Motherfucker by rat_race

“But you father didn’t say one word about it. He just kept jacking himself off and breathing heavy, and constantly staring at both of us like a madman.

“I whispered in Ben’s ear, and asked him very nicely to pull out of me, and let him know that I wasn’t on any form of birth control, and that he might get me pregnant–which wasn’t quite the whole truth of the matter.

“At the time, I had just gotten off The Pill. Primarily because of my age. It simply became too risky for me to keep taking birth control pills, according to my doctor, who also assured me that I had been on The Pill for so many years that it would most likely take two to three months for my reproductive system to get back to normal.

“That same doctor also told Sam and me that we could safely just go ahead and keep having sexual intercourse during that two to three month period while we continued looking for another reliable birth control method to use in place of The Pill.

“And so that’s exactly what Sam and I had recently been doing–except that we weren’t having sex very often anymore. Maybe once every couple of weeks, at the most. And I assumed that was why the whole cuckolding thing even came up between us.

“Anyway, back to my story: While Ben continued thrusting his awesome, young, stiff penis in and out of my vagina–and right after I warned him that he might get me pregnant–Ben whispered back in my ear, saying, ‘Good. Because that’s what your husband wants me to do. He told me that he wants me to fuck the crap out of you and get you pregnant, if I can. So that’s exactly what I’m doing right now.’

“And I pleaded with Ben, ‘Oh God no! Please don’t do this. At least, put on a rubber, or pull out and jack off onto my pussy, or something. I don’t want to get pregnant!’

“And that was a total lie on my part. The truth is I was wanting to get pregnant so badly that I could barely stand it. I could feel my biological clock running out, and I was really hoping to have a daughter this time around.

“I was also wanting Sam to be the father of my second child. But that simply wasn’t in the cards for me. I’ll explain why later.

“So, even though at first, I was outwardly behaving as if I didn’t want Ben to fuck me, I was actually elated deep down inside when Ben had ignored my phony pleas, and just kept relentlessly humping away at my pussy with that awesome-feeling dick of his.

“My God! Ben’s dick was magnificent compared to Sam’s! I couldn’t believe how different the intercourse itself felt. Let’s just say that I finally understood why women prefer a man with a large, thick penis. Ben’s dick stretched my vagina wide-open, which felt absolutely wonderful to my pussy.

“And as Ben continued to hump away at my pussy at a faster and faster pace, I found it harder and harder to maintain my false outward demeanor.

“And it didn’t take very long at all before I found myself whispering in Ben’s ear, urging him to keep on fucking me for as long as he wanted to, and telling him that I had changed my mind, and that I wanted him to go ahead and cum deep inside my pussy. And that’s exactly what he finally ended up doing.”

I interrupted Mom’s story for a moment to ask her, “Did Ben make you cum while he was fucking you like that, right in front of Dad?”

“Oh God yes! I don’t think I’ve ever cum so hard in my entire life,” Mom confessed to me, and we both laughed out loud.

“So did you get pregnant that night?” I asked.

“No. But I did get hooked on cuckolding my husband,” Mom stated matter-of-factly, and we both broke out laughing again.

“All I can say is that cuckolding was so exciting and taboo that Sam and I just couldn’t get enough of it. Your father and I would have Ben come over to our house at least two or three times a week, so that Ben could fuck the crap out me in front of your dad, and try to get me pregnant.

“Little did Sam and I–or Ben–realize that it would end up taking nearly four months of hardcore fucking for that to finally happen. But it eventually did, thank God!

“And that’s how Ben got me pregnant with your little sister.

“And after she was born, Sam and I decided to name her ‘Lacey’ in honor of Ben’s mother.”

“What did you mean when you told me earlier that you were wanting Sam to be the father of your second child, but that it simply wasn’t in the cards?”

“I meant that I later found out that Sam was ‘shooting blanks,’ and he had been doing that ever since just after you were born, when one of his buddies at work had talked him into secretly going to the doctor one day and getting a vasectomy that he didn’t tell me about until after Ben had finally managed to get me pregnant with Lacey. Go figure…

“There I was risking my health and taking The Pill all those years, thinking that Sam could get me pregnant if I didn’t, when the truth was that that was a total impossibility.

“In other words, it wasn’t in the cards. And Sam’s not telling me the truth about his reproductive situation was the one cruel thing that Sam did to me during his life.

“But ironically, looking back on it all now, the best thing that Sam ever did for me was to suggest that I cuckold him, and let another man have sex with me in front of him.”

“Wow, Mom! That’s a fucking incredible story, if I’ve ever heard one!”

“But my story’s not over yet. You see, I was really pissed off about the whole vasectomy thing and being lied to all those years. So I decided that I was going to get even with Sam for that one.

“One day, I walked up to him and demanded that he was going to have sexual intercourse with a woman of my choice–not his–and that he was going to do it right in front me while I watched, just like he had made me have sex with Ben in front of him all those months.

“Now, that I finally knew that Sam was shooting blanks sperm-wise, I didn’t have to worry about him possibly getting another woman pregnant, and all the backlash that something like that might cause for our family.

“And even though I still loved my husband dearly, I told him that if he didn’t cooperate with my demand, I was going to banish him to another bedroom, and never let him have sex with me again. And I could tell from his reaction that he knew that I was serious as a heart attack about that threat, and that I would carry through with it, if he forced my hand.”

“Holy shit, Mom! You’ve got some big balls on you!”

“Actually, it’s a big clit,” Mom said jokingly and then went on with her story, “So once I got Sam to agree to ‘play nice,’ I started my search for a woman that I wanted Sam to fuck in front of me. And it didn’t take long for me to find the perfect woman.

“Her real name was Dorothy, but everyone just called her ‘Dotty,’ and she was my close friend when we were both in college. We had shared a dorm room together. And she was always telling me how handsome she thought that Sam was, back before I began dating him. In fact, she had always wanted Sam to date her, but he had ended up choosing me, instead.

“But the most important part of this whole equation was that, when I got back in touch with her, Dotty told me that she was divorced now, several months out from her failed marriage, and that she was feeling horny as hell, and needing to feel a dick in her pussy again–her words, not mine.

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