Suck Suck Suck! by suckmachine
Indulge in the tantalizing erotic journey of 'Suck Suck Suck!' by suckmachine. Explore passionate encounters and seductive tales that ignite desire and fantasy. Uncover the art of pleasure in this steamy story that will leave you craving more. Perfect for those seeking uninhibited escapism!<br/>
This is a true story about my first gay experience. Please feel free to contact me at I’d love to feedback!
“What a crazy dream” I said aloud as I blinked my eyes awake. My mind was filled was images of sheer debachery. It all seemed so real, and yet here I was safe in my bed. A wave of relief washed over me despite my head throbbing from the copious amounts of alcohol I had ingested the night before. I rolled over with a groan, and looked at the clock. It appeared that I had slept into the early afternoon. The house was silent. My roommates must’ve already headed out for the day. I stretched with a yawn and stood up to go to the bathroom. Man, was I sore all over. I hobbled over to the toilet and peed for over 2 minutes straight. I flushed the toilet, and walked over to the sink to wash up. “Oh shit!” I exclaimed staring to the mirror. All the memories from the last night came rushing back all at once. I was horrified! It wasn’t just a dream. It really happened. Last night really happened!
Last night:
It was my 22nd birthday, and I was excited for a rowdy night of bar hopping with my roommates. They had taken a case of beer, and frosted it like it was a cake, and even put candles on it. When I tried to cut it, the knife cut through the frosting into the cardboard box. Everyone had a laugh. It was genius. I was grateful to have these friends/roommates in my life. A year ago we had all moved from Washington state to Portland Oregon. 3 guys and a girl all sharing an old 4 bedroom house in the city. Though it was in a seedier part of town, our days were filled with enjoying everything Portland had to offer, especially the bars. We were all heavy drinkers. Looking back, we drank far beyond excess. I suppose the alcohol had a big part to blame in the shenanigans that took place that night.
After having cake, and of course, more drinks, we headed out bar hopping. It was decided that we would stay in the neighborhood to bar hop. There was no shortages of bars within walking distance of the house. The first place we went to was three blocks away. Everyone was buying me drinks. Beer, mixed drinks, shots, if it was alcohol, I was pouring it down my throat! It didn’t take long for me to get a little tipsy. I tried hitting on our waitress. She was not impressed with my slurred attempt, and simply rolled her eyes when I asked if she wanted to go out with me sometime. I had been without a woman’s touch since moving to Portland, and was growing lonely for some kind of sexual encounter. Any kind at this point!
We decided to bail out, and try out some of the other bars. This part of the night was a blur for me. The next thing I remember is waking up in my bed at home. I rolled over to look at the clock. 11:35. Boy, we must’ve gotten too fucked up, to fast. It made since as we had started drinking at about 4pm that day. I listened for any noise coming from the house, but heard none. I rolled out of bed, surprisingly feeling great. Looking back, I know that the alcohol was still coursing through my brain and body, making me feel like I was ready to take on the world again. I crept out to the living room. Still quiet. It became clear to me that all my roomies were passed out. I went into the bathroom to relieve myself. When I pulled down my pajama bottoms, my 6.5” erection sprang out. Damn, I was horny! I finished up in the bathroom, and grabbed a beer from the fridge before heading back down to my room where I shut the door, and took my cock out. I for sure needed some release.
As I layed on the bed idly stroking my cock, a plan began to form. For the last few months I’d driven by an adult store called “Taboo” on my way home from work each day. I’d never been in such a place, but was dying to see the inside, and find out what goes on in such an establishment. The alcohol in my system gave me the courage to start getting dressed to go. I threw on a pair of sweatpants, a t-shirt, and shoes, and headed out on foot.
The adult bookstore was about a mile away. I was making good time. It felt great to be out strolling along sipping from a few beers I had brought with me. Before I knew it I was staring at the neon, revolving Taboo sign. I took a swig of my remaining beer and gulped hard. Was I really ready to go in such a place? It’s now or never I told myself, and ditched my beer bottle before swinging open the door.
A door bell chimed as I entered, and a heavyset man at the counter turned his head to meet me.
“Good evening”
“Good evening” I replied.
Instantly I was in heaven! (or hell depending on who you’re talking to). The store was packed with magazines, videos, toys, lube, and anything else one would need to satisfy their sexual desires. I was in awe as I traveled down the isles trying to take in everything. I felt my cock hardening in my pants to the point where it looked terribly lude in my sweatpants. Finally I got to a pair of swinging parlor doors. Behind them I could see a series of doors next to eachother. There must have been at least 10 of them side by side. Above each door was a circular light. Most were lit up, some weren’t.
“That’s the arcade back there” I heard the man at the register holler back to me.
“They work with dollar bills. Do you need change?”
I nodded to the man and walked over to the register. Opening up my wallet, I saw I only had a five dollar bill. Dammit I said the myself. In my buzzed state I had forgotten to bring more cash.
“Five ones please” I said.
The man got me my change and turned back to enter the arcade. As I entered, I noticed a few men milling around the booths as if waiting for something. I brushed passed them and entered the first booth I could find without a light on above it. As I closed the door I saw the knob had a lock on it. “Thank god” I said to myself. The last thing I needed was for someone to walk in on me while I was watching a porno! I locked the door, and took in my surroundings. The booth was very small, containing a single chair, and a video screen on the wall with lit up buttons for changing videos which worked by inserting dollar bills into a slot just below the screen.
I fished my five one-dollar bills out of my pocket and fed $2 into the machine. The video screen jumped to life showing a large breasted woman on her knees, desperately trying to fit two cocks in her mouth at the same time. My own cock throbbed with desire as I sat down in the chair to observe the slutty act happening on the screen. Although I was locked in the booth by myself, I couldn’t help taking a glance around before unzipping my pants. I had never pulled out my penis in public before, and it gave me a rush when I heard the noise of my own zipper going down. My cock was visibly pulsing with anticipation.
There I sat with in a dirty porno movie booth, stroking my cock. I flipped through the different videos on the screen. There were so many different channels, that it made it hard to watch just one for any length of time.