I Work in a Doctor’s Office VI by spurtz
Explore a tantalizing tale in 'I Work in a Doctor's Office VI' by spurtz, where passion meets professionalism in an erotic setting. Discover steamy encounters, hidden desires, and thrilling escapades within the clinical confines. Dive into this captivating sex story that promises to ignite your imagination and satisfy your cravings!<br/>
A 26 year old female medical assistant has lots of fun with a 16 year old boy.
If you have been following my stories, you know that I am a young, attractive female medical assistant who works for a leading urologist in a major city. As this is written, I have had this position for three years which makes me 27. Not many women work in this field but frankly I chose it because of my fascination with the penis. And I get to see a great many of them. While most of our patients are older, we get enough young men and even virile middle-aged men, to keep it interesting for me.
Our medical group also specializes in erectile dysfunction (ED) and over the last year I have more or less become the “go to” person in the firm to treat these patients as I have had a very high degree of success. One recent patient who I had “cured” was back for a 3-month follow-up visit. This is routine and it’s basically to check that the patient continues to have success achieving an erection. When I entered the examination room the patient had already been prepared by one of the other assistants. He was sitting on the exam table wearing one of hospital gowns that we provide.
This exam was very simple. All I had to do was make sure that the patient could easily achieve an erection. I greeted my patient, who had been one of my favorites. He was fifty, in good shape, was good looking, and had a very impressive penis. I walked over to the table, moved his gown away from his lap and took hold of his penis. I expertly began to masturbate him and he quickly became hard. Very hard. I congratulated him on his ability to maintain the same level of erection ability that he had reached at the end of my treatment.
“Thanks, doc,” he said, “can you go ahead and bring me off? For some reason I really need a release this morning.”
“No problem,” I replied. “I always like to check that your ejaculatory ability is not diminished in any way.” I laid a large flat dish that we in the office jokingly call the “cum tray” in front of him and proceeded to masturbate him to orgasm. It didn’t take long as I am quite proficient in coaxing orgasms out of erect cocks. He spurted several long streams of semen onto the tray.
“Thanks doc, that was great. Listen,” he continued as I wiped the excess semen off his penis, “I have a proposition for you. I want to hire you to do some special tutoring for me during your time off.”
“I’m sorry, but I am not permitted to have any off-site contact with patients. That’s a hard and fast rule.”
“No, no…it’s not for me,” he protested. “It’s for my 16 year old son.”
“Your son suffers from ED? That would be most unusual.”
“No doc, he doesn’t have any trouble getting a hard-on as far as I know. But he’s painfully shy. Never had a date with a girl. Is extremely protective of anybody seeing his penis. Even his mother, when she was still alive, commented to me how he always covered himself to make sure nobody ever sees his penis. He’s never had any sex educations classes and I’ve never been able to work up the courage to have that ‘father-son’ discussion with him. I was hoping you could work with him a couple of evenings a week and see if you can draw him out of his shell.”
“I would have to get approval from the firm in order to do something like that. I will check with the doctor and see what he says. What kind of money are we talking about?” I asked. He threw out an hourly rate that stunned me. I knew this guy was extremely well off. I could tell by his clothes and his shoes that he had money. He told me he would like to see me do a couple of two hour sessions a week and if need be we could add on a third session if I thought it would help. Maybe do this for three or four weeks or however long it took. This added up to almost as much money as I made with my doctor.
Surprisingly my doctor had no objection and I worked out a schedule with the boy’s dad. At his suggestion he set up an unused bedroom in his sprawling mansion to basically duplicate one of our examination rooms. We both agreed that the boy might feel a bit more comfortable in what looked like a medical environment. I would wear one of my white medical smocks.
Our first session was then scheduled. I showed up at the extremely impressive house located in a very high-end neighborhood. The dad introduced me to the son, who was named Jack. I told Jack that he could call me Kelly. The dad explained that I was basically a health professional that was going to help educate the boy in areas not adequately provided by the school he attended.
The dad then showed me the room that had been prepared and left Jack and me alone. I asked Jack to sit on the exam table while I attempted to explain in general terms what we would be doing. I took my time getting to any discussion about sex education but when I finally brought the subject up, the boy’s face turned crimson. I knew I had to somehow calm him down before the whole thing went off the rails.
“Jack, I understand your concern about getting into areas that are totally new to you. But keep in mind that I am a medical professional who only deals with men. Men, who most of the time totally disrobe for my inspection. So please just relax and allow me to do my job.”
“What kind of inspection are you talking about?” he wanted to know. Real concern showed in his voice. “Am I going to have to get undressed?”
I had planned to hold off any undressing until the second or third session but now that the subject was broached, I felt it best to get right into it before he had a chance to back out of the program.
“Well Jack,” I replied, “the undressing was planned to be later but I think as an ice-breaker it might be best if we get right to it.”
“You mean you want me to take off my clothes now?”
“Yes, here is a hospital gown. Please go behind that screen and remove all your clothing and put on this gown. The gown can go on either way but please put it on so the front is open. There is a place to hang your clothes behind the screen. Take off your shoes and socks as well as I plan to give you a complete medical checkup.”
He very reluctantly went behind the screen and a few minutes later came out in the gown. He had the front tied tightly together with the ties. After he sat down on the exam table I went over and untied the gown. As I pulled the front open he put his hands down over his penis.
“Jack, in my job I see hundreds of penises. So please don’t be shy about showing yours as it is nothing new to me and will be necessary for what we are doing. In fact, let’s start the exam off with me inspecting your genitals.” With that I pulled his hands away from his crotch to reveal an extremely attractive penis. I was surprised to see it was even larger than his dad’s. He had what is known as a “German Cut” circumcision where only the excess skin extending beyond the glans is removed. When flaccid this foreskin covers most of the glans with the tip still exposed. From my experience, I knew that in most cases when the penis became erect, the foreskin would roll back all on its own fully exposing the head.