A new realization of control and submission by BradDog

Practically inaudible she muttered out hello…? Brad paused, all the blood rushing back from his cock back into his brain, realizing he’s being too eager. Uhm, he finally got out… Hi it’s me Brad. I met you in the grocery store yesterday. Her eyes widened slightly. She too went to bed by herself dreaming about the roles of sexual potential partners. She knew she was abrupt and not warm to him, so she figured if he was calling already he somehow must have liked it. Her mind paused at the thought of a potential slot for him in a void she’d been looking to fill. She figured this call was her game however and she maintained her composure. What, she said, half genuinely annoyed and half glad that he was annoying her. Aren’t you a little eager Brad? She paused to listen to him feel awkward for a moment. Ok, enough please she finally said. Listen, I’m sleeping Brad. I have your number in my caller ID. I’ll think about calling you later she concluded. Wanting to test the fate of the situation, she decided to ratchet the tone a little. If I do and you don’t answer, you’ll never get another call from me again. Understand? Yes he said. Her face relaxed, then she had a question. Brad, what in the fuck are you doing calling me first thing in the morning? Don’t you like to give girls a little time to wonder? Well, he said… pause… normally, was all he could say without giving too much away about his true curiosity. She paused too… obviously something is different if not weird. Ok, she said. Bye. Curious… she thought.

Sam became busy with work and her regular social life and a week soon passed. Brad periodically thought about calling to follow up on this interesting stranger. He wondered why she hadn’t called, or maybe she did and he missed the call… The more time passed the more he became worried about the missed opportunity at something different, maybe even important. She hadn’t forgotten, but she hadn’t called either. Her reasoning was this. She knew he had more than idle curiosity and also thought something important might be waiting. She needed to test that theory. She wanted him to wait. If he remembered, worried, savored, even pained over her not calling, then she would be more inclined to give him a chance.

One night after work, resting her body on her bed, the curious stranger crossed her mind and she picked up her phone and sifted through her drawer for the scrap of paper she wrote his number down on. Let’s see what comes of this she said. Brad’s phone rang catching him sitting by himself watching some tv in some comfortable clothes. He didn’t recognize the number, but after about given up hope on the sultry bitch from the grocery store, he was open to anything. Hello, he said confidently. Hi, she said. It’s Samantha. Waiting for his response, he stirred in his seat and said, Hi! I’ve been hoping you’d finally call. You have, have you she said? Yes he said… That gave her the opportunity to find out more about why Brad seemed possibly interested in her.

After a good half hour or so of chit chat, getting to know each other and feeling each other out for any red flags that cancel furthering the friendship, she also had developed a sense for Brad’s basic personality. His reactions to her questions and statements revealed confidence, adeptness, but also respect and genuineness. He was capable of catching the nuances of her wording and meaning, revealing his ability and desire to socially relate. She found out that Brad was worried that he missed her call and that for some reason he felt he should obey her wish to not be communicated with if he had. Sam knew that was the right response. Ok, she announced as if coming to an important conclusion. You can see me again. This obviously was not the usual response someone gave to the idea of continuing a relationship and she knew it. It was what she wanted to say though from her true nature and perspective and if he responded positively, she knew she was on a path she could be interested in. Great, he replied with a smile on his face, genuinely happy, his mind stirring also noting her business-like conclusion. The smile shone through to her ears and her mind. She smiled back. She paused to take in his reaction. Hmm, she looked at the clock. Why don’t you come over. Before he could respond, she said, but I’ll go ahead and give you a little warning… if you’re fucked up in the head, you’ll think you need to call the police yourself. Make sense? Ok. he laughed. I… he started. She interrupted with starting to give directions. When he got it down she repeated the proposition. I want you to come over to my place. I don’t want to go to your place, and I don’t want to go out. Cool? Sounds good. I can’t wait to see you Brad said. She smiled and said, me too.

She hung up the phone and Brad began to gather himself for the unknown. She undressed to get ready to change her clothes into something… else. She looked at her body in her full length mirror. She looked over her appearance, tossed her hair seductively and checked out her legs, her hips and her tits. Feeling the moment and potential she reached up and pulled her nipples hard straight out from her chest and felt her clit get a hot tingle. She looked down at her pussy and wondered what he’d do if he told her to beg to be able to look at it, to be demeaned for it. She turned, crossed her legs and looked over her shoulder at her round, full ass. She reached down with one hand and spread one cheek from the other. She wondered then how far beneath her dirtiest hole he’d put himself to be able to cum. She smiled a warm smile at the possibility of things. I’m going to dominate him she spoke out loud. She paused for a moment listening to the ring over her own voice resonate the reality in her head. She then decided to walk over to her closet where she kept a black tool bag. In this bag was where she kept sex toys and other interesting things. She reached inside thoughtfully tossing her fingers over the contents taking a rough inventory. She saw and lightly fingered a strap on she had, leftover from a hot bisexual relationship she’d had with a party friend in college… a thick buttplug, a double ended cock, some scarves, lubricant and a couple DVD’s. She closed the bag and left it on the bed and continued to dress.

With a cautious but open mind and a crotch warming need to feel something new, intense, even deep, he got in his car and navigated to her apartment door. She opened it. She had decided on a black silky top with no bra, so the sheer material would massage her nipples, teasing her and him. She had on tight black stretch pants over a thin pair of thong underwear – no socks, no shoes and her hair brushed and let down. The lighting was dim, but he could tell quickly that she was dressed for comfort, if not for pleasure… He didn’t dare stare for fear of getting himself ousted before anything had time to go anywhere. Who knows, he thought unassumingly as he made his way into the apartment. She eyed him over, remembering what he looked like when she first saw him and making a comparison against her memory, deciding possibly if this was not what she’d expected. Settling on acceptance for now she spoke. Sit there please, she said motioning to her couch as she sauntered in her usual way to the kitchen for some red wine. The fantasy is almost always different from reality and she figured a little alcohol would help ease the tension. Nice place he said. Very put together. Thanks she replied, not offering anything substantial in return yet.

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