Time Manipulation Mind Control Chapter 15: Sister’s Naughty Twin by mypenname3000

My evil twin blinked. “What? You think you’re skinnier than me?”

“She’s all scrawny and bony,” the evil Ji-Yun said. “You are so much more beautiful, my Queen.”

“Why do you make your girlfriend call you queen?” I asked. “That’s a little kinky.”

“Girlfriend?” Crystal asked. “She’s my sex slave. You all should all be my sex slaves. If I had my powers at their full effect, you would all be kneeling before me!”

“This is why we need to shut down the machine,” Justin said.

I nodded my head. I didn’t want to give up my powers, but… I also didn’t want our universe to get destroyed. And now that I liked guys, I didn’t want to have them all emasculated. “So what’s the plan, bro?”

“Miller!” shouted my brother.

The government agent in the suit somehow appeared, almost out of thin air, but he was probably lurking on the periphery waiting to be needed. He was tall, handsome, with dark hair and a dangerous air about him. He bowed to my brother, saying, “I will call the facility and let them know we are coming to turn off the machine. I know they will be excited to end this.”

“No, I don’t trust the NSA.” My brother’s eyes slid down to the gun holstered beneath the agent’s shoulder. The butt and holster peeked out of his jacket as he moved. “We’re going to do this my way.”

“And what is your way, Justin?” asked Sam, sounding calm.

I nodded my head, holding my girlfriend tight to me. I can’t believe the other version of me made her Ji-Yun into a sex slave. She truly was my evil doppelganger.

Justin drew in a deep breath and then bellowed, “I need someone who feels like they could stop time right this second!”

His words echoed through the gym, cutting over the lingering moans of passion. Most of the girls had untangled themselves and were gathering around him. Aurora was fighting her way through the crowd to reach my brother. He surveyed his women, even glancing at the guys who stood guard. Anyone of them could gain the power. The closer you were to my brother, the more likely the ability would spill over into you and let you stop time and mind-control people.

And maybe if they were close to me, too. My brother and I were on the same… wavelength. So far it seemed like we were the only ones connected that way. Maybe because we were siblings? Or maybe because we both were somehow affected at the same time by the machine. I didn’t know. This was really Sam’s area.

Just as Aurora reached my brother, Paris burst out of the crowd, her body smeared in pussy cream just like Ji-Yun’s was. She had such a look of hope on her face as she shouted, “Me! I think I can stop time! I’ll do it, Master!”


Justin Sampson

I nodded, my plan bubbling in my head. I glanced at Sam and said, “We’re going to freeze time so we don’t have to worry about the people from the other world bleeding into ours while we’re traveling to Handford. Plus, I don’t trust those NSA fuckers. We’ll get in there, we’ll turn off the machine, then we’ll, hopefully, slip out.”

“Once we turn off the machine, time may resume immediately. We may not get out.” Sam adjusted her glasses. “Unless we are very careful in our infiltration.”

My head snapped over to Miller. “It’ll be up to you to ensure that once time flows again, we’ll have an easy escape route.”

“Of course, my God,” the government agent said.

I shuddered. How much longer would people think of me like that? I glanced over at Crystal, staring at the warped version of my little sister. I could understand the seduction of power. Of domination. I wanted to take over my world. For that fleeting hour, I had such dreams. I imagined spreading my influenced far and wide. I would have used my mind-controlled followers, the Parallels I created with my powers, to dominate governments. I would have moved my slaves into position like chess pieces, let them stop time themselves, then use their powers to create me new followers.

I didn’t want the dream to end, but how much longer before another fucked up reality bled into ours. It could already be happening, opening onto places even more messed up than the one Crystal came from.

“We’ll need a team,” I said.

Sam nodded her head, saying, “Of course. I will be going.”

I wanted to say no, not wanting to take my girlfriend into danger, but what choice did I have? I would need her brains on this. “And Miller will be going, too. That’s a given.”

“I’m coming, bro,” Krystal said, holding her girlfriend tight. “No way I’m missing out on sneaking into a government base. If we’re going to stop time, I want to enjoy it one last time.

“And you will need your head slave, Master,” Aurora said. “To keep Paris in line.”

Paris blushed. She had to go because she was the one who could pause time.

I studied my blonde sex slave. The first girl I’d ever fucked. Just yesterday she despised me; now she wanted to risk her life to spend as much time with me as possible. I could see it in her eyes. The fear that when this was all over, she wouldn’t be my sex slave any longer. She wanted to enjoy it for as long as she could.

“Okay. Aurora’s coming, too. But that’s it.”

“We’re going to need a vehicle,” Sam said. “I don’t want to walk all the way to Handford.”

I groaned. I hadn’t considered that. “Fuck, can Paris bring a vehicle with her when she pauses time?”

“That is a very good question,” Sam said. “Clearly, the gravitons affect your belongings and the people you’re touching, but it doesn’t seem to affect the ground you’re standing on. It appears to be a very localized area. Perhaps you… instinctively decide what is or isn’t affected by the gravitons. Also, the fact that you’re able to move through the air and manipulate objects implies that you have a continuous effect on things, spreading small ripples of space-time distortion around you. Undoubtedly, there are some unusual quantum effects going on that allow interesting phenomena to happen.”

“Like girls’ pussies getting wet when I manipulate them,” I said. I scratched at the back of my neck. “A whole bunch about this that doesn’t make any sense. Oh, well. Who cares how this works. We just need to find a vehicle and hope that Paris can encase it and all of us in her time bubble.”

“I can totally do it, Master,” Paris said, her small breasts jiggling as she nodded her head.

“And if she doesn’t, I will have to spank her,” Aurora added, a big grin on her face.

My hand itched. I suddenly wanted to spank Aurora. She hadn’t been naughty, and I’d already spanked her today so that the compulsion that she put on me wasn’t nibbling at me.

“We must make sure it is a vehicle that has a full tank of gas,” Sam said. “We cannot guarantee we could fill up the tank if we run out of gas before we arrive. But it is only a couple hour drive, so it should not be a problem if it’s full.”

“Our van has more than enough gas to get us there,” Miller said. “We topped it off this morning before we arrived.”

“Okay, that’s it.”

“Good, I need to wash up. I will return.” Sam turned and strolled off. I blinked, wanting to talk to her.

I waited about seven minutes, the orgy raging around us. Then she returned, her body wet and glistening. She’d showered in the locker room. I didn’t blame her. We had a wild time in the other world when I’d taken her cherry.


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