The World’s First Futa 07 – Futa’s Naughty Hitchhiking Chapter 1: Futa’s First Innocent Delight by mypenname3000

“Right, right,” he nodded his head. “Aimless, huh? Haven’t felt the Lord touch your heart and guide ya where you need to be?”

“Not yet,” I said.

“Unless… wonderin’ down the highway’s just where ya need to be.”

I gave him a look. “I don’t mean to be rude, but I am not in the mood for a sermon. I mean, if it’s the price for the ride, okay, but…”

“Fair ‘nough,” he said. Then his phone beeped. I hadn’t noticed it in a holder suction-cupped to the dashboard. It was a fairly new smartphone. He reached out, fiddling with the screen, checking something on it. When I first started walking, I thought of country people as simple. But it turned out they were as plugged into smart phones and apps and stuff as much as people in Seattle.

“I’m headin’ home myself,” he said. “Should be gettin’ there ’round supper time. I’m sure my daughter and the missus’ll have whipped somethin’ up.”

“Oh, you’re married?” I asked, perking up. A tingle ran through my futa-cock. I’d gone most of the day without any pussy.

“To my Deb,” he said. “Mighty fine lass.” His smile grew. “Courted her in school and married her as soon as we graduated. We was the same age as our adopted daughter, Scarlett.”

“Pretty name,” I said. “So she’s… eighteen? Scarlett?”

Nodded his head. “Blossomed into a right pretty flower.”

“That’s wonderful,” I said, my hips squirming.

“We had to adopt on account of my wife’s problems,” he continued. “Poor thang. Would ya believe she got the uterine cancer at fourteen?”

“Oh, wow,” I said.

“But she pulled through and emerged stronger for it, thank the Lord.”

I nodded my head. “Yeah.”

“But it meant no kids. But we were lucky. We adopted Scarlett when she was a little babe, and raised her as our own.” He gave me a look. “Deb may not be her biological mother, but no women ain’t ever loved a girl more.”

“Mmm,” I said, shifting my thighs, trying to hide my growing erection swelling the boy short style panties I wore beneath my jean skirt. “Just lovely.”

“Well, since you’re just driftin’, I feel obliged to ask you to supper.”

“That sounds perfect,” I said. A mother and her adopted daughter? I knew I would have fun tonight.

His phone beeped again. He swiped the screen on, driving with one eye on the road. It was straight and we were the only vehicle, so I didn’t comment about how unsafe this was. A map appeared on his screen, almost like Google Maps but…

I frowned. It was a tracker. There were little notes on it. And my picture in a little circle by one of them. There was a text bubble sticking out. My brow furrowed as I read, “Becky spotted at Muleshoe Best Western, confirmed by 3 girls.”

I blinked. “What the fuck?”

A look of guilt flashed across his face. “Well… You see…”

“Are you… tracking me?” I demanded. I grabbed his phone off the holder and stared at it. “Is this an app that… Holy shit, it is tracking me.”

“It collates reports ’bout your movements,” he said. “Like I said, maybe God has a plan for ya being on this highway. For us meetin’.”

“Because you used an app to learn I was heading east out of Muleshoe, Texas and heading down Highway 84?” I demanded, giving him a hard look.

“God works in mysterious ways,” he said, something almost feverish entering his eyes. “Like with ya, Becky.”

“Me?” I squirmed.

“Yes, ya. You’re a miracle. Somethang new. It’s so clear. The way you’re spreadin’ life. God has changed us. I don’t know why, but you’re His agent, Becky.”

I gaped at him.

“Life is so precious, and it gets spent so cheaply. But then you come along, and you’re creatin’ so much of It. It ain’t natural the way every woman you lie with conceives a child. What other reason can there be than God’s blessin’ quickenin’ their wombs with your seed, creatin’ a new generations of daughters to spread across the world.

“You’re the new Eve, Becky. The new Adam, too. You’re combined. It’s wondrous.”

I didn’t know what to say. He spoke with such fervent heat. Such conviction.

“That’s why I sought ya out. Me and the missus both agree. We need ya to share that miracle with our daughter.”

My brow furrowed. “Wait, what?”

“We want you to bless our daughter’s womb with your divine seed,” he said. “No man’s ever lain with her. She’s pure. She’s ready to be a vessel for your holy essence. She’s waitin’ for you, our Scarlett. She’s eager for it.”

A wave of heat washed through me. My futa-dick reached its full mass. I never enjoyed a proper virgin. So many girls had sex in high school these days, and since I never touched a girl who wasn’t eighteen, I never had that sublime joy. But… this Scarlett… This man’s daughter was waiting to be bred. Waiting for my futa-seed.

My dick was so hard.

“I’ll do it,” I moaned. “I’ll… I’ll give her my miraculous seed. I’ll breed her.”

“Amen,” breathed Jackson. “Amen!”

An eagerness gripped me to get to his house. My futa-dick bulged my jean skirt. I didn’t bother hiding it from him. He knew what I was. He knew what I would do. He was so eager for it. I squeezed my dick, my lusts brimming through me. My pussy soaked my panties. A virgin and her adopted mother.

It was a shame I wouldn’t breed Deb, but I knew I would enjoy her anyways.

The rest of the trip was a blur of anticipation. I couldn’t wait to get there. He texted his wife, letting them know we were on the way. My excitement mounted when he pulled off the highway down a long, gravel road. In the distance, a white farmhouse rested on a little knoll with a huge oak tree beside it.

Figures appeared on the porch.

I licked my lips, staring ahead at the Pelley woman. Mother and her adopted daughter both in conservative dresses, the mother’s dark maroon, the daughter’s light blue with yellow flowers. The mother was a tall woman, her dark-brown hair spilling about a mature but beautiful face, her figure willowy beneath her skirt. I could see the swell of her large breasts as Jackson pulled his truck up before the house. My hands ached to touch them.

And then I gazed at the daughter and groaned.

She stood with such blushing innocence on her face. Her brown hair was gathered in a braid that hung off her left shoulder and spilled down to her modest bosom. She was lithe and slender, looking so sweet and delicious.

“It’s really her?” Deb asked as I opened the door and climbed out.

“Yes, it is,” Jackson said, approaching his wife and embracing her. “She’s gonna give our daughter a miracle.”

“Yes, I am,” I purred, staring at the virgin girl.

Her dark eyes widened. A shiver raced through her. Then she let out a squeak and darted inside, the screen door banging shut behind her. I shivered, my futa-dick throbbing beneath my tight skirt. I wiggled my hips, resisting the urge to grope myself.

“She’s a shy one,” Deb said, her cheeks already blossoming with red spots. Her eyes flicked down to my bulging skirt. “Oh, my, it’s just like they say about you.”

“Just like it,” I said. “As you can see, I’m so eager to breed your daughter.”

The wife just whimpered.

Her husband nudged her. “Deb, why don’t ya show Becky to the guest room. I imagine she’d like to freshen up before…”

“I’d kill for a shower. I want to be smelling sweet for your daughter,” I said, still bemused that these clearly fundamental Christians didn’t have a problem with this at all. Wasn’t this close to homosexuality for them? And what about no premarital sex?

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