A new realization of control and submission by BradDog

While he fumbled around taking pieces of short hairs off, them dropping onto the living room carpet, she positioned herself at his side to continue sizing up his body and actions. This all was such a sight. Brad bent over excitedly probing his ass with a razor for her while sitting at his side observing and learning the details of his body.

Suddenly she reached under as if to dutifully milk some cow and grabbed the end of his dick and gave a squeeze. Like just some object she relaxed and began to slowly explore it with her fingers. Her fingers held the shaft, feeling it’s weight and size. She gave a couple slow pumps to feel the balls pressing against her hand and where the knob was. She looked at her bitch to find him closing his eyes, feeling the pleasure of being her focus of attention as the near stranger’s public fingers explored his private body part. Happy with his reaction to be still and let her do as she wanted she began to explore the knob itself. She had noticed it was a hard spongy object that stopped her fingers forcing them to adjust in order to stroke it. She leaned to look at his balls and ass and noticed the sensation was making his asshole tighten as the sexual pleasure passed from his cock. Suddenly she felt a similar sensation passing from her swollen pussy to her stiff clit and nipples.

Now fully involved in this sexual exchange of power, she began to run her fingers rhythmically over her slave’s cock knob – stroking it with a loose grip so the fingers could pass over the bulb. She dampened at the sensation and sight of her fingers dancing up and down as they stimulated his ridges. The spongy hardness began to make her mouth water. He moaned as he quit shaving, confident that there was nothing more he could clean for her. His moan was pathetic to her ears as he just took what she gave. She took the razor from his hand at the same time decided it was time put an end to his cock’s pleasure. She wanted to test his loyalty again. She was enjoying the official power she was being granted and wanted to experience yet another affirmation. She reached up and held his balls firmly. Who’s are these, she asked firmly? Yours he said. She squeezed harder, are you sure? Yes, miss they’re yours, he said more desperately. She squeezed harder still. Yes Miss!. Please, I’m here because I want to be. I’m yours. I’m your object, you, your pussy, your slut. I want you and this. He began to pant at his own words. Though the pressure on his balls was slightly intense, the situation and his admission aloud about it was enough to make his cock stiffen regardless.

Without letting go Sam used the razor to begin shaving the little patches of hair on his cheeks. Brad endured as she went about cleaning off the skin of his butt of random hair, all the while holding his balls firmly in her hand. Yes, she said as she worked. You are those things to me Brad. I will call you again and again so long as I know that those things are true. When the hair was gone. Sam let go. Good, she said. You practically look like a girl back here. I don’t like men’s hair getting all over making a mess. It gets in the way and ruins the view she smiled playfully. I want you smooth and touchable. I expect you’ll keep it that way. Yes Miss, of course. Collecting his reaction in her mind as she sat there looking at the flesh that she has been given, noting how he looked like a dog, with his dick sticking out between his legs – horny, willing, on all 4’s. A dog, she thought condescendingly.

She stood back up and looked at the emasculated ass. Not too bad she said. You must have done this before, you sweet little girl. Stand up sweetheart she said in an affectionate tone. Now, when you come back next time I want it all gone – everywhere down here, she said motioning over his entire pelvic region. Yes Miss. She reached down and grabbed the end of his cock as if it were a leash. The next time you come over you will experience new things she said, as her eyes wandered over his face. Am I your dream come true, she asked him looking directly into his eyes? Yes, he said. Good. Hopefully it will always be as obvious as it is now. Now get dressed and go home. Do not cum, she warned. Instead imagine and enjoy scenarios of you serving me and let that be more than enough to satisfy you. As hard as he knew it would actually be he said, Yes Miss, I won’t. I’ll call you when I’m ready for you. Ok, bye bye now. Brad stood, glad to be off his aching joints. He gathered his clothes while she watched him objectively. He felt her watching him and struggled to not feel somewhat self conscious under the objective stare. He casually pulled his clothes on, straightened himself out, made eye contact, said bye and walked out the door. Sam shut it behind him without another word.

Over the next several days, Brad did not cum. He could not help do what he was told however he let his imagination run wild with what Sam would expose him to, pushing him and showing him her mind. Some of the instances in the scenarios he dreamed up ran hot feelings through his mind and body, while others sometimes made him fear what he would be forced to enjoy. Most times though, he would still find a way to derive pleasure from the uncomfortable situations simply because he knew he was doing her will – what she wanted. Sometimes this thrilled him enough to get thoroughly horny thinking about just about any situation she wanted.

Sam waited a few more days to let tension and longing build both with Brad and also with herself. She wanted to take the opportunity to impose a possibly unnatural desire on him. It might be something ordinarily shocking to him and she wanted to make sure he would be as pliable and enthusiastic as possible – not that it mattered if actually he wasn’t sure if he wanted to enjoy what she came up with, but them both being new to these roles, she wanted it to go without any real problems. If his cum was building with excitement and anticipation, it would make it more fun for both of them, plus she liked the idea of imposing on him, even when she wasn’t with him.

Sam at her core was a tremendously sexual and kinky woman. With some men she almost couldn’t even get off satisfactorily on regular, or normal sex. Sure she had her intimate moments and men she grew attached to, but like a lot of people in their 20’s, she had some discovery to make before she’d settle down. For the time being, Brad and everything she wanted to extract from their friendship was going to be her current discovery.

She had given herself a little time while laying in bed after work and dealing with her normal day to run through her own fantasies and scenarios that she thought would give her the most pleasure and satisfaction. She finally decided the next thing she wanted to try was to have a certain kind of a threesome. This threesome would be different than the usual. In this threesome the participants would be her, her slave toy, and a dog. She was surprised to find out that Brad liked the idea of mixing his sexuality with a dog. How surprised would he be to find out his mistress was a dirty little dog slut with history of getting off on making animals cum. She reached down, unzipped her pants and slipped her hand under her panties, and cupped her pussy tight in her palm sending a tingle through her body and into her clit. She massaged her pussy and felt the wetness on her finger tips growing at the thought of what fun it would be to see all of them getting off together, and the boy-toy for the first time under her command. What a nice surprise that will be for him, she smiled to herself.

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