Motherfucker by rat_race

At first, it felt like I was in some kind of strange dream, or something. But then Mom quickly snapped me out of my temporary daze, when she said to me, “Oh, come on, son. You can do better than that. Why don’t you go ahead and put a couple of fingers together, and stick them up into my vagina at the same time. That way, you can really feel out my vaginal walls, and my urethral tube, and my cervix with your fingertips. Don’t worry. You’re not going to hurt me. I do that same type of stuff to my own vagina whenever I masturbate.”

Who was I to argue with my own mother? So I did exactly what she told me to do. I held my middle finger and my ring finger together as I inserted them both up into her vagina, and began using my fingertips to feel out the three distinct parts of her vagina that she had referred to just moments before.

I was especially intrigued by Mom’s cervix. It was surprisingly firm and almost perfectly round. And it felt similar to the way that the end of a guy’s dick-head feels–except that her cervix was doughnut-shaped, with a noticeable indentation right in the center of it, where her cervical os was. And I knew that that was the same tiny hole where Dad’s sperm had to have swam through many years ago to fertilize one of Mom’s eggs and create me.

“Okay, that’s good,” Mom said to me, “Now let me show you exactly where my G-spot is. I’ll bet they never showed you that in your high school Sex Ed class. Did they?”

“No, ma’am. You’re absolutely right about that.”

“Okay. So now take your two fingers and bend them towards you. Then feel around on my urethral tube until you find a small, very rough patch of skin, just about an inch or two inside my vaginal opening, at the very front of my vagina. Oh, yeah. You hit it. That’s my G-spot.

“Now firmly rub the tips of her fingers up and down along the lower part of my urethral tube, focusing on that small rough patch of skin. Oh God yes! Just like that. Okay, now stop!

“I want you to take your fingers out of my vagina, and go back to feeling out my outer pussy parts, because if you keep rubbing my G-spot like you were doing, you’re going to make me orgasm my ass off, right here in the kitchen. And I’d much rather prefer to do that when I’m lying down on a nice soft bed, so that I can flop around and really enjoy the strong orgasms that my G-spot is capable of producing.

“I also want you to stand up now, and face me.”

I stood up from the wooden kitchen chair, turned to face my mother, and noticed that the tip of my erect dick was just a couple inches away from the pubic area at the front of Mom’s shaved-bare lower abdomen.

As I continued to feel out Mom’s outer pussy parts, like she had told me to do, Mom removed her hands from her pussy, and let it naturally close up around my fingers.

She reached across and placed her left hand around my balls, and then wrapped her right hand around the shaft of my dick.

When she did that, I had a spontaneous orgasm and squirted my sperm all over the front of my own mother’s lower abdomen.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. I guess I’m just so excited that I couldn’t help it,” I explained to Mom.

“Don’t worry about it, son. It’s pretty much what I was expecting, considering the circumstances. Now go ahead and pull your fingers away from my pussy, so that I can get cleaned up at little bit. And let’s get our clothes back on before Lacey comes home, shall we?

“And tonight, when you come to my bedroom, we’re going to get naked first and masturbate in front of each other. And that’s all we’re going to do until you cum and have your first ejaculation. That way you should be able to last much longer inside me, while we’re fucking. Is that okay with you, son?”

“Yeah, that’s fine, Mom,” I agreed.

And after Mom cleaned herself up in the bathroom, and once we were both fully clothed again, we both sat back down at the kitchen table, across from each other, and talked about other mundane things while we finished our now-luke-warm tea, acting as if we didn’t just have a sexual encounter together.

At one point I asked Mom, “Isn’t your real name ‘Virginia?'”

“Yes, it is, as a matter of fact.”

“So then why do you go by the name ‘Janie?'”

“‘Jane’ is my middle name, and I absolutely hate the name ‘Virginia.’ That’s why.”

“Why do you hate that name so much?”

“Because it’s derived from the word, ‘virgin,’ believe it or not. And it’s been many years since I’ve been one of those. And even back when I was one, I never really felt like one.

“The very first time that I ever let a guy fuck me was back in high school. And by that point in my life, I was so used to sticking cylindrical objects up into my own vagina whenever I masturbated that it didn’t hurt, or anything like that, to finally have a guy’s erect penis up inside me. And it wasn’t uncomfortable at all.

“In fact, losing my virginity to Keith turned out to be one the best things that ever happened to me. My pussy literally loved being fucked by that boy’s dick! It made me cum so hard, I couldn’t believe how good it felt to me at the time. Especially when his dick started throbbing inside me, and the sperm–”

Mom suddenly jumped up out of her chair–surprising the crap out of me, and making me flinch–as she quickly announced, “Oh shit! I need to mop the floor before Lacey gets here!”

While my mother was busy mopping up the urine and the sperm from the kitchen floor, I just sat there at the table, watching her, and wondering if she would have turned out to be a different person personality-wise had she gone by the name “Virginia” her whole life, instead of “Janie.” And even though I had never called my own mother “Janie” to her face, I had the sudden urge to do that sometime this evening, just to find out what her reaction would be.

And I could smell my mother’s fishy pussy odor combined with her urine all over my fingers every time that I lifted my tea cup to my mouth to take a sip. It was a poignant reminder of the taboo sex that had just taken place between us, and all the taboo sex that was going to continue to take place throughout my Christmas stay at Mom’s house.

I thought about how Mom had initially surprised me by coming onto me like that, and telling me that she wanted me to fuck her.

But looking back on it, that really didn’t surprise me that much, because Mom and I had always been very close. And she had always been a very touchy-feely kind of woman. It seemed like she was always looking for opportunities to give me a quick pat on the butt, or hug me, or kiss me, or give me back rub, or a neck massage. That’s just the way my mother had always behaved towards me.

And, if I’m honest with myself, the truth is that I had always fantasized about what it might be like to bravely step over that taboo line, and have incestuous sex with my own mother.

And now I knew that the whole experience in real life was going to be an absolute turn-on for me, just like I knew that it was going to be for Mom.

The part that surprised and confused me the most was when Mom told me that my little sister actually wanted me to fuck her, and try to get her pregnant while I was staying at Mom’s for Christmas.

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