Motherfucker: Part 3 by rat_race

“We women love to be dominated and controlled like that, whenever you men are fucking us. Giving myself over to you, and trusting that you will not hurt me while you’re busy getting your own rocks off inside my pussy is something that turns me on so much that I can’t even begin to put it into words. And you saw the results just now for yourself. I just created ‘Lake Janie’ between my legs.”

We both laughed at Mom’s last statement. And then I observed, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you release so much cum before.”

“I’ve never orgasmed so strongly before with you. But now that you know how to really turn me on during intercourse, just keep doing it, okay? That’s all I ask.

“Keep dominating me, like you just did, and calling me bad names, like ‘whore’ and ‘bitch,’ and forcing me to have intercourse with you the way that you want me to–not necessarily the way the I want to.

“And even though I love being in control during the foreplay phase, because let’s face it, that phase was designed to get women turn-on and initially wet, once you and I naturally shift over to the intercourse phase of our sexual encounter, that’s where you, as a man, are supposed to take control. And whenever you do that, I’ll always be more than happy to cooperate with you completely, and I’ll also be more than happy to clean up the cum-puddles that I leave afterwards. It’s worth those earth-shaking orgasms. Believe me.”

Then Mom suddenly switched over to a very unexpected topic, as she asked me, “Would you like to see what my cervix looks like?”

Without even thinking I answered, “Sure. I’ve never seen a real live cervix before.”

“Well, I just so happen to have a gynecologist’s speculum in my bedroom, and a flashlight. And I’ll be happy to show you my cervix, if you’re curious to see what you’ve been fertilizing with that awesome dick of yours.”

“Well, come on, Mom. Don’t worry about Lake Janie right now. We can clean that up later. But I want to see your cervix up close, with my sperm all over it.”

Mom and I carefully got up out of my bed, and we walked hand-in-hand, down to her bedroom. When we got there, Mom reached into one of her dresser drawers and pulled out a silver speculum. Then she came back over the night stand nearest the bedroom door, opened up its front drawer, and pulled out a small-but-powerful LED flashlight.

Then Mom plopped down on her back on top of the bed, and spread her legs far apart. She took the long circular closed-up end of the silver metal speculum, stuck it into her mouth, and deliberately gave a liberal lathering of her own saliva. Then she handed the small flashlight and the pre-lubricated speculum, saying, “Would you like to do the honors?”

“Oh, yes ma’am. It would be my pleasure,” I said, leaning over the foot of the bed with my stomach to place my hands and head between her spread-apart thighs.

Mom reached down and placed a hand on each side of her vulva, and then she pulled it wide-open and held it that way for me.

I turned on the small flashlight and held it with my left hand, while I was shining it directly on the rear of her pussy, as I brought my face closer to Mom’s pussy. Up close like that, Mom’s pussy had the sour-smelling stench of sperm emanating from her vagina.

I carefully inserted the speculum up deep into mother’s vagina. And then I slowly spread its side pieces farther and farther open, until I finally got my first glimpse of Mom’s cervix. I had to move the speculum around from side-to-side a little bit, until I finally got Mom’s cervix centered in the large circular hole that formed in the middle of the speculum.

I saw that my freshly-ejaculated sperm was spread all over the place inside Mom’s vagina, and there was quite a bit of white gooey sperm sticking to her cervix, which was preventing me from seeing what it actually looked like. So I reach down through the center of the speculum with my fingers, and I finger-rubbed the sperm off of the end of her cervix, so that I could finally see her entire cervix, in all of its sexy glory.

“Oh my God! Your cervix looks a lot like the head of a dick. It’s even got a little slit at the tip of it.”

“Does that surprise you?” Mom asked.

“Well, kind of. I mean, I knew there had to be hole at the end for the sperm to swim through. I’m just shocked that the hole looks a lot like the slit at the tip of my dick. That’s all.”

“Take another look. My slit is actually quite a bit larger than yours. You can even stick your finger up into it, if you want to. Go right head. It doesn’t hurt me at all. In fact the pressure of getting that hole stretched open by your finger will feel good to me. I know, because Sam and I used to do this kind to playful genital exploration stuff all the time.

“It’s all just part of being long-time lovers. You wouldn’t believe the kinds of sexual experimentation that a man and a women end up doing to–and with–each other for the sake of bringing variety to their sex lives. And that’s because boredom comes along over time and automatically kills off passion and excitement. And believe me, it takes passion and excitement to continue to happily have sex with the same person for decades. Otherwise, you both just end up going through the motions of having sex, but not really enjoying yourselves in the process. And that’s no fun.”

I slowly inserted the tip of my middle finger up into Mom’s cervical os while she was talking to me, and I began to slowly thrust the very tip of it in and out of her cervix.

“That’s doesn’t hurt, doesn’t it?”

“No, I can’t even really feel it. All I feel is the pressure of your stretching my cervix open. But that pressure feels really good to me. So don’t stop now.

“Anyway, while you’re busy exploring my ‘baby-cave,’ I’d like to tell you all about what happened one evening when Sam and I were having a quickie behind the big bush in our front yard. Are you interested in hearing that?”

“Of course, I am. Lay it on me.”

“Okay, So one evening, Sam and I were having a quickie while we were hiding behind that big bush at the corner of the house. We had done this on a few different occasions before, but this time something happened that we weren’t prepared for.

“A neighbor of ours walked past us on the sidewalk out in front of the house, and she said ‘hi’ to Sam and me while we were coupled up, doing the dirty deed behind that large, chest-high bush. You know the bush I’m talking about right?”

I nodded my head back at Mom.

“Well, Carol was someone we both knew fairly well, and she had to be about 15 feet away from us when she said ‘hi’ to us, and that damn bush was the only thing hiding us from her.

“I couldn’t believe she caught us both off-guard, like that. But I was bent over at the waist, facing the bush and Sam was standing behind my butt, humping away like crazy.

“Sam all of the sudden stopped thrusting and whispered in my ear, ‘We’ve got company.’

“I automatically stuck my head up and looked over the top of the bush towards the street to see who our company was. I also reached across into the bush itself and began pretending like I was pruning the top of bush.

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