Time Manipulation Mind Control Chapter 15: Sister’s Naughty Twin by mypenname3000

What did my filthy brother and that traitorous bitch mean by other reality? Where the fuck was I?

I struggled and thrashed. I refuse to be molested again, but I couldn’t stop him. Once again, Justin was taking me to that bastard’s bed. I hated my brother. Hated my mother for being so weak, for not standing up to my filthy father’s abuse. She allowed him to use me. She’d always apologize after, telling me how much happier he was now. How it was better for the family that he used my pussy. They were all such cowards for kowtowing to that fucking monster.

Justin was taking me to that bastard again.

The fear swelled. I felt so helpless again. I was that scared, weak little girl that I was a month ago before my powers were born. I squirmed and wiggled, struggling to escape his grasp. This couldn’t be happening. Not again.

“P-please,” I sobbed, all my new-found power gone. Crumbled away, leaving me crying. “Don’t take me to our father.”

“Our father?” my terrible brother asked. He sounded baffled. “I’m taking you to the gym. Why would I take you to our father?”

“So he can rape me!” I snarled. “You know that.”

“Our dad…” He sounded even more confused. “Well, our dad in this universe is my little cuckold bitch. He’s not going to rape you. No one is going to fucking rape you. Just calm down. I don’t know what I’m going to do with you, but I can’t have you leading your crazy bitches into my world.”

World? Universe? Why had everything gone insane?

I stared at Ji-Yun. My Korean sex slave was still mine, staring at me with such pride in her eyes as she marched before that traitorous Salome. We moved through the familiar halls of Mary Glassner College, but where were all my followers? We approach the gym. I could hear… moans.

Feminine moans.

It sounded like one of the many orgies I’d orchestrated. Those hours upon hours spent writhing amid hundreds of feminine forms, loving on another and celebrating our sapphic delight. Maybe… Maybe this was all some weird prank. Maybe my sex slaves thought it would be funny to have my brother kidnap me and bring me to an orgy.

Yeah, that had to be it. If I figured out which ones did it… I would spank them so hard. Probably that Petra. She was such a cunt.

I was regaining control of myself. Once I was back at the orgy, everything would be fine. Justin would be captured. I would punish everyone who thought it would be funny to pull this horrible joke on me. I would bind them in stocks and whip their asses until they howled. Then I’d fucked them with my strap-on. I’d make them cum while they screamed in blissful agony.

It would be so wonderful to punish them for making me feel helpless.

The doors to the gymnasium creaked open. Justin carried me in, passing two cops who’d opened the doors for him. They were both male cops. Armed male cops. No man should have a gun. My forces were out fighting against those few men who had managed to escape the initial surges of my power. Where had these men come from?

What happened to the school?

“Master!” Girls writhing in sapphic pleasure greeted Justin as he marched through the gym. “That’s so hot that you’re carrying your little sister, Master!”

“Master, can I suck your dick?”

“No, no, let me suck your dick, Master!”

“You can fuck my ass, Master!”

What was going on here? Did all my slaves worship Justin now? Had he taken the power for me? Did he release all the boys? There were so many of them standing around the edges of the gym, looking tall, erect. Like they were guarding it. They weren’t touching any of the women, which was good, only they were free. They looked strong and powerful, not cowed and pacified the way disgusting boys should be.

They could harm me.

“Ooh, who do you have there, bro?” asked the familiar voice. It sounded like my own. And bro?

Justin suddenly swung me off his shoulders and set me on the ground. I turned around to face a naked, slender, black-haired girl. She wore her hair in pigtails the way I used to and… It was like looking into a mirror.

“Holy fucking shit!” the girl before me gasped. “Bro, where did you find my twin?”

“She’s your evil twin, actually,” Justin said.

“Well, she doesn’t have a goatee,” Salome said as she marched Ji-Yun up beside me.

Justin laughed, a deep and hearty sound. Salome joined him, giggling.

“Goatee?” this other version of myself and I asked together. We did it with the same cadence.

Was I really in another universe? One where my brother had taken over instead of me? Where he’d made the version of me here his sex slave.

“Wow, you’re a me from another world,” my twin said. “That is so hot. Does this make you wet? Because I sooooo want to eat your pussy! Is that weird? It would be like the ultimate form of incest. Eating myself out.”

“I… I…” I shook my head. “This is fucking insane!”


Krystal Sampson

“Yeah, this is insane,” I told my evil twin. She didn’t have her hair in pigtails. And the version of Ji-Yun standing beside wore her hair flowing loose instead of in a cute braid. “So, were you born on April 19th, too?”

My twin nodded, her eyes looking glossy and dazed now. She slumped in my brother’s grip.

“Wow,” I said. “And you spell your name with a K, too? Your Krystal, right?”

“With a K?” she asked. “Why would I spell my name with a K? Crystal starts with a C.”

“Ooh, so we’re not quite the same,” I said.

Justin snorted. “You have no fucking idea. She wanted to exterminate all men over in her reality or drain their lusts or castrate them or something. She has some sort of powers. Don’t know if she can stop time, or anything, but she definitely was mind-controlling people.”

“Hot!” I said. “Well, not the exterminating part.”

Justin’s face grew serious. “Krystal, did dad ever…?” He shook his head. “Never mind.”

I shrugged. I turned my head and shouted, “Hey, Ji-Yun, come meet your evil twin!”

Ji-Yun wormed her way out of a pile of feminine flesh, pussy juices streaking her face and small tits. Her pale-olive skin looked so naughty gleaming with feminine oils smeared across her flesh. She darted towards me, her braided hair keeping her delicate face fully exposed. She glanced at our opposites and blinked.

“Wow, she is my twin,” Ji-Yun said. “Parallel reality stuff?”

I nodded my head.

“Is it weird that I want to have sex with my doppelganger?” my girlfriend asked.

“I knooooow!” I gushed, “I want to fuck my evil twin, too! So hot.”

Ji-Yun nodded her head in vigorous agreement. “Like the ultimate incest.”

I squealed in delight and hugged my girlfriend. I kissed her, tasting sweet and spicy pussy on her lips. I loved her so much. She just “got” me. Yes, I might have mind-controlled her into being the perfect girlfriend by accident, but she also turned me into a bisexual girl who loved her brother’s cum.

So we were even.

I gave another critical eye to my evil twin, who spelled her name with a C instead of a K which was totally weird. I frowned, brow furrowing. “Does she look a little… heavier than me? Right, Ji-Yun?”

“Oh, definitely, she easily has five pounds on you.”

I let out a sigh of relief. There definitely was a little bit of plumpness about Crystal’s thighs. I liked being petite.


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