Motherfucker by rat_race

“Oh God, Mom! Do you realize what you’re asking me to do?”

“Of course I do. I might as well add ‘incest’ to my list of taboo things that I’ve done in my life. So what do you say? Do we have a deal?”

“Mom, I’m a virgin. I’ve never fucked a woman before. What if I’m not that good at it?”

“Oh, don’t worry. You’ll be good at it. Surely you’ve watched your share of online porn videos, haven’t you?”

“Well yeah, but that’s different. It’s not my penis going up inside my own mother’s vagina,” I argued, noticing that I now had a full-blown hard-on at the front of my pants, struggling to push its way out through my closed zipper.

“What are you talking about, son? That should only get you even more excited, doesn’t it?”

“Well, yes ma’am. It does for some strange reason, but–”

“No ‘buts,'” Mom jumped in, cutting me off. “I won’t take ‘no’ for an answer. If you love me at all, you’ll do this one little thing for me.

“Besides, what are you worried about. You can’t get me pregnant at my age. But at least we can both still have a great time going through the motions.”

“But what about my little sister? Won’t she hear us?”

“Sure she will. But she doesn’t care. Because she already knows that I planned on fucking you the whole time you’re here–with your permission, of course.

“And here’s the kicker. Lacey also wants you to fuck her too, while you’re here.”

“What? You’ve gotta be kidding me! She’s married!”

“So what? What’s that got to do with anything? Lacey’s trying to get pregnant and start a family. But unfortunately, that’s the one thing her husband can’t seem to do for her. So she wants you to try your best to get her pregnant while she’s staying here with us.

“She told me that she ovulated yesterday, according to her Basal body thermometer readings, and that she can’t wait to have her big brother’s dick and his sperm inside her pussy.”

“Wow! This is a lot to take in, Mom,” I commented. “So what do you want me to do? Fuck Lacey during the day, and then fuck you during the night?”

“Sure. Why not? That sounds good–if you’re up for it, that is. If not, then I guess your sister and I could always go out for a night on the town together, and then bring home some anonymous guys that we pick up at a nightclub or bar, so that they can fuck us both.”

“Ew, that’s just plain gross! Please don’t do that, Mom. You never know how many loose women’s pussies that a stranger’s dick has been in.”

“But I do know how many pussies your dick has been in, son: Zero. You just admitted that to me yourself a few moments ago. And so I know that your dick has to be in ‘clean and pristine’ condition–and best of all, VD-free. And that’s exactly the type of penis that I want in my vagina–and especially in my daughter’s fertile vagina. Capiche?”

“Okay, Mom. You sure drive a hard bargain. I’ll go ahead and do it. Because I love you guys. I’ll fuck you both with my ‘pristine’ penis, just like you’re asking me to. I promise.”

“That’s great to hear!” Mom said, “Thank you, son, for your special Christmas present to me, and to your sister.”

“But, Mom, you’ve gotta promise me that what happens in Vegas will stay in Vegas, if you know what I mean? This has to remain our own dirty little secret for the rest of our lives.”

“I promise. I’ll also get Lacey to promise you that, as well.”

“One last little detail: How’s Lacey going to explain it to her husband, if I do manage to get her pregnant over the next few days?”

“She’s going to lie to him of course, and tell him that the baby is his. She and her husband have been trying to start a family for a while. And so she makes sure that Tim fucks her every time that he comes home from one of his business trips. Are you okay with that?”

“Sure. Why not?”

“Good. We’re all set then. Now, do you want a preview of tonight?”

“What on earth are you talking about, Mom?”

“Do you want to see the pussy you came out of when you were born?”

“I’ve seen it before, Mom. When you were getting out of the shower that time and you accidentally dropped your towel.”

“But all you saw was my pubic hair. You didn’t actually get to see my pussy. And that’s what I’m offering to show to you right now. So I’ll ask you once again, do you want to see my pussy?”

“Sure, Mom.”

“Okay, then first, you’ve got to show me your bare package. I’ll bet you’ve already got a hard-on just from us talking about all this stuff.”

“Okay, Mom, you’re right. I do have a hard-on,” I admitted as I stood up from the kitchen tabled, unbuckled my pants, unzipped my zipper, and pulled my pants and underwear down around my thighs to let Mom get her first glimpse of my erect penis and scrotum.

“Oh my! I had forgotten just how nice and big your dick is. It’s been a while since I last saw it.”

“And exactly when was that, Mom?”

“I can’t believe you don’t remember. Because I sure do. It happened that summer after you had graduated high school, and turned 18. But you were still living with your dad and me, while you were waiting for your first semester at the university to get underway.

“And I came home from work early one afternoon, and caught you ‘doing your thing’ while you were lying in your bed. You had your bedroom door wide open, and I could hear the porn videos that you were playing on your laptop, as I was walking down the hallway to my bedroom. How could I not look into your room?”

“Oh my God! I remember that now. I was so embarrassed at the time. Sorry about that.”

“Don’t be sorry, son. You weren’t doing anything wrong. But do you want to know what I did after I caught you that afternoon?”

“Yeah, sure. I mean, you seemed really upset when you ran off, after catching me in the act, like that.”

“Well, I was. But I wasn’t upset with you. I was upset about my own reaction to what I caught you doing. You see, I immediately went to my bedroom, locked my bedroom door, and masturbated while I was fantasizing the whole time about what your fully-erect dick and balls had looked like. I knew that what I was doing was so wrong and taboo. But I just couldn’t get those thoughts out of my head.

“And while I was masturbating that day, I also couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to actually let my own son fuck me.

“And I almost acted on that thought that day. But I finally decided it was best for me to just stay in my bedroom and masturbate, instead of coming back to your bedroom to try to seduce my own son into fucking me. Besides, I knew that if your father ever found out that you and I fucked, he’d totally freak out about it and lose his shit, to the point that he might even divorce me.

“But I’m curious though. After I caught you that afternoon, and then left your bedroom doorway, if I would have gone ahead and come back into your bedroom while you were still doing what you males do–at least I assume you continued to ‘do your thing’–would you–”

I rudely cut Mom off mid-sentence, “–You assume right, Mom. I did go ahead and finish what I had started. You always taught me to do that. And so that’s exactly what I did.”

“But if I would’ve asked you to have sex with me, would you have gone ahead and fucked me that afternoon?”

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