Motherfucker by rat_race

“Believe it or not, it actually turns me on more to watch you jack yourself off in front of me, like you’re doing right now, than it does to have you actually fuck me. Yeah I know that sounds weird. But I’m not lying to you.

“Now, don’t get me wrong, a stiff penis feels great being thrust in and out of my vagina. But, at my age, I also know that you and I are just going through the motions, since there’s no way that I could possibly get pregnant, which really is the whole purpose for fucking, isn’t it?

“I mean, we act like it’s not, but it really is. I can’t speak for you men, but for us women, a huge part of the mental turn-on during sexual intercourse is that there is always a chance–no matter how small–that our fucking will result in us getting pregnant, despite all the birth control measures we take to try to prevent it.”

Throughout Mom’s long speech, I just listened to her while I stared at her pussy, constantly rubbed my dick-head against it, and I kept slowly and steadily hand-pumping up and down on my own dick-shaft at the same time.

“Oh, you’re just about to pop, aren’t you? I can see all the pre-cum starting to ooze out of your little piss-hole.”

“Yes, ma’am. I almost came a couple of times while you were talking. I know you saw me stop pumping up and down for a few seconds. I was letting my orgasmic feelings subside, because I didn’t want to let myself cum yet.

“But a man can only hold back his orgasms for so long. And that little pre-cum drip from my piss-hole is a sure-fire sign that I’ve just about reached the end of my rope, and I can feel my orgasm quickly approaching. So are you ready to watch me cum?”

“You bet I am, son. I’d like you to cum all over my clit, if you don’t mind.”

“If I don’t mind? Are you kidding me. That’s exactly what I was thinking, too. So your wish is my command, oh mother dear,” I said to her, and I placed my dick-head right up against the head of Mom’s clit.

I went into my “make myself cum” mode, and I began pumping up and down on my dick-shaft like crazy, this time making no effort to hold back my orgasmic feelings in any way.

“Oh my God, your dick-head is getting so big! It looks like it’s about to pop any moment. Doesn’t that hurt?”

“No. On the contrary. It feels fucking great!” I said, barely able to get the words out, as I felt a strong orgasm coming on, and I knew I had reached the point of no return, orgasm-wise.

And then the orgasm hit me, and I rode that orgasmic roller coaster, as my dick began drastically pulsating and ejaculating sperm all over my mother’s clitoris and her held-open pussy crack.

“Jesus! That’s fucking amazing-looking,” Mom remarked when she saw the sperm start squirting out forcefully from my piss-hole slit. “It’s hard to believe that a guy’s dick actually does that when he orgasms, until you actually see it with your own eyes. Thanks for sharing that with me, son.”

And as my orgasmic feelings were finally subsiding, I said, “You’re welcome, Mom. But do you want to know what’s funny? Ejaculating my sperm in front of another person–any other person; even another guy, instead of a girl–is probably one of the most intimate and embarrassing things that I can do, sexually.

“In fact, the first person that ever saw me ejaculate was another boy. But I also got to see him ejaculate too, because we were up in my bedroom, jacking off together, like we boys tend to do.”

“That’s fascinating, Carl,” Mom said to me, and then she turned her head towards the open bedroom doorway and called out loudly, “Hey, Lacey, can you come here for a little bit?”

“Yes, Mom,” Lacey called back from what I assume was her bedroom down the hall, because that where I had left her, when I had come to Mom’s bedroom. “Be right there,” Lacey added.

As Lacey was just about to poke her head into the open bedroom door frame, she asked our mother, “What do you need?”

And then Lacey stopped in the doorway when she saw us on top of the bed, with me still kneeling between her mother’s spread apart thighs, and her mother still holding her pussy crack pulled wide-open for me.

But at this point, there was a whole ejaculation’s worth of my sperm all over the front part of Mom’s pussy and her gigantic clitoris.

And I saw that my little sister was now wearing a knee-length night shirt. And thanks to the back-lighting provided by the overhead hallway light shining behind Lacey, I could make out the distinct outline of what had to be panties showing through the thin T-shirt material of Lacey’s night shirt.

“It’s not what I need,” Mom said to Lacey. “It’s what you need, sweetie–which is some more sperm in that fertile little pussy of yours.”

Mom looked back up at me and cryptically asked, “Carl, would you do the honors?”

And I said defensively, “I don’t even know if I can get it up again right now.”

“That’s not what I’m talking about, son,” Mom said. “I don’t want to see all this wonderful sperm of yours wasted on this old lady’s pussy, when it could be helping my daughter get pregnant.”

“So how exactly do you want me to transfer the sperm into Lacey’s vagina?”

“With your fingers, of course. That’s the easiest way, as far as I can tell. What do you think about that idea, Lacey?”

“Sounds good to me, Mom. But I’d like to add one little change to your suggestion, if you don’t mind. I’d really like for Carl to scoop up the sperm off your pussy, just like you’re suggesting. But I think it would be even more of a turn-on if Carl were to transfer that sperm to my fingertips, and then let me use my own fingers to transfer that sperm up into my vagina.

“What you think, big brother? Would that turn you on to watch me fertilize my own pussy in front of you?”

“Hell yes, it would!” I quickly agreed.

Mom jumped in, “Well, I really don’t care how all this wasted sperm gets into my daughter’s pussy. It just needs to get there soon, before it starts drying up. So come on, God damn it, let’s get this show on the road!

“Carl, you can just stay right where you are. And Lacey, why don’t you go ahead and climb up into bed with us. You can lie on your back, right here beside me.” Mom patted the bed, right where she wanted Lacey to lie down.

“But Mom, at least give me a few moments to take off my clothes.”

“Leave your clothes on, Lacey. We don’t have time for that. Just hike up your night shirt around your waist, and pull your panty-crotch over to one side. Haven’t you ever done that before, when you husband wanted to have a quickie with you?”

“No, ma’am, I haven’t,” Lacey confessed, as she climbed up into bed with us, before lying down on her back and slightly spreading her legs apart.

Then my little sister shocked me when she did that contortionist move that only a young woman can do. Basically, Lacey put both of her forearms down between her thighs, and then lifted her legs up so far, that her feet were position on each side of her head. This put her vagina in a position where it was pointing straight up at the ceiling.

And as if that weren’t weird-looking enough, Lacey pulled the edges of her vaginal entrance wide-open with her fingers and held it that way, as she said to me, “Do you want to see what my cervix looks like?”

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