Phandalin 2 by HaydenDLinder

Phandalin 2 by HaydenDLinder

Dive into the passionate world of "Phandalin 2," an erotic sex story that intertwines fantasy and desire. Explore sizzling encounters and steamy adventures in a captivating setting. Join the characters as they navigate their deepest fantasies in this thrilling continuation. Read now for an unforgettable experience!<br/>

To the Trolls,

I will be replying to every comment you make. And I will make you look stupid. Oh, I know. You lack the moral courage to read my responses, but everyone else will be laughing their motherfuckin asses off!

To everyone else,

Sorry about that. This one’s going in the “Loving Wives” Category and there’s a horrid troll infestation of nasty little InCels there. 🙂

So, I meant to say this in the first chapter but I got so excited about posting it that I forgot. Sorry. This story is based on the NPC’s of the D&D adventure sets

“Lost Mine of Phandelver” set in the year (DR 1491)

“Dragon of Icespire Peak” set in the year (DR 1492)

“Beyond the Dragon of Icespire peak Part 1: Storm Lord’s Wrath” year (DR 1493)

-Storm Lord is an unofficial Fan content.

“In Volo’s Wake” set in the year (DR 1494)

-Volo’s Wake doesn’t have a year officially but 1494 sits well with this storyline so I chose that. Volo’s Wake is also a piece of unofficial Fan content. It’s a nice little collection of mini-adventures. I just wish they’d spent a little more time on the logistics side of things in the game. I had to adjust a few things for it to fit but overall I really liked their ideas for the development of the town so I’m using it here.

(DR 1495) Doesn’t have a module associated with it but fear not. It will be a hectic year all the same.

And finally, “Acquisitions Incorporated” set in the year (DR 1496)

Thank you.

Hayden D. Linder

Chapter 5

Thalia Horton stood in the rear doorway of the Stonehill Inn. Watching as the self proclaimed “Town Drunk” unloaded barrel after barrel for the “Sleeping Giant Tap House.” Now that the Redbrands were gone, Grista’s little pub was getting the miners’ business again. And they seemed to be celebrating.

Thalia wasn’t sure how. But somehow, he had six horses pulling at the front of three wagons that had been cinched together in a train. When it appeared that Pete was almost done unloading the liquor. And Thalia’s curiosity couldn’t take it anymore. She paid Toblin for a new bottle of port and walked over to Pete.

“Morning, Mistress Thalia. How is your day?” Pete smiled as she approached.

She gave him a sultry smile in return. “Rather curiously, if you must know.”

“Oh, I must, dear lady. I must.” He exaggerated.

That won him a small laugh. “How did you put these wagons together?” She asked as she walked toward the back of the first wagon. “Huh.” She blurted in surprise.

“Yep. Just chained the Neck to the back of the first wagon and then chained the tongue to that. Gives it just enough play as we’re movin.” Pete commented.


“I try, Love.”

“And just how much play are you giving Ander?” She asked as she handed Pete the bottle.

Pete shrugged and pulled the cork without missing a beat. “Enough.” He said just before taking a swig from the bottle.

“You don’t feel the need to tell the town about his helping the Redbrands?”

“What help?” He shrugged as he proffered the bottle to her.

Thalia shook her head with a grimace. “Too early.”

“True.” He nodded. “But I have an image to uphold.” He smiled before taking another drink.

“He met up with them outside of town to fence their stolen goods.”

“And what was he supposed to do? Tell em, no?”

She sighed. “He sold them information.”

Pete made a face “Please. They could’ve gotten that information on their own. Heck, if they’d waited five minutes they would’ve known about the Sisters all on their own.” He took another drink as Thalia found herself nodding. “It just made em feel like big men to have a spy.”

“So, just let him get away with it?”

“Sure. Why not?” He took another big gulp from the bottle. “He made some easy money for a while. Heh heh. He’s workin for it now though.” Pete laughed as he drank the last of the port.

“What do you have him doing?”

Pete eased a quiet belch out and blew it away from Thalia. “Well, I first had him help me load all of the liquor and food from the Redbrands, before it goes bad. Now, he’s pilling wood onto the dead bodies to burn em. While I find buyers for the food.”

“So now you’re off to Stonehill.” She commented.

“Not yet. Kettlecopp wants a few loaves of bread, and some of the salt pork and beef.”

“Well, then I will leave you to it, Master Pete.”

“Please, call me “Pickled,” dear lady.” He bowed with a flourish.

Thalia laughed and headed off to her Miners’ Exchange thinking, ‘Pete was just a friendly old drunk.’ That “friendly old drunk” was thinking that if he ever needed to know anything about anyone? Thalia was the woman to talk to.


The last few days had been some of the most exhausting Ander ever had. He hadn’t been this sweaty since he was a kid on the streets of Neverwinter scrambling for food. Pete had forced him into dragging all the bodies into the field away from the village. They made a neat pile of the bandits, and probably some of the victims bodies. They found those in the chasm of the hideout. That was another fun little treat. Pete had gone ahead and just purchased the block and tackle from Master Barthen. Pete tied the pulleys to a large box and lowered himself into the pit. Ander got to be the one to pull the thing up after Pete piled bones into the box. There must have been a mountain of them in that chasm.

The Bugbears got their own little pile, the Goblin got his own pile and whatever the hell that cycloptic thing was got its own little spot too. Pete was pretty thorough about marking them, he said they would be pretty hard to find once the fire was done. Which made Ander wonder ‘why’ they wanted to find them after the fire?

Then they started building a large woodpile on top of those bodies. Ander asked him several times “What the hell are we doing?”

“Don’t you worry about it, Love.”

While Ander was building the woodpile, Pete managed to sell some of the food and liquor. Between the Sleeping Giant, Stonehill’s and Barthen’s it was pretty easy. By the time they needed to light the big fire they had sold most of the food, dry goods, liquor and household items. Furniture, tools and such. What few weapons and armor they found went to Linene Graywind at the “Lionshield Coster.”

Ander stood there in the dark having just finished shoveling the last of the dirt onto the remains of the fire. “What now?” He croaked.

Pete balanced himself on his shovel as he stretched his back. “Ahhh, there a gristmill around here?”

“What’s that?”

“Two large stone wheels that grind wheat into flour.” Pete answered.

Ander shook his head. “No, we get our flour from Neverwinter… But… I think Mistress Adabra, the Midwife, has something like that at her windmill.”

“Yeah, a windmill would do it.” Pete smiled. “Where is it?”

Ander shrugged. “About five miles outside of town, towards the mines.”


Adabra Gwynn sat in her rocking chair, reading “Love’s endurable burning.” The story of a common barmaid. Who’s true love for Prince Gofond pulls him away from his philandering ways and back to the path of righteousness. Gofond had just pushed the girl against the wall. Their lips sealed in a kiss of a thousand flames. While his dastardly hand slowly crept up her”WHAT IS THAT NOISE!?”

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