Hart and Bowman PI by 012Say

“To the contrary, my dear. I trust you absolutely. You swore you would never do such a thing and signed a prenup, without even reading it. I know there are no videos. We just need to show this asshole, and he will go away.”

Nelson deserved an academy award. He was looking at Jim with pure disdain and Jim was hanging his head – not a bad acting job, either.

“I’m not sure I know where my phone is…”

Nelson reached into his back pocket and produced her phone. He handed it to her.

Doris is quick on her feet. “Bill, why do you have my phone?”

“I’ve already seen the videos. I just wanted Jim to see your fall.”

“There are no videos. I told you that. This man has faked them. Haven’t you heard of photoshop?” She was spitting fire. Also, a first-class performance.

Bill did not immediately respond. Instead, he fumbled around in his right front pocket and pulled out a money clip. He opened it, fanned through the bills, and found a crisp 100-dollar-bill. He removed it from the clip and handed it to Jim. “You know her well. I was certain she would not try to put this off on photoshop. At least I only bet you the small sum of $100.”

He paused just an instant and turned to Doris. “Pardon me, that was rude. $100 will not be a small sum to you in about two minutes. It will exceed your net worth, you whore.” As he said it, he took her phone back.

Doris’ legs gave out and she sat down, hard, on the marble floor. Jim shook Bill’s hand, “Sir, I’m sorry my disclosure has cost you your marriage.”

Bill let out that sinister chuckle, that kind that could wilt flowers, “Jim, evoking the prenup and sending dear Doris here from a life of luxury to the streets will give me more pleasure than her absence will cause me sadness.”

Bill looked down at the floor. “Doris, I’ll give you one minute to get out. No need to pack, nothing belongs to you. You leave with what is on your back and” he got the money clip and tossed its contents to her, “whatever that is – too bad I lost that bet, you’d have been better off.”

Jim left and the door closed.

You might be wondering, since I was not in attendance, how can I describe what went on? Bill wanted the whole thing on video and was kind enough to give Jim a copy. Bill also went to the press and announced Doris had done it again; he told them he had her phone (which he paid for) and video evidence.

Doris was not immediately available for comment.

One other thing we found out after Doris’ disappearance. Bill had planned on giving her $197.00, which he had in his money clip (he wanted her to leave with something – but thought she was worth less than $200). When Doris pulled photoshop out of her ass, Bill pulled the nonexistent bet out of his. Her lie cost her more than half of what he was going to give her.

In case you were wondering.

I had initially been sad to let serial cheater Ryan Donovan escape without incident. Jim just laughed. He told me Doris would know Ryan was the weak link and it was through him she got caught. She would see that Ryan paid.

Jim was right. It’s possible Ryan and Doris now share a box beneath some underpass –


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