Motherfucker by rat_race

And for some weird reason, I automatically found myself wondering if Lacey’s pussy would smell the same way that Mom’s did.

Within a few minutes, Lacey came bounding through the kitchen door with her friends in tow.

Lacey’s body looked nothing like Mom’s. But then she was a lot younger, and in much better physical shape. She was also much shorter than Mom, and she had very small breasts and a tight, boyish-looking ass on her.

I wondered what Lacey’s pussy looked like, and how and when she was going to approach me to ask me to have sex with her.

But for now, Lacey was just a 23-year-old married woman who was acting like a 16-year-old single girl in front of her little gaggle of girlfriends.

I found myself just waiting for all of them to leave the house, and leave Lacey alone with me in the house somewhere, now that I knew the truth about what Lacey was really up to, behind her husband’s back.

What I didn’t know yet was that Lacey, who had arrived at Mom’s house the day before I did, had spent that first night in Mom’s bed, cuddled up with Mom.

I also didn’t know that Lacey had eventually ended up sucking on those same large, saggy breasts that I had just finished sucking on in the kitchen.

And one thing had naturally led to another, and my mother and Lacey eventually had sex together for the first time ever that night, before finally falling asleep in each other’s arms.

Lacey herself later admitted to me that this was her first time having sex with another woman, instead of a man.

Now, that’s some fairly bizarre shit, if you ask me!

But like I just said, I was not aware of any of that at this point in time.

Anyway, after Lacey’s friends finally left the house, Mom, Lacey, and I all went out to dinner together at Luigi’s Pizza House, and by the time we got back home it was already dark outside.

Mom opened the front door, and we all took off our coats and shoes, and went to our respective bedrooms to get into our sleep wear for the evening. I changed into a pair of light-weight cotton pajama bottoms, and intentionally left myself naked from the waist up.

When I came out of my bedroom and started heading towards the stairs to go down to the main living area, Lacey suddenly stepped out of her bedroom doorway, wearing only a sheer light-pink baby doll nightie, with no panties on underneath. And she quickly spread her arms and legs far apart to make a giant “X” with her body to literally block me in the hallway.

Lacey said to me, “Where are you going, you big stud? You’re going the wrong way, aren’t you? Mom’s bedroom is that way.” Lacey pointed down the hall, away from the second floor staircase landing.

Then Lacey followed me down the hall and into Mom’s bedroom. Mom’s bedroom door was wide-open, and she was totally naked underneath a bed-size fleece blanket. She was lying on her back on top of the bed, with her legs spread apart. I could see the outline of her body under the thin blanket. And I could also tell that Mom was gingerly fingering herself, masturbating.

As soon as she saw Lacey and I coming into her bedroom, Mom abruptly stopped fingering herself, and pulled her hands up on top of the blanket.

“You’ve been such a good daughter,” Mom praised Lacey. “Now come and give your mother a kiss,” Mom said with her arms wide-open, ready to hug her daughter.

Lacey climbed into the bed, beside Mom, and then gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

Then Mom asked her, “Do you want me to show you my pussy? I figure it’s the only fair thing to do, since I already showed your big brother my pussy earlier this evening, while you were out with your friends.”

“You did what?” Lacey said, acting all self-righteous. And of course this was all an act that Mom and Lacey were putting on for my benefit, since they knew that I didn’t know that they had gotten it on together the night before.

“You heard me,” Mom replied, “Come on. It’s not that big of a deal. It’s only the pussy that you came out of when you were born.”

Lacey was still acting hesitant when Mom reach down into Lacey’s crotch and began gently fondling my little sister’s pussy, saying to her, “Besides, you’re already showing me your pussy right now anyway. Why shouldn’t I show you mine?”

Mom didn’t wait for Lacey to answer her. She just grabbed the blanket that had been covering up her body, and tossed it off the side of the bed. Lacey acted as if she were totally shocked by the sight of Mom’s magnificent, very unique-looking pussy.

After Lacey just stared at Mom’s pussy for a few seconds, she finally remarked, “That’s the coolest-looking pussy I’ve ever seen! Is that your clitoris?” Lacey reached across Mom’s thigh to point at her huge clit. “I mean, it looks like a little dick, or something.”

“Funny you should mention that. Because that’s exactly what I like to call it. My ‘little dick.’ About the only difference is I don’t pee out of it, or ejaculate sperm out of it. But believe me, it’s all clitoris, and it does get erect, just like yours does. Except that mine’s much more noticeable, don’t you think?” Mom said, trying to lighten the mood.

“Well, what are you waiting for, sweetie? Go ahead and touch it and feel it. Because I know you want to.”

“But, Mom, it’s just wrong in so many ways,” Lacey balked.

“What? This?” Mom said as she grabbed hold of Lacey’s clit between her thumb and her index finger, and slowly began pulling the small hood up and down the slender shaft of Lacey’s clitoris. Doesn’t this feel good to you?”

“Well, yes, Mom, but we’re not supposed to be doing this. I’m not gay. And even if I were, you’re my own mother.”

“And your point is?” Mom asked coyly, and Lacey just clammed up. All I can say is that Lacey was one hell of a little actress.

“Well, I am you mother. You got that part right. And just like you, I’m not gay either. But the most important question is: Are you enjoying what I’m doing to your pussy right now?”

“Yes, ma’am, it feels really good!”

“Yes, it does, doesn’t it. So why don’t you get over yourself, and go ahead and do the same thing to my pussy, because I only want to feel good too, just like you’re feeling right now? You do love me, right?”

“Of course I do, Mom.”

“Then grab my fucking clit right now, and pull up and down on it until it gets erect!” Mom barked out at Lacey. “I don’t think that’s too much to ask. Do you?”

“No, ma’am. It’s not,” Lacey agreed and wrapped her thumb and fingers around the protruding shaft of Mom’s huge clitoris, and she began pulling up and down on its hood.

And I watched in total silence as I saw Mom’s clitoris become fully-erect, thanks to Lacey’s manipulation of it.

“Okay, now stick your fingers up inside me. Come on. I know you want to,” Mom said, as I looked down and saw Mom’s own fingers disappear up into Lacey’s vagina.

Lacey was obviously getting turned-on by what Mom was doing to her pussy. And before I knew it, Lacey had her groping fingers up inside of our mother’s vagina.

After about a minute or so of mutual pussy fonding, Mom said to Lacey, “Now, this isn’t so bad, is it? It’s just two grown women letting down their inhibitions, and using their fingers to pleasure each other in the best way that two women can. Nothing more. Nothing less.

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