Motherfucker: Part 3 by rat_race

“Hold onto that thought,” Jenny quickly said to me, and then turned her attention towards Sofia.

“Sofia, you did a good job of getting me turned-on just now. So I’m going to let my boyfriend fuck you. But as soon as you guys get coupled up in a missionary-style position, I want you to pretend that Carl’s raping you against your will. And I want you to struggle to try to get out from underneath him at first. Don’t worry. He’s not going to let you escape, are you, Carl?”

“No. You bet your sweet ass I won’t!” I said.

“But once Carl has held you down for at least a good minute or so, while he’s busy raping the crap out of you, I want you to pretend to give in to him and accept your fate, as you finally let Carl fertilize that middle-age, Mexican pussy of yours, and possibly get you pregnant. Can you do that for me, Sofia? Does that sound like that would be fun?”

“Oh God yes! I’m sorry, but I lied when I told you that my husband took my virginity 13 years ago. Oh sure, I let Pablo think that he did–but the truth is he didn’t. His best friend, Cacho, did. His real name’s Esteban, but his last name is Camacho, and that’s how he got the nickname, Cacho.

“Anyway, Cacho unexpectedly showed up at my apartment late one night, and he was pretty drunk. So I let him sleep on the sofa in the living area of the apartment, because I didn’t want him trying to drive back home in his inebriated condition. And he passed out within a few minutes after he plopped down on the sofa.

“I went to my bedroom, closed the bedroom door, and got ready for bed, which meant that I did all my nightly chores, like brushing my teeth, and then stripped down to my panties like I always do before slipping under the covers.

“I didn’t realize it at the time, but the one crucial thing I forgot to do was lock my bedroom door. And so later that night, I woke up with a naked Cacho on top of me in my bed, and his dick already humping away at my virgin pussy.

“I was still wearing my panties, mind you, but the crotch of my panties had been pulled all the way over to one side to totally expose my pussy, and I assumed that Cacho had reached down and done this himself while I was still asleep when he was getting ready to initially penetrate me.

“Once I had woken up enough to realize what was taking place, I begged and pleaded with Cacho stop, while I struggled to try to slide out from under his body. But he just held me down, and kept on humping away at my pussy with that long, stiff dick of his.

“And it actually shocked me when I realized that Cacho’s dick felt wonderful inside my vagina. It didn’t hurt or cause me any discomfort at all, like I had initially assumed that it would.

“In fact, I started orgasming, and getting really wet, and enjoying the hell out of the intercourse itself. And that’s when I stopped fighting him and just let him continue raping me, until he had finished using my pussy to get his rocks off.

“When Cacho finally came inside me, don’t ask me how, but I somehow sensed that he was actually getting me pregnant. And after he had raped me and taken my virginity, I don’t know why, but I let him continue sleeping in my bed beside me. Cacho was Pablo’s best friend, but definitely not mine. I didn’t even like the guy as a person.

“But later that same night, as Cacho was lying there on his back beside me, I don’t know what got into me, but I reached across to his crotch and began playing with his large dick and his equally-large balls, until I woke him up.

“At that point, he reached across to my pussy, and he began playing with my pussy too, at the same time as his dick was quickly stiffening and growing bigger, right in my own hands.

“Once Cacho got a hard-on, he rolled over on top of me again, to mount me missionary-style. He didn’t ask my permission. He just moved into position so that he could couple up with me again.

“But this time, I didn’t try to resist him. In fact, I leaned forward and gave him a big kiss on the lips, and then I asked him if he wanted to suck on my breasts while he was fucking me.

“He nodded enthusiastically and began sucking on one of my nipples as I felt his awesome dick penetrating my vagina once again. I felt like I was being such a whore. But I just couldn’t stop myself. I found myself wanting Cacho to keep on fucking me over and over again that night–and that’s exactly what ended up happening.

“And each time that Cacho and I fucked, we kept getting more and more intimate with each other, until the last time that we fucked that night, when we actually found ourselves making love to one another, just like two lovers do, and not just fucking to get our rocks off, like we had been doing earlier that night.

“The next morning, after we both woke up, Cacho and I made a pact that we would never have sex together again, and agreed that what we had done could never amount to more than a one-night stand, and that we could never let anyone else know about the sex that took place between us due to the circumstances that Cacho’s best friend was my fiancĂ©, Pablo.

“Cacho was even the Best Man at Pablo’s and my wedding, which to be honest with you, was quite awkward, considering the fact that I was about six months pregnant on the day of our wedding, and I knew that this little baby inside my womb–who would later be named Richie–was actually Cacho’s baby, even though I never told him after that night of secret, taboo sex. It was just safer for everyone else involved to let them all believe that Pablo was Richie’s biological father.

“But I absolutely knew that the baby was Cacho’s, because several weeks and a missed period had passed before I secretly took a home pregnancy test, and verified that I was pregnant.

“It wasn’t until after I took that pregnancy test that I finally let Pablo go all the way with me, and ‘take my virginity.’

“The worst part of all this is that Cacho suddenly showed up in our lives about five years later. I was so excited to see him again that I had a hard time keeping my hands off him. Especially when he was at our house having lunch.

“And when Pablo left the kitchen, and went out to his car to go back to work for the afternoon, Cacho grabbed my crotch and squeezed it with his hand. And I didn’t try to stop him either. In fact, I tilted my hips back and let him have his way with my pussy.

“He reached down and grabbed hold of my right hand and placed it onto his crotch, so that I could squeeze and play with the growing bulge that was his awesome Mexican dick.

“Then he kissed me on the cheek and whispered to me in my ear, confessing to me that he loved me, and that he regretted backing down and letting me marry his best friend, Pablo. He said that was the reason why he had left town. He couldn’t stand being around me on a daily basis, and still being in love with a woman who he could never have as his wife, or girlfriend.

“I told him that I loved him too, and that I felt the same way that he did. I felt like I had made a huge mistake marrying Pablo. But it was too late now, and there was really nothing that I could do about it without ruining everything.

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