on why. She sensuously slid a hand up her petite backside to try to trick Zoey into looking at her pussy, wishing the entire time that she had a bit more junk in her trunk. She’d always struggled to get guys to give her ass the intimate attention it craved.

Zoey didn’t fall for her ploy. “Ok, what should we do next?” she asked, eager to experiment some more.

“Uh, we should probably also keep a list of the changes we make, so we’ll at least know what we’ve done to each other.”

“Oh, good idea.”

Zoey quickly wrote down all of the settings they’d used so far, going mostly off her memory of what she’d zapped Leah with, since none of the settings had seemed to work on herself.

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