Victorious: Corrupting Cat Part 4 by KINGOPORN

Victorious: Corrupting Cat Part 4 by KINGOPORN

Indulge in 'Victorious: Corrupting Cat Part 4' by KINGOPORN – an exhilarating erotic sex story that explores desire, temptation, and passion. Dive into a world of seductive encounters and provocative adventures that will leave you breathless. Uncover the tantalizing twists and turns of this captivating tale today!<br/>

Part 4 in The Corrupting Cat series, Please put suggestions for the next part in the comments or a private message to me 😀

Disclaimer: I do not own Victorious and have no association with anyone involved in the show.

Victorious: Corrupting Cat Part 4

by KOP

Cat was what some might call an early bird, which was a fun phrase which made the little redhead giggle softly. She quickly quieted herself though because while she had been awake for what felt like hours and hours, because of the whole being an early bird thing, Jade was still very much asleep and Cat remembered the Goth telling her never to wake her up.

Ok, so she hadn’t exactly remembered it at first. She just kind of got caught up in watching Jade sleep, the normally kind of scary girl looking so peaceful and pretty. Not that Jade wasn’t always pretty, because she was, but Cat just kind of liked Jade like this. Not that she didn’t always liked Jade.

Recognising she was getting confused again Cat did her best to clear her mind and concentrate on her point, that being that she liked watching Jade sleep. She liked it so much she hadn’t been able to motivate herself to wake Jade up, or at least not before she’d remembered she was supposed to do that anyway. And sure, watching someone sleep was probably kind of weird, but since she was now Jade’s girlfriend it was probably ok.

Cat smiled. She was Jade’s girlfriend. And Jade was her girlfriend. Words which had been buzzing through her head as she had fallen asleep the previous evening, and were again now, and no matter how many times she thought them or in what variation they never failed to bring a smile to her face.

All of a sudden Jade stirred, her eyes slowly blinking open to find Cat staring down at her.

For a few seconds Cat was worried Jade was going to yell at her for watching her. It wouldn’t have been the first time. But instead Jade smiled softly, cupped Cat’s face and pulled her downwards so their lips crash together. Cat was so relieved that Jade wasn’t mad at her, and so happy that the other girl was kissing her, that she didn’t even realise that during the kiss the Goth flipped them over until Jade broke away and smiled down at her.

“Well done Kitty, you remembered not to wake me up. For that I think you deserve a treat, don’t you?” Jade questioned almost conversationally as she moved her thigh ever so slightly which meant that thanks to her position on top of the smaller girl she was gently rubbing Cat’s core.

“Uh-huh.” Cat whimpered softly as Jade’s teeth gently bit into her neck, almost but not quite breaking the skin only for the Goth to quickly kiss, lick and suck it better.

It wasn’t long before Jade moved lower, the Goth girl soon feeling a little conflicted whether to just continue straight to her inevitable destination or to spend a little time worshipping Cat’s perky little boobs. After a few seconds of debate Jade chose the latter, her lips travelling all over those soft hills of flesh for a few long moments before she latched onto Cat’s right nipple and again sucking on it, gently at first but quickly increasing the suction, making the redhead let out these adorable moans, groans, whimpers and even squeaks in the process.

As she began moving back and forth between those two little nipples Jade thought how grateful she was that she hadn’t needed to waste time removing those unflattering pyjamas Cat insisted on wearing. Of course the reason for that was that Cat had no idea that she was going to stay over when she originally came round to Jade’s last night but the little redhead had been far too exhausted to try and go home, not that Jade would have allowed the adorable girl to leave even if she wanted too. And now Jade had experienced the pleasure of waking up with a naked Cat in her arms she was determined that this would become a regular thing. She might even burn all of Cat’s pyjamas just so that this girl would always have to sleep naked. Now, there was a great idea.

Then again maybe Jade would make Cat wear one of her cute little pair of panties and a bra. Or maybe just the panties. Yes, definitely just the panties. That way Jade could have immediate access to these cute little titties and have the pleasure of seeing just how wet she could make Cat’s panties while not going anywhere near the other girl’s downstairs area. Because seeing just how wet Cat’s pyjama bottoms were right now was a major turn on, Jade briefly breaking away so she could stare at the pretty little sight before smirking and returning her mouth and tongue to Cat’s now incredibly hard little nipples.

When Cat had first woken up she had been a little embarrassed to find herself still naked. After all she tried sleeping in the nude ones and it just made her feel dirty. It still did, but with Jade things that felt dirty seemed ok. Kind of good even. And Cat had definitely liked that there had been no pause in the fun to remove her clothing, Jade’s lips and tongue just doing continuously naughty things to her which felt so, so good.

All of a sudden Jade’s teeth dug into one of Cat’s sensitive little balls of flesh, causing the redhead to let out a little squeak of pain. That didn’t feel good at all, but truthfully it was something Cat was learning to expect and dread from Jade. Fortunately Jade always made it all better with her mouth and tongue, sucking and licking Cat’s nipple until she forgot all about the little bite. Then Jade repeated this process with Cat’s other nipple, then the soft flesh surrounding it, Cat feeling as if Jade was biting her so hard it would leave a mark on her boob.

While that was a frightening thought it was also kind of… exciting. The thought of being marked by Jade as hers, the Goth silently laying claim to Cat’s flesh… it was very, very wrong but Cat liked it. And in combination with Jade’s naughty worship of her body had the most intimate place Cat had throbbing with need for Jade to touch it. Luckily after a few long moments it seemed like Cat was going to get just that, the Goth slowly kissing her way down the bubbly redhead’s flat little tummy until she was oh so close to where Cat really, really wanted her to be.

Then all of a sudden Jade ordered, “Role over Kitty Cat.”

Frowning in confusion Cat asked, “Why?”

“Because I say so!” Jade growled, rolling her eyes as Cat literally did what she said, although it wasn’t exactly a surprise the innocent girl didn’t get exactly what Jade wanted, the dark haired girl actually having to spell it out, “On your hands and knees Cat. Get up on your hands and knees. I mean on your elbows and knees… with the lower part of your arms and hands on the bed too. That’s it, good girl, now stay like that for me, ok Kitty?”

“Ok Jadey.” Cat said, completely oblivious to exactly what Jade had in mind.

Whatever annoyance Jade might have been feeling from having to explain her command in such detail was quickly forgotten once Cat was in the right position. Not that she was ever that annoyed by Cat, which was weird because the redhead possessed so many qualities Jade hated in other people and things, but… the brunette just found it impossible to stay mad at this girl for long. Besides on this occasion Cat had been wiggling her cute little bubble butt in Jade’s face, and now the other girl had finally done as she was told Jade was left to admire perhaps the best ass she had ever seen.

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