A new realization of control and submission by BradDog

He also had thoughts about domination, equal in intensity and ability to indulge in the taboo and the secretive. Ironically though his experience was from a point of view that was almost polar opposite. His were about experiencing the mind of the dominant one. His were about the submission of spreading his own mind and body. Brad was a confident, generally happy, typical strongly heterosexual male. Though he craved the experience of submission and being in those vulnerable, tantalizing positions, he had no inate stomach or attraction for males. He didn’t find men sexually appealing so he didn’t ever pay any mind to men. The only exception he could muster on his own that would make him stir involving other men was if he were forced into it -then he could probably indulge in a fantasy about being forced to experience parts of like anatomy, but it definitely could only stem from his desire for experiencing someone’s will for him. That is the nature of submission. The rest of his most intense, private and taboo thoughts, revolved mostly around acts that indulged in sexual intensity. He wasn’t fully satisfied enough to simply have his cock sucked, or fuck pussy and cum. He wanted a deeper connection with the thoughts of his partner. He felt that he needed to feel her desire as intimately as possible without actually being her. That sounded appealing. With some men, having his cock cum fast because she is fingering his ass was fun and far enough. For Brad, he wanted more than just the physical sensation. He wanted her inside him, penetrating him, putting her will into him. He wanted her to control him by forcing herself onto and into his body. He wanted her will and he wanted to submit to it as completely as possible.

When Brad was 14 he would come home from school alone in the house until his siblings or parents came home. One day boredom combined with strongly growing imagination and lust he decided to see what items his parents might be hiding in their own undisclosed parts of their room. Before long he discovered his mother’s vibrator – a cock shaped toy about 6 inches long sitting next to ky lubricant in her night stand. He also found various magazines and videos none of which had any particularly noteworthy title… except for one – a bestiality video. To many the bestiality video would have made the curious mind come to a sexual halt. For Brad however, this was one of the first beginnings he would encounter on a path to deep cravings for experimenting the taboo. He found that he came intensely to fantasies about hungry eyes cast down on him, being spread and feeling the dog’s cock. Often with this new toy sunk into his butt he would crave for the women in the video and the magazines to find him and share their experiences with him.

One other day when Brad came home looking forward to some time spent indulging in fantasy and shooting his cum he decided he had the courage to feel their own dog’s cock. He contemplated it for a short time before ushering the dog into a room and stripping down his clothes. Nervousness and tension filled his mind and body, but he began to experiment despite it. Before his sessions with the dog were over he’d collected the experience of making the cock hard and failing on a couple occasions to penetrate the dog’s asshole. It wasn’t much of a start.

The impracticality of finding another person (and animal) to share this corner of his mind with seemed unrealistic. After all at 14 there were other new and sweet indulgences to get involved in. From then on, he usually dismissed the very taboo fantasies and rarely did the subject matter make its way into his relationships. However, the thoughts were there – the thoughts about taboo of course, but mostly of submitting to it. It was lingering in the back of his mind and surfacing when he had time alone to think, wonder and indulge.

As an adult Brad was a teddy bear. He was stylish with his designer clothes, solid social instincts and spiky hair, but a thoughtful and sensitive streak ran through him that sometimes belied his outgoing appearance. He wasn’t a huge playboy though he attracted his share of female admirers. He preferred quality over quantity though when it came to many things including women and sex. He’d been in and out of many relationships in his life, some more emotional than others, some more taboo than others. He’d even experimented with acts that would appear to be submissive type positions with some girlfriends, but the chemistry to truly indulge the way he wanted to was never fully there with anyone at this point. He was curious and fate would soon have its day.

Being a professional, he knew how to carry himself. He drifted right toward Sam and before she knew what to think lifted a hand toward her and from a smile the words came, I’m Brad. Sam, she replied with less of a smile, but holding his casual gaze none the less. You make a quick entrance Brad, was her first reply, shaking his hand loosely. You feel confident do you? Yes, he said. Not sure what else to say to the cold response. He just gave in to raw curiosity and held her eyes in his for a moment, then relented to some relevant small talk to try to gauge her some more. Soon she didn’t know whether she would rather part and not risk getting into a situation she wished she wasn’t in or give in to her curiosity.

Soon she decided she wanted to go about her business. Somehow he seemed pretty interested in her and she almost felt she needed to be rude as a response for his uninvited intrusion, taking up her time. You know she finally said, I need to go. Is that ok with you? Surprised even at her own behavior, he reeled for a moment, but still hanging onto the fact that he was still curious and that she hadn’t walked away. Rejection for males from attractive females typically is hard felt and does not go unnoticed. She was curt, but didn’t seem to be rejecting him outright so he didn’t feel hurt yet. He was just naturally interested and felt calm enough to see where it would lead. If she flatly left him hanging, then that would be something else of course. He was a guy which meant some usual predictability, but he wasn’t dim and he wasn’t without dignity. Still feeling some level of curiosity, she reached into her purse and roughly pulled out a pen and paper… scribbling her number and name… She looked at him with a bit of suspicion and simply said ‘here’, and walked off to the rest of her evening. Hmm he thought as he dared to stop and watch her walk away. That was different…

The next morning, a Saturday, he woke from a long night of good sleep after a night of chatting about fantasies online, masturbating and cumming. He suddenly remembered again the curious encounter he had yesterday in the grocery store. After a couple more moments of going over the encounter in his mind he wondered if she’d be the dominant someone he’d fantasized about before… someone who would engage his senses with confidence and control. I wonder what I would need to do to make her happy. Remembering the sultry shape of her body, he speculated about what she was like in intimate moments and explicit visions passed in his mind under the presumption of surrendering to this imposing woman. His cock swelled to a heavy weight between his legs fantasizing. He nearly gave in to the sensation of wanting to masturbate but instead realized he could grasp the phone number off the night stand and attempt a call.

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