Comforting Mom pt 6 Christmas Cruise Day 4+5 by Unclear_Thoughts

“Grandma, you told me he wouldn’t… Oh, you played me.”

“Your Mom and Dad even joined a couple of times. He was such a nice guy. I really miss him. He always said I needed to meet you. He even wanted me to de-virginize you. When your grandma called my grammy to see if this was possible, they called me, and I set this all up. Even the berthing. After all, they hang out together three times a week on campus, at Carol and Suzy’s bar. Tim is Carol’s husband and Suzy is single…”

“And ready to mingle.” Grandma says. “Not to rush you two love birds, but there’s a Christmas party going on back in my room.” We all start to get dressed. Phyllis helps me with my jacket.

“I told you that you’d find out tonight. Um, you can always join us at our swingers’ parties. I think I’ve become attached to this.” She reaches down and gives my groin a squeeze.

“And this is the Captain’s suite?” I ask as we head out.

“Yes. He is on vacation with his family. Amelia and Benita promised to clean up. They said something about you paying them back for it.” Julie turns off the lights on the way out.

Julie and I hold back and take a separate elevator. On the way down to the fourth deck, we kiss and tell.

“So, tell the truth… when did you realize that you love me?” Julie asks while snuggling up to me.

“Honestly, while I was getting ready today. I was in the shower, Amelia and Benita were helping me… um…” Julie cuts me off. She grabs me by my groin and squeezes.

“Prepare. Let’s just say they were helping you get ready. I know what they were probably doing.” She releases, thankfully.

“All I could think of was you. With everything that has happened on this cruise, it was you! Not Yvonne’s tits, Ashley’s eyes, Veronica’s ass, Marcia’s smile, Amelia and Benita’s double team, or and believe me this is a big one, your Grammy’s toothless blow job. It was you! When did you know you love me?”

“Honestly, knowing your grandma and grandpa and your mom and dad, I knew you had to be special. Believe it or not, I’ve been watching you at college. Then when you offered to help your mom and grandma get over their losses, I knew you were. But when you were willing to help my grammy. My heart melted. It didn’t hurt that you have… and I’m not joking, the best cock I’ve ever seen, tasted, or fucked.” The elevator dings and we step out together, hand in hand. We use our master key and just let ourselves in. I make it three steps inside when… Wham! My grandma wraps her arms around Julie. Then, WHAM! Phyllis wraps her arms around me. We both get covered in kisses. Mom is standing behind Phyllis, and Bill is holding her hand. Ken is standing behind Grandma, and the line starts to form. Carol and Suzy with Tim between them. Bill’s friends are scattered throughout the room. Veronica is pouring drinks, while Ashley is playing music. Gretchen is in a corner with a microphone. Marcia is flirting with three guys. Yvonne has a guy hanging on her. Gretchen starts to sing, and the room joins her. “Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Should old acquaintance be forgot and old lang syne…” Arms wrap around shoulders and everyone begins to sway together. Gretchen has a huge smile on her face as she sings. When the song ends everyone holds up their drinks, then takes a big gulp. As the night goes on, couple after couple leave together. Eventually Julie and I bid our farewells and head down to the berthing. Oddly, it’s quiet. We stop at my room, and I fumble to open it. Julie asks, “Do you need some help?”

Julie wakes me in the morning by putting her tits in my face.

“Good morning sleepyhead, get up, get up, but don’t get out of bed.” She laughs at her own joke. It’s early, so it’s not funny to me. She reaches for my cock, because the two hours of sex last night just wasn’t enough. “This was all I wanted for Christmas, and Santa didn’t disappoint.” I pull her close and kiss her. “I don’t have time for this unfortunately. The ship docks around ten. I left you a present in your grandma’s room. Please don’t open it until you get home. I have to disembark the passengers so; this is goodbye until you leave. I love you.” She kisses me and walks out of the room.

“I love you too!” comes from Veronica. “I love you too!” comes from Ashley. I hear “We love you too!” from Amelia and Benita. Then I hear showers and blow-dryers. I hear Gretchen singing. There are heels clumping down the passageway, giggling, then “Love ya too! Me too!” from Yvonne and Gretchen. Julie got my morning wood up. I find my shoes and grab the panties from the toes. One last present for Amelia and Benita.

I meet Mom at Grandma’s room with the bags. Grandma hands me my present from Julie. I stuff it inside my bag. We walk to the elevator and make our way to the ramp to leave. I see Julie shaking hands and giving hugs as people file off the ship. Julie hugs Mom and Mom kisses her cheek. Then, Grandma hugs her tight. She kisses her on the lips, tongue and all. Julie just goes along with it. Lastly, Julie hugs me. Kisses me. Then, whispers in my ear, “I’ll see you on campus. I can’t wait to introduce you to my sorority sisters. You think these ladies are sluts.” I laugh as I follow Mom and Grandma off the ship. It’s a long drive home, but only a few miles. We are all quiet. We get home and I start to unpack. I find Julie’s present and open it up. It’s a flash drive, panties, with a note.

“I put my number in your phone. Please use it soon. I love you.” I put the flash drive in my computer and open the file. A slide show begins, pictures of Me and Mom and Grandma. Followed by security footage of her letting me into my room. Then footage of her leaving my room. A picture of her naked lying in my bed. The same footage with me and Veronica followed by a picture of Veronica naked in my bed. Then the same with Marcia. It flashes end of day one. Security footage of the pool and Yvonne massaging lotion on my back. Phyllis/Bea laying naked with my hand on her crotch… her mouth is open wide. A few pics of her naked on my bed, on the Captain’s bed, and in the engine room naked. I laugh. Marcia was next. Us entering her room.

Then her naked on all fours, her ass sticking out, on my bed. I see footage of Amelia and Benita entering my room followed by pictures of them naked on my bed holding their panties. Me leaving alone before they leave naked and cross the passageway to their rooms. Yvonne and I entering her room and a video of her crawling on the bed towards the camera, her tits swaying, nipples hard. End of day two. A surprising picture of Brooke and Gretchen naked together on my bed. Brooke has a whip and Gretchen is wearing handcuffs. Then videos from the orgy in my room start to play. End of day three. Pictures of Phyllis/Bea Suzy and Carol naked on my bed. Security footage of Phyllis and I entering the Captains stateroom. Security footage of Julie and Ken/The Captain entering. Finally, a video of Julie naked outside her door. She blows a kiss and steps inside.

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