Motherfucker by rat_race

I quickly leaned over to look straight down into Lacey’s stretched-open vagina, and I could plainly see the rear pocket of her vagina and her cervix. All I can say is that it was much more erotic and exciting to see a cervix in real life, than seeing a woman in a porn video using a speculum to stretch open her fuck-hole so that she could show off her cervix to the world.

“God damn it!” Mom remarked when she saw us taking our time and enjoying the moment. “There’ll be plenty of time for that kind of stuff later. This fucking sperm’s going to dry up if you guys don’t get moving right now!”

“Yes, ma’am,” Lacey and I both said in virtual unison. And we began the tedious process of trying to finger-transfer as much sperm as we possibly could–and as quickly as we possibly could–from Mom’s clit and pussy crack, up into Lacey’s vagina.

That was something that I never thought I would ever do with any woman, let alone my own mother and sister. And it didn’t take long for me to feel my dick slowly filling up with blood, on its way to becoming erect–and I wasn’t even touching it, or trying to make it get hard. It just did, all on its own, simply from the incredibly exciting sexual ‘task’ that Lacey and I were performing together.

Lacey was so preoccupied with our little task that she didn’t see my stiffening dick. But Mom sure did.

“So what? Are you going to fuck your sister again?”

“No, ma’am. I think Lacey’s pussy has got enough sperm in it for tonight, once we finish up with getting all the rest of this sperm stuck up into it. How about we send Lacey over to sit in the chair, and let her watch me clean up your pussy with a nice warm damp washcloth. And then we’ll fuck, right in front of her? That would be okay with you, Mom, right?”

Mom just nodded her head at me and broke out in a big smile, which I took as her way of non-verbally telling me, “Yes, son. I’d really like that a lot!”

“How about you, Lacey?” I asked, as I was still watching her stick her sperm-covered fingertips up deep into her own vagina, and then rub her fingertips against her vaginal walls, before pulling them out and waiting for another little glob of sperm to be transferred to them by yours truly. “Are you okay with just sitting in the chair over there across the room, and watching me and Mom fornicate?”

“Oh fuck yes! You bet I am! I wouldn’t miss the chance to watch my big brother cum inside my own mother’s birth canal. It just doesn’t get much more kinky or erotic than that!” Lacey admitted, whole-heartedly endorsing my plan.

“I agree!” Mom chimed in. “I’m getting wet right now, just thinking about it–much less actually doing it.”

“Mom?” I asked, “Please don’t take this the wrong way, but would it be okay with you if we don’t French-kiss from now on whenever I have sex with you? I mean, it just felt really weird and awkward while we were Frenching last night.

“Now, don’t get me wrong. I don’t mind the ‘quick kisses on the lips, or the cheek’ stuff, because we’ve been doing that kind of stuff for as long back as I can remember. So it feels totally natural to me.

“But the ‘open-mouth kissing with tongues stuck in each other’s mouths’ stuff felt really weird and uncomfortable to me.”

“I know exactly what you mean. Last night, I asked you not to kiss me on the lips, remember? But you went ahead and did it anyway, didn’t you?” Mom reprimanded me. “And it felt weird to me too last night, while you were doing it.”

“So then, why didn’t you pull away from me and stop?”

“I tried. But you just ignored me and started French-kissing me anyway.”

“But you acted like you were really enjoying the French-kissing part?”

“That’s because there was a part of me that was enjoying it. And at first, I got caught up in the moment, because I hadn’t been passionately French-kissed like that since your dad died. But then, even though I wanted to, I was afraid to pull away from you once we had started French-kissing like that, because I didn’t want to disappoint you, and risk having our first-ever intercourse be a let-down for you.”

“So then, what you’re saying here is that you actually don’t want me to French-kiss you during sex anymore?”

“That’s exactly right. Like I already told you, I don’t want you to kiss me on the lips at all when we’re having sex, because that can easily lead to us French-kissing.

“Maybe this might help you understand how I feel about French-kissing. Back when Ben and I were having sex in front of your father–”

Mom suddenly cut off her story and said to my sister, “I’m sorry if this bothers you. Me talking about your biological father having sex with me in front of Sam. If you want, I can discuss this with Carl at a later time in private, when you’re not around.”

“No, Mom,” Lacey said, “Go ahead and tell Carl what happened between you and Ben when you guys were having sex together. It doesn’t gross me out, or anything like that. In fact, I find the whole thing fascinating, to tell you the truth. As far as I’m concerned, Sam was my father, not Ben. He was just a sperm donor.”

“Oh, but Ben was much more than just a sperm donor to me,” Mom argued. “He was a wonderful man, and he rocked my world back then! I could’ve easily fallen in love with him. About the only thing that kept that from happening was that Sam and I still had a great relationship, and a rock-solid marriage. One that only improved even more, once we started all that cuckolding stuff with Ben.”

“Did that surprise you?” Lacey asked.

“Yes, it did, as a matter of fact. I was really scared that very first time with Ben. I was scared that Sam would lose interest in me, and maybe even stop having sex with me. But my having sex with Ben in front of Sam only ended up making Sam super horny. And my husband became a tiger in the bedroom once again, just like he used to be in the old days, back when we first got married. So all my worrying was for nothing.”

Mom turned back towards me and said to me, “Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah. Back when Ben and I were having sex in front of your father, Ben kissed me on the neck, and on the cheek from time to time. But after that very first sexual encounter with Ben, we never opened up our mouths and French-kissed the entire time that Ben was in Sam’s and my life.

“That’s because I reserved that very special type of passionate kissing for Sam. And it just felt like the right thing to do, when Sam and I were doing it together. But it just felt wrong doing it with Ben.

“But during that very first time with Ben, he French-kissed me, right in front of Sam. And that was so embarrassing for me that I nearly got up out of bed and ran out of the bedroom. The only thing that stopped me from doing that, was that Ben was on top of me, humping away at my pussy at the same time that he was French-kissing me. Just like you were doing last night.

“Looking back on it all, I didn’t know why it was so embarrassing and uncomfortable for me to have Ben’s tongue in my mouth, when I had already had his dick in my mouth, while I was giving him a blowjob earlier, and of course, his dick inside my pussy too. But it just was. And I couldn’t deny how I felt about it.

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