Motherfucker: Part 3 by rat_race

“I don’t know about that, Fran!” Jenny challenged sarcastically. “My jenny’s never felt godly to me, no matter how clean it is–although I have to admit, it does make me see God from time to time!”

And everyone in the room–except for Fran–broke out laughing while I was heading to the bathroom that was connected to Mom’s bedroom to raid the linen closet for five separate wash cloths that I could wet with warm water under the bathroom spigot, wring out the excess moisture from them, and then distribute them to our guests when I returned to the bedroom.

It was a truly weird and erotic experience watching four other adults in the same room as they were carefully wiping down (cleaning up the sperm and other sexual fluids from) their own bare genitals at the same time as I was wiping down my own dick and my balls.

Mom and Fran were sitting in the two easy chairs, side-by-side, and Jenny was sitting on the edge of the mattress at the foot of the bed when Greg and I climbed on top of the bed together, lying on our sides, facing each other. Then I maneuvered my body around 180 degrees so that his dick and balls were right in front of my face, and mine were right in front of his.

Just moments after I got into this 69 body position, Greg grabbed hold of my dick-shaft, and I was shocked when I felt his mouth slide down around the head of my dick as he began giving me a blowjob. For some reason, I had just assumed that we would both feel and play with each other’s dicks. But now Greg had unexpectedly taken things to a whole new level.

The worst part was that my dick was automatically responding to Greg’s oral efforts. I could feel it growing and stiffening in his mouth.

I could also see and feel Greg’s dick as it was rapidly growing and stiffening in my hand, while all I was doing was gently touching it and visually examining it up close–especially that freaky-looking smooth-tipped dick-head and that odd-looking piss-hole opening of his.

And while Greg was sucking away on my dick-head, it didn’t take very long at all for him to get another full-blown hard-on between his legs, without me ever having done anything intentionally to try to cause his penis to become erect. This automatic erection response of Greg’s let me know that he wasn’t lying about his feeling much more comfortable with–and turned on by–the idea of him having sex with other guys.

But I wasn’t there to have gay sex with him. I was there at Jenny’s request to try to get his dick nice and hard so that he could fuck my new girlfriend at his earliest convenience–which for me, meant as soon as possible. And this time, I definitely wasn’t going to let him hold onto my dick while he was attempting to fuck his younger sister at the same time.

I abruptly pulled my hips and my genital area away from Greg’s mouth and his groping hands, and I got up out of the bed.

Greg complained, “Hey, man. Where are you going? I wasn’t finished yet.”

“Oh yes you are! You need to fuck that awesome little sister of yours right now! And do it with some class this time, okay?” I said to him, and I stood up at the foot of the bed, gesturing towards Jenny, who was now lying on her back on the other side of the bed, and spreading her legs apart, while she was holding her arms out wide apart to welcome her brother to couple up with her.

“That’s right,” Jenny said to Greg. “I need you to ‘do me,’ big brother. And don’t hold back. I want you to ‘do me’ just like you ‘do Mom,’ whenever you guys fuck.”

“I’ll do the best I can,” Greg told Jenny as he was kneeling down between her spread apart thighs, preparing to mount her and start fucking her.

Meanwhile, since I was standing at the foot of the bed, I had the perfect view of their two genitals getting ready to couple up. And when I saw Greg’s penis slide all the up inside Jenny’s vagina, she reacted as if she were a young child on a ride at Disney World. In other words, she was the very definition of the word, “giddy.”

And when he began thrusting away very slowly at her vagina, she couldn’t stop talking to him. She was telling Greg about how great his dick felt inside her, and she asked him if he would fuck her in front of their mother sometime.

Greg nodded his head as he kept slowing thrusting away at his little sister’s vagina, and I could tell from the way that he was thrusting that something wasn’t quite right.

At this point, Greg had made maybe four or five slow forward thrusts, at the most. And then I saw his perineum area and his asshole sphincter start rhythmically pulsating as he just kept on slowly thrusting away, and I assumed that he was trying his best to hide the fact that he was already ejaculating inside Jenny’s vagina.

But Jenny must have instantly sensed it when her vagina suddenly got wetter, because she asked Greg, “Are you cumming inside me already? I can’t believe it! I thought you’d last at least a couple of minutes this time around. But I guess I was wrong.”

“I’m sorry, sis! I don’t know what’s wrong with me. You just get me too excited, and I can’t keep from cumming, and–”

“–Look at me!” Jenny said sternly cutting Greg off to intentionally interrupt his excuse-making.

And then Jenny added in a very calm and nurturing tone-of-voice. “I’m not upset with you for getting super-excited about having sex with me. Actually it’s quite flattering. And there’s nothing wrong with you that a little bit of time and patience won’t cure. But hey, look at the bright side. At least this time, you’re releasing all of your sperm inside my pussy. Now that’s an improvement, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, I guess it is,” Greg half-heartedly agreed, while he continued to slowly thrust his still-mildly-throbbing penis in and out of his little sister’s baby-making hole as his sperm-release was naturally tapering off.

Then Greg stopped thrusting and collapsed on top of Jenny, and he started crying like a little baby, as he kept apologizing profusely to her.

“What the fuck, Greg!” Jenny rebuked him loudly. “Man up, God damn it! Either that, or get the fuck off of me right now and go home. I’m sure I can catch a ride home later with someone here.”

“You bet,” Mom chimed in. “I’ll be more than happy to give you a ride home later.”

Greg’s response to all this was to get up out of bed, still apologizing to Jenny the whole time. And he quickly got dressed, and then took off down the stairs to leave without even saying goodby to anyone in the room.

We all heard the tires of his Volkswagen Beetle peel out at the curb in front of Mom’s house, when he gunned the engine and took off down the street like a bat out of hell.

We all just looked at one another for a moment, and then Jenny finally spoke up, saying, “I’m glad that’s over with. That son of a bitch had no business being here anyway. He wasn’t even invited. I’m sorry that I put all of you through that.”

“You have nothing to be sorry about, Jenny,” Fran spoke up. “Your brother was one damn good fuck! That’s all I can say.”

Hearing Fran say the word “fuck” sounded so out-of-character for her that Mom and Jenny and I could only laugh at her choice of words.

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