Helping My Big Sis by Eccho

‘Well, it’s gonna be quite the challenge working with this, isn’t it?’ she thinks to herself, bringing her hand to her shaft, ‘Ok, might as well take care of it.’

She starts slowly moving her hand up and down her length, letting out soft moans in the process. As she slowly strokes her cock, the image of Monique straddling her reenters her mind. This turns her on even more. She starts stroking a little faster, imagining Monique riding her. She arches her back and lets out a light moan. But she catches herself and bites her lower lip to stifle her moans, not wanting to be too loud.

As she continues, her mental image gets more and more vivid, turning her on more and more. It almost seems like Monique is actually there, riding her dick, moaning out her name, touching her like she did before. Natalie is in pure bliss with her created scenario, almost forgetting it’s her imagination. Her moans get a little louder and her strokes get harder and faster.

A knock is heard on her door, snapping Natalie out of her thoughts. She immediately gets under her covers, propping her knees up to hide her erection.

“It’s open,” she calls out. The door opens and Monique appears.

“Hey,” she says, stopping herself as the full picture unfolds before her. In front of her is her sister, slightly out of breath, under the covers, her laptop that looks to be carelessly tossed, tissues on her nightstand, the cover slowly setting as if she’d just draped herself with it, then when it settles, she sees a bit of a tint between her legs. She chuckles before saying,

“You never did know the meaning of subtlety, did you? Well, I was just gonna ask if you’ve seen the downstairs remote, but I can see you’re…preoccupied. So I’ll let you get back to it. Oh, and if you’ve got one to spare, could you lend it to me some time?

She winks and Natalie sticks her tongue out at her, trying her best to hide her fear of getting caught, embarrassment from the request, frustration from the interruption, and…growing arousal? They share a chuckle after Natalie’s reaction and Monique takes her leave. Natalie lets out a sigh of relief as Monique’s footsteps are heard going down the hallway to what sounded like her own room. After the coast is clear, she removes her cover and continues stroking herself.

As she returns to her actions, trying to reenter her previous thought back into her mind, she finds herself envisioning the interruption and it’s giving a more favorable result. This is turning her on more than the thought of Monique riding her. Is it because of the rush of almost getting caught, or is it because she secretly wanted to get caught?

She gets back to her pace, back to her stifled moans, but to a different vision. She then reaches under her shirt, grabbing a hold of her right breast with her free hand, the same breast that Monique touched, grabbing and kneading it as she continues sliding her other hand up and down the length of her cock.

Eventually, she feels her orgasm building. By this point, it’s getting harder and harder to maintain her silent moans. So much so that her moans turn into squeaks. She gets the wherewithal to at least do something about the up coming mess and grabs the tissue box with her free hand, pulling out a few sheets and covering them over the head of her member. A few strokes later, she closes her mouth shut, attempting to be as quiet as possible as she lets out a final moan as she shoots her load into the tissues. She throws her head back as rope after rope shoots into the layer of tissues. But the amount coming out is proving to be too much as her cum starts oozing out of the concealer. Seeing this, she grabs a few more sheets of tissues and wipes the excess cum running down her cock.

When she’s done, she slumps down onto her bed as she takes a moment to catch her breath before throwing away the ball of her would-be children. When she’s composed, she lets out a breath, realizing she needs to get back to work. But when she tries to lean up, she finds that she can’t. She tries moving her arms, but can’t do that either. It finally dawns on her that she’s too exhausted to move.

‘Dammit,’ she thinks to herself, ‘The best and worst part. But I need to get to work. Now, come on. Get up. Write things.”

Her eyes start getting heavy after her last thought.


She tries to fight it, but the battle of released body chemicals proves to be too strong and she accepts her fate. She closes her eyes completely and awaits the sweet embrace of slumber. It doesn’t take long for her wish to be granted. Just a few moments later, she escapes into her subconscious mind.

A few hours pass and Monique’s bored. She’s played the hell out of her games, she’s read all of her comics months ago and lost interest in rereading them, and there’s only so many memes you can stomach before you’ve had your fill. She slumps in her bed with a groan, trying to come up with something to do. Her favorite content creators haven’t posted anything yet, there’s nothing good on T.V. right now, and she doesn’t have the money to go out. What to do, what to do?

She then gets the idea to go ask Natalie if she wants to do anything. But as soon as she gets the thought, she remembers the image of three hours ago. She then gets a different idea on how she could spend her time. And then she gets an even better idea,

‘Maybe I’ll take up on my request to use one of her toys and maybe I forget where I put it and she’ll look all over the place for it. It’ll give her something to do and entertain me. Win, win.’

She steps out of her bed and makes her way to Natalie’s room, giggling to herself as she envisions her evil scheme. She composes herself and knocks on her door. No answer. She knocks a bit harder. Nothing.

‘What’s going on?’ she questions internally, ‘Is she still at it? Natalie, you dog. But why is she not answering? Is she really wearing headphones to drown me out? You really expect me to leave just because you wanna feed your cat this bad? Well, you’re dead wrong if you think it’s that easy.’

She cracks open the door, finding that Natalie’s sleeping. Taken aback by this, she realizes that her plan will go smoother than she thought. But something catches her eye, something that’s between her legs. She can’t quite make out exactly what it is. It’s a bit dark in her room, and the candle light isn’t exactly doing any favors.

‘It’s not the dildo she was using earlier,’ she thinks to herself, ‘It’s too small. What is that?’

She inches closer to the bed, making sure to not disturb Natalie’s sleep. When she finally arrives at the foot of her bed, she carefully climbs on top of it, gently crawling in between her sleeping sister’s legs. She leans down to get a better look and realizes that it’s a part of her body.

‘Is that…That can’t be a…But how…No. No, it’s gotta be a fake or something. There’s no way.’

She then brings her hand to it to feel it. When she makes contact with it, she finds that it is indeed real flesh. She covers her mouth in shock, but tries her best not to make noise. But her mind is racing at the new discovery.

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