Motherfucker by rat_race

“Wow! That’s a real bummer! I’m sorry to hear that,” Lacey remarked.

“Well, I was sorry too,” Mom admitted to Lacey, “But not because it took so long for me to get pregnant. Heck, I was hoping that it would take several years for Ben to get me pregnant.

“Those four months with Ben were nothing less than incredible, and they flew by way too fast, as far as I was concerned. That man really knew how to please a woman sexually.

“I know this may sound crazy, but even though I was hoping to eventually get pregnant, I wasn’t intentionally trying to get pregnant at the time. Instead, what I was trying to do was to fuck my brains out and have some earth-shaking orgasms in front of my husband for as long as I possibly could.

“And by the way, just for the record, even though Ben almost always ended our cuckolding sessions by fucking me, he didn’t always cum deep inside my pussy, like I wanted him to. And sometimes, he didn’t even cum inside my pussy at all.

“And that was because Ben always did whatever Sam asked him to do at the time. Sam was definitely the alpha male in their relationship–and in mine too, for that matter.

“So for example, if Sam wanted Ben to 69 with me and cum in my mouth, instead of fucking me, then he would tell Ben that he wanted him to do that, and that’s exactly what would end up happening.

“And believe it or not, a big part of the turn-on for me was that I didn’t really have any say in the matter. In other words, I was left with no other choice but to cooperate with Sam and Ben, and to let Ben do whatever it was that Sam wanted him to do to me, or with me. I just ended up getting pregnant in the process. That’s all.

“You see, you’ll never get pregnant if you actively try to get pregnant. That’s just Mother Nature’s cruel joke on us women.

“So instead, if you’re wanting to make a baby, the only real way to accomplish that is to stop using any form of birth control. In other words, you just stop trying to prevent pregnancy, and then go on about your business of having unprotected intercourse with a man.

“And that’s exactly what you’ve been doing this last couple of days with Carl. And if it’s meant for you to get knocked up by him, you will. If not, you could let Carl fuck your totally-unprotected pussy for the rest of your child-bearing years, and still not get pregnant.

“And unfortunately, that’s the honest-to-God truth, as I know it to be. If I’m lying, I’m dying.”

“Wow, Mom. Why are you being such a Debbie Downer about all this?” my sister asked.

“Because I don’t want to see you get disappointed and hurt if you leave here, after having had several wads of your bother’s sperm in your pussy, and no baby to show for your efforts. What would you do in that situation?”

“Well, I guess that after I got back home, I’d just have to find some other man to try to make a baby with, because I certainly don’t want to have my husband’s child inside my womb, if I’ve got anything to say about it.”

“Sweetie, may I make a suggestion. From now on, when it comes birth control, why don’t you start thinking reactively, instead of proactively?”

“What are you talking about, Mom?”

“I’m saying that you should stop trying to prevent pregnancy, unless your husband fucked you, in which case, since you don’t want his baby, all you have to do is go down the next day to your local pharmacy and take a morning-after pill–you know, that Plan B stuff–and voila, no worry about Tim ever getting you pregnant, just as long as you can get to the pharmacy the very next day, or even the day after that.

“Keep in mind that you don’t need to visit a doctor to get those morning-after pills. You can buy them right over the counter. And they are actually effective for up to a week after a guy has put his sperm in your pussy. It says so right on the package.”

“How do you know that, Mom?”

“Because I always worried that you might have unprotected intercourse as a young girl, and end up with a wad of your boyfriend’s sperm in your totally-unprotected pussy. And I needed to know what my options were to help you, just in case you ever needed it.”

Lacey paused for a moment and then said to Mom, “Please don’t get mad at me, but I already had to take the morning-after pill, back in my senior year of high school. It’s just that I never told you about it, because I didn’t want you to worry about me.

“Do you remember when I came up to you and asked you to take me to Doc Evans’ office, so that I could get on The Pill, and I told you that me and my boyfriend at the time were planning on having sexual intercourse?”

“Of course, I remember that. What mother wouldn’t? Your boyfriend’s name was James, wasn’t it?”

“Yes, ma’am. That was him. Well, what I didn’t tell you back then was that James and I were already having sexual intercourse. And we had been fucking for several months by that time. But I had been making sure that James always used a condom whenever we were fucking.”

“Don’t tell me. Let me guess,” Mom said. “The condom either broke, or somehow slipped off, while James was fucking you, right?

“It didn’t just slip off. We were right in the middle of fucking, and James’ dick accidentally slipped out of me, just like guys’ dicks do from time to time. At least I thought that was what had happened.

“But I later found out that James had pulled his dick out of me on purpose, so that he could secretly pull the condom off of his dick, and then stick his dick back in my pussy.

“He later admitted to me that he had done that, because he just wanted to know what my bare vagina felt like wrapped around his penis. And he said that he had planned on pulling out of me, right before he started cumming.

“As soon as James stuck his bare dick back inside my fuck-hole, I could tell that something felt strange and different to me. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but James’ dick felt so much better inside my pussy than it ever had before.

“I don’t know what James’ true intentions were, regarding the ‘pulling out of me before ejaculating’ part. All I do know is that he did the exact opposite, and rammed his dick all the way up inside me, before he started cumming all over my uterus.

“And I felt my vagina suddenly get warmer and much wetter than it already was. That’s when I realized that James didn’t have a condom around his dick anymore, and that he was fertilizing my totally-unprotected womb.

“But I was already way too turned-on to even try to stop him from doing it. In fact, by the time I realized that James was actually ejaculating his sperm inside my pussy, I found myself not wanting him to stop.

“Instead, without even thinking about it, I grabbed his butt-cheeks in my hands, and pulled him deeper into me while he was cumming. And I was so turned-on by this whole unexpected experience that I was cumming at the same time as he was. And the thought that James might be getting me pregnant never even crossed my mind.

“Not until after James finished fertilizing me, and he pulled out of me. At that point, I began mentally freaking out about the fact that James might have just gotten me pregnant. But I kept my cool outwardly as best as I could. Besides, I also realized there was really nothing that I could do about having a vagina full of sperm at that moment.

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