Comforting Mom pt 6 Christmas Cruise Day 4+5 by Unclear_Thoughts

“You want to start dating. That’s terrific. What’s going to happen with Bill?”

“We’ve been talking, long distance relationships don’t work.”

“Mom, it’s 2022. Every phone has a camera. He’s single. And he gets a bunch of holidays and three months off every summer. Spring Break is right around the corner. Not to mention, you don’t work… you can go to him. If you want to make it work, you’ll find a way.”

“I never really thought about it that way. You’re right. I… I have to go. Love you. Merry Christmas.” She kisses me and nearly runs people over on her way out. I start to get up.

“You just hold it right there. Don’t move!” I raise my hands as if I’m being arrested. A very large person hugs me from behind. “Merry Christmas! You wonderful man.” I turn around to see Gretchen. “Thank you for… um, just thank you. I know I was coming on to you a little strong, but Brooke… She is so wonderful. Our night was the best. I had never been with a woman before. A man either, as a matter of fact. I didn’t know just how great it could be. And the band last night. They asked me to join them on stage anytime I can get a night off. I owe you a big one.”

“You don’t owe me one. But I hear you are going to help me surprise Bea tonight.”

“I’ll cover for you on the camera and alarms. But… I won’t be able to stop the Captain if he shows up.”

“Julie has that covered. I’m not sure how, but she personally guaranteed it.”

“Good. I also heard I missed one hell of a party last night in 716. You stud you.”

“It was a fun night. Reminded me of Junior High. We even played spin the bottle.”

“Oh, sorry I missed that. I would have loved to kiss you.” She leans over and kisses my cheek. “I gotta go. Good luck tonight. Tell Bea I said hi and thank you. Her, Carol, and Suzy are all unbelievably nice people.” She hugs me again and walks off. I watch her dance herself out of the room.

“You’re not leaving without kissing me, are you?” I know this voice. It’s Marcia. She hugs me, kisses me, and wishes me a Merry Christmas before rushing over to a table of men. Bill’s friends, but I don’t see Bill with them. I look around to make sure there is nobody else. I stand and make my way out. I stop at the pool on my way to Mom’s room. I wish Veronica a Merry Christmas and she hands me a cup of spiced eggnog. I give her a kiss and I’m on my way. Yvonne stops me for a kiss and to wish me a Merry Christmas. I still picture her tits naked every time I see her. I knock on Mom’s door, and I hear her run across the floor. The door flies open.

“Come in, come in. Come have a look.” Bill is sitting on the balcony, clothed this time. I look down to the pool. “Over there, by the fake palm tree. Mom is sitting with three ladies. They keep whistling at the guys as they walk by. Mom has flashed three of them. They seem to be having a good time.” That’s Bea, Carol, and Suzy. The one with platinum blonde hair with the enormous rack is Bea. Hi Bill. I hear you have a ritual tonight.”

“Yes, we try to get together every Christmas Day and we watch the football bowl game we played in in college.”

“Which college? What bowl?” I’m not that into football but I know he is, and it will give him a chance to brag in front of Mom. “Iowa. We went to the Rose Bowl, January 1st, 1982. We lost but we watch it anyway.”

“Cool, that’s one of the big bowls. You guy’s must have been good to at least make it there.”

“None of us played much. We watch it and bitch about the couch not playing us. It gives us a reason to get drunk. Like we need a reason. Did you ever play?”

“No, I didn’t really play sports. I was more of a nerd slash bookworm type. Dad and I would throw the pigskin around every once in a while, but that’s about it.”

“That’s cool. The suit I got may be a little big, but I think it will work. It is really ugly though. Just like they wore in the late sixties and early seventies. Chuck had it with him as a joke. Sort of a play on the ugly Christmas sweater. The glasses are Tim’s. They are his backup pair. Don’t ask where the pocket protector came from.” Mom points at Bill and laughs.

“Sounds perfect. Um, I should be going.” Mom hands me a garment bag and kisses my cheek. I whisper in Mom’s ear, “Don’t forget to keep the Captain talking.”

I walk into my room to catch Amelia and Benita cleaning. They come running and Wham, Wham! I’m hit by two bodies. “Merry Christmas!” Amelia says as she showers me with kisses. “Feliz Navidad!” Benita says as her hands roam to my ass and groin.

“Merry Christmas you two. Miss me?” They both laugh. “Do you two want to help me get ready?”

“We’d love too. What can we do? To you… um for you?” I hold my arms up and Amelia lifts my shirt. Benita goes for my pants as I slide off my shoes. She lowers them while licking her lips. I step out of them, and she grabs my briefs. Amelia hugs me from behind and gets on her tiptoes to kiss my neck. I turn to kiss her deeply. Benita lowers my briefs and takes my cock in her mouth. Soon Amelia joins her, and they both look up at me while licking my cock. I check the clock… I don’t have a lot of time…

“Why don’t you two help me shower. I don’t have much time.” Amelia gets the water going and adjusts the temp. Benita gets naked. We enter the shower and I grab her ass and pull her up then lower her onto my cock. There isn’t much room, but we make do. I raise and lower her over and over, her arms around my neck and her tongue tied to mine. I feel a hand washing my back as my cock thrusts repeatedly into Benitas moist pussy. It isn’t long before she is shouting obscenities in Spanish. She gushes over my cock then she slips down onto her feet. She washes my hair as Amelia washes my legs and feet. When done the two change places. Benita dries as Amelia climbs up my body and I lower her to my cock. She tries to put it in her ass, but I stop her. There is only one ass for tonight. She slides down my cock and we lock lips as her arms lock around my shoulders.

“You have such a nice cock. I’m going to miss it when you leave tomorrow. All of the ladies are. Please, OH… MMMmmm Damn that’s big! Come back and visit us. YES! YES! YES!” She gushes over my cock now. We kiss again then she slides off. She washes from my chest down. When she soaps up my cock she says, “Close your eyes.” I do and I feel four hands roaming over my body. Twenty fingers stroking my cock. I picture the ladies last night. Then I picture HER!, and I cum… “Julie? What? Why? When?” Everything up to now flashes through my mind.

Amelia shuts off the water and they both dry me. I’m lost in thought. Why did Julie pop in my head. I step to the mirror and slick my hair back with gel. It’s not a flat top but it’s the closest thing to it. I unzip the garment bag. There is a suit. Plaid Pants, (Red, Green, and white) and a matching sports coat. Amelia and Benita laugh. I try on the pants; they are a little big around the waist, but they are the right length. I put on a white belt and white shoes. They are a size too big. Amelia grabs her’s and Benita’s panties and stuffs them in the toes. “You know how to return them.” Amelia says as she slides the shoes on. Perfect fit. I put on a tee shirt, then the dress shirt. I slide the pocket protector in with a couple pens from the drawer. I try on the coat. The sleeves are just right, but the waist is big. It will have to do. Last thing, the glasses. I can’t tell how they look because I can’t see through them. Both Amelia and Benita are laughing so they must be perfect. I feel like Herb Tarlek from WKRP in Cincinnati. “Bea is going to like this?” Benita asks.

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