Motherfucker by rat_race

“What you don’t realize, sis, is that you need me and my sperm a lot more than I need you right now. So from now on, you’re going to play by my ground rules if you ever want me to fuck you again while you’re here, and fertilize that little pussy of yours. Do you understand? I mean, I assume that you do still want me to keep fucking you, don’t you?”

“Yeah,” Lacey replied softly with her eyes closed, as she was obviously realizing that I was the one who held the upper hand in our negotiations now.

“First of all,” I continued on, “You agree to let me fuck you in any body position I want–my choice. But I will let you know right up front that face-to-face missionary-style is currently my favorite intercourse position, and so there’s a good chance that I’ll fuck you that way most of the time.

“Secondly, you agree to treat me no differently from the way that you treat your own husband, Tim, during sex. In other words, you’re not just going to have sex with me from now on, while you just lie there passively and endure it. No, sir. That just won’t fly in my book. Instead, you’re actually going to have to make love to me the whole time that we’re having sex. In other words, you’re going have to pretend that I’m your boyfriend, and not just some “living sperm machine” for you to abuse, as you see fit.

“Thirdly, you agree to let me do whatever I have to do to make you orgasm strongly, while you’re having sex with me. And don’t try to fake an orgasm in front of me either, because I can tell when the orgasms are real.

“Either you agree to honor these three rules, or I’m not going to have sex with you anymore during the entire time that you’re here at Mom’s house. I promise you that.

“So what will it be, sis? Are you going to play by my rules? Or are you going to get mad at me, and pick up your toys, and go home? That’s the only choice I’m giving you. So what do you say, sis? Are you in? Or are you out?”

Lacey silently looked at me with daggers in her eyes, like she was wanting to rip out my throat any minute. And then she finally said, “I’m in, God damn it!”

“Then prove it to me!” I challenged her right back. “Kiss me right now, just like I’m Tim, and you haven’t seen me in a long time.”

“God damn it! You drive a hard bargain! But then you’re really not leaving me any other choice, are you?”

“No, I’m not. So either you kiss me right now, or the whole deal’s off. And I mean I want a long, passionate, mouths-open, tongue-searching French-kiss out of you right now. That is, if you have the balls to actually do it.”

“Fuck you, Carl! Just ‘fuck you’ is all I can say,” Lacey barked out at me. And she walked over to me and planted a big juicy French-kiss on me that lasted a couple of minutes.

“Now, that’s what I’m talking about. Now, you’re making me actually want to fuck you. See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”

“Fuck you, Carl!” Lacey spewed out her venomous hatred at me one last time, and then left the kitchen in a huff. She knew that there was nothing she could really do now, but cooperate completely with me.

And that’s exactly the way that I wanted it. I wanted to be able to look back fondly at these special times when I got to make love to my own sister, and fertilize her pussy in the process. What guy in a similar situation wouldn’t want that?

After I had finished eating breakfast, accompanied only by my mother, Lacey avoided me the rest of the day. I don’t think she as mad at me, as she was mad at herself, and at the whole situation that she had unwittingly gotten herself into.

Lacey didn’t dare miss out on the chance to get some more of my much-needed sperm inside her fertile vagina. In fact, she knew that realistically, she needed as much fresh sperm in her vagina as I could possibly put there with my dick over the next few days.

Later that evening, Lacey finally came out of her bedroom, and approached me, and gave me a big hug and a long kiss.

“I need you to make love to me, Carl,” she said, pulling me into her bedroom and over to the bed, when she stopped just long enough to undress herself in front of me, and then turned around to show me her nakedness.

“Do you love me, little sis?” I asked.

“Yes, Carl. I love you like a brother, because that’s exactly what you are to me. But you’re a very special brother who I’m going to allow to step over the line of decency, so that I can hopefully get pregnant, and start a family.”

“Good answer,” I said, “Would you please give me a blowjob right now?”

“Sure,” Lacey said, and then knelt down in front of me. She pulled open the fly at the front of my pajama pants, pulled my dick out of my underwear, and began licking it and sucking on it. It was one of the most erotic things that I had ever experienced. I couldn’t believe that my little sister was actually sucking my dick. As you can image, my dick got rock-hard very fast.

I pulled my sister’s head away from my dick, and told her, “Go lay down on the bed, with your legs toward me, and then spread her legs apart so that I can see that lovely pussy of yours.”

Lacey walked over to the bed to lie down on her back. She spread her legs apart, and then just lay there, while she was watching me get undressed in front of her, and awaiting my further instructions.

“Tell me that you want me to eat your little pussy,” I ordered her.

“You want me to eat your little pussy,” Lacey parroted right back at me, in as low-pitched of a voice as she could, obviously making fun of me.

Then she giggled away, just like a little schoolgirl. And I could tell that she was extremely nervous about what was getting ready to take place between us. But I could also tell that I had finally managed to crack the shell of this little ice princess.

“Come on, sis. You’ve got to take this seriously if you want it to turn out to be any good. It’s just like anything else in life. You only get back what you put into it. So put your heart into it, and tell me that you want me to eat your pussy.

This time, Lacey looked me straight in the eye, and said to me, “I want you to eat my pussy, Carl.”

“That’s much better,” I complimented her. “Did Mom tell you how ruthless I was?”

“No, she didn’t.”

“Well, just know that I always get what I really want, and I don’t back down until I do. It’s just in my nature to be that way. And what I want right now is to make you orgasm your ass off. And do you want to know how I’m going to do that?”

“Uh-huh,” Lacey hummed back, nodding her head.

“I’m going to stimulate your G-spot. Mom showed me exactly how to do that this afternoon, while you were out with your friends. She let me finger her vagina. And while I was doing that, she showed me how to go about rubbing her G-spot in just the right way, so that it would make her orgasm her ass off.

“Mind you, Mom didn’t actually let me do that to her while she was standing there in front of me in the kitchen. But she did coach me, and explain to me exactly how to make that magic G-spot cum-button work. And so that’s what I’m going to do to you, right before we fuck.

“But first, I’m going to eat your pussy out for a little while, and suck on those marvelous little titties of yours. And then I’ll bring out the big guns and do some serious G-spot rubbing.

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