Memphis gets a maid… and more! by MemphisMight

Memphis gets a maid… and more! by MemphisMight

Dive into "Memphis gets a maid... and more!" an enticing erotic sex story by MemphisMight. Explore thrilling encounters, sultry adventures, and unexpected passions that await in this steamy narrative. Perfect for readers seeking excitement and desire, this tale will captivate your imagination and heat up your reading experience. Don't miss out—indulge in Memphis's tantalizing journey now!<br/>

Again, I want to specify, I write these stories for my wife, and decided to reprint them here. Some of it is true, some is wishful thinking, some is just fantasy.

There’s absolutely NO incest or violence here. So if that’s your thing, just please pass on by.

We sat outside, on the bars back patio. It was just me and two old friends, catching up after 40 years. We sat outside so as not to bother anyone with our loud retelling of the antics of our crazy youth.

It was a good thing we did. The stories of breaking into condemned buildings, drugs, girls and rock-n-roll, were plentiful. Who knows what the statute of limitations was on some of that.

We were so engrossed in conversation I didn’t notice the young blonde who was now sitting at a table in the corner. She was looking our way, smiling at us. Or was it aimed at me? I wasn’t sure. But when I looked her way, she diverted her eyes back to her phone.

Every now and then, in the middle of conversation, I’d look up and she’d be looking at us, smiling. She was cute, young, but cute. Probably about 5’6″, thin with blonde hair hanging straight down just past her shoulders. She had small breasts under a blue, extremely tight, tank top with the logo of the bar we were sitting in and white short shorts. She must work here?

My friends were telling a story about me and we were all laughing. I looked up and she was looking our way, my way (?), laughing, smiling.

This went on for another hour before we started to say our goodbyes to each other. As we were walking out, my eyes wandered over for one last glance. I noticed her hand tapping a piece of paper on the table.

When I looked down at it, she quickly flipped it up. It was a bar coaster that said, “come back when your friends leave”. She quickly flipped it back down, making sure no one else saw it.

I walked out and we all got into our modes of transportation. As I watched them pull away my mind wandered. What could she possibly want? I love my wife, I’d never cheat on her. But I’m 60, and I couldn’t help but wonder what she was thinking.

I turned off my truck and walked back inside. Walking back through the door to the patio, she looked up, smiling. This time it was obvious, she was smiling at me.

I walked up to her with my hand extended, “Hi, my name’s….” “Stacks!” she blurted out. “Yes, I’m aware. Sorry, I couldn’t help but overhear, when you were with your friends. It was kinda hard not to hear them.”

“Umm yeah, I was gonna say Marshal. My name’s Marshal, they all call me Stacks, because back in the day when you’d go to a concert, the stages were always packed with towers of Marshall amps. More commonly referred to as… Stacks.

And there is your over explained music history lesson of the day.” I laughed while still holding her hand, staring into her blue eyes and full lips. My eyes drifted down to her nipples, hard and pressing against her t-shirt.

‘So young!’ I thought to myself. Her eyes shifted down to my crotch, I’m sure noticing my hard-on pressing against my shorts. As she introduced herself, I quickly sat down, trying to conceal my growing excitement.

“I’m Magnolia, my friends call me Mags.” “It’s a pleasure Mags. Now tell me, why someone like you, is flashing smiles and coasters at someone like me?”

She laughed, “I was just curious what your story was. I mean, are you famous or something? Your friends were really happy to be with you and sharing with you. It just made me really curious about your story.”

I laughed, “Oh all that! No, not famous, I came back for my 40th high school reunion. I haven’t been back in about 35 years.” She looked at me stunned and blurted out, “40!? So that makes you like 58? 57?” I said,”It’s a long story, but more like 60.” “Nooo!!” she said in amazed disbelief. “I’m not believing that for a second.” “Well thank you, but yeah, it’s true.”

She looked down at my hand and noticed my wedding ring. “And your married? Happily?” “I am, and yes, very happily, to a beautiful and amazing lady, who’s actually waiting for me right now.”

She grabbed my phone off the table and said, “can I see her? I’m sure you’ve got pictures in here?” I grabbed my phone back saying, “That was bold! And, yes, I do, thank you!” I opened my phone and pulled up a folder of pictures of my beautiful wife, before turning it her way.

Her mouth snapped opened and stayed that way, her eyes opened wide. “Oh my god!! She’s gorgeous!” “Yeah, she really is. Thank you! I’ll tell her you said so.” She took the initiative of swiping the picture to the side to see the next one and the next and the next.

I was thinking how glad I was I opened the file without the pictures meant just for me. She continued flipping through, when she stopped at one of my favorites and just stared at it. “You OK?” I asked. Shaking her head, she said, “yeah, but can I be honest with you? (Mmhmm I mumbled as she went on)

I haven’t been with a guy in quite some time. I was just intrigued by what was going on over there, with you and your friends.

But her! OMG she’s beautiful. I mean she’s making me wet just seeing pictures of her. (stumbling with her next words) Have you ever? I mean, she, has she ever, you know, been with. I mean, do you, does she!? OMG look at her!! (as she flipped a picture of her at the lake in her bathing suit) I mean seriously!? Fuck me!!” I laughed, “Yeah, she really turns me on as well.” Still swiping pictures and rubbing her legs together, sitting uncomfortably, “I mean, my god, just look at that! What I wouldn’t give to be able to… well, you know!”

I paused before talking. Taking an extra minute to think before speaking. I decided to throw caution to the wind and just come out with it. “So tell me, do you have any unbreakable ties here?

I mean if I offered you a job, could you just pack up and leave?” She looked at me with confusion and curiosity. “Like what? What kind of job? And no, I mean yes. No, I don’t have any family or ties here. And yes, I’m free to do whatever I want. Why? What kind of job do you have in mind?”

“Well” I said, “my wife had surgery a couple of weeks ago. She’s been sick for 6 months. She’s lost 30 lbs and a lot of her strength. She also suffers from a nerve disorder that causes her hands to uncontrollably shake at times. Sometimes her shakes can get bad, and she’ll get frustrated trying to do simple chores around the house as well as basic personal hygiene things like shaving and putting on makeup.

“Breaking her eyes away from my phone, she looked up, “Ummm shaving? You mean like….?” “Yeah, like her girl parts as well as her legs, underarms, sheesh, try to focus.” I said, smiling back at her. Getting more than a little turned on thinking about her shaving my beautiful wife, I could see the excitement of the possibilities in her eyes.

So I continued, “look, I have to be honest with you. Yes, the thought of you being intimate with my wife turns me on immensely.” “Oh my god! Me too!” She blurted out. “OK, calm down! Anyway, she’s never been with another girl. And even though something tells me she’d really enjoy it, I’m not even sure she really wants to.


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