Motherfucker: Part 3 by rat_race

“At that point, I tried to struggle to get out from underneath Dad, because I knew that what he and I were doing together was wrong and very taboo. But I also knew that it was already too late for me to really do anything about it. And that was because I could feel Dad’s penis start throbbing, as he began ejaculating deep inside me, right up next to my womb.

“The worst part was that, at 18, I already knew enough about ‘the birds and the bees’ to realize exactly what my own father was doing to me. I knew that he was releasing his sperm cells deep inside my baby-making hole, trying to fertilize one of my egg cells, if he could, and get me pregnant.

“And that’s when it suddenly happened. I spontaneously orgasmed my ass off for the very first time in my life. And I quickly found myself not wanting Dad to pull out of me. I wanted him to keep raping me with that awesome-feeling dick of his, until he managed to inseminate me a second time. And with my help, that’s exactly what he ended up doing.

“What do mean by ‘with your help’?” I asked Mom.

“Well, if you’ll start sucking on my nipple again, I’ll tell you,” Mom replied. And I knew she was serious about that.

So I pulled her large breast over to one side, so that I could put my mouth down around her nipple, and continue sucking on it, while I was looking directly at her face.

“That’s much better,” Mom praised me. “What I mean is that after my father pulled out of me, I played with his dick and even gave him a blowjob to get him hard again, before I offered up my pussy to him for a second go-round. But this time, I wanted him to fuck me with my permission, instead of raping me, like he had just finished doing.

“I felt like such a whore for doing that too. Especially when I was letting my own father touch and play with my pussy while I was playing with his dick and those sexy balls of his. But I couldn’t deny that Dad had made me cum my ass off by raping me in my sleep.

“All I can say is it was one hell of a way to lose my virginity! The only downside was that I orgasmed so strongly while Dad was raping me that I screamed out. And I didn’t realize it at the time, but I must have woken up my mother, who had been asleep in her bedroom. Because she came down the hall to my bedroom, and she opened up my bedroom door just in time to see me sucking away on the head of Dad’s stiff dick.

“She called Dad all sorts of name, like ‘dirty old man’ and ‘cradle robber.’ And I’ll never forget that she called me a ‘filthy slut of a daughter’ as she was turning around to storm back to her bedroom.

“And I knew that Mom was absolutely right about that. I really was being a filthy slut of a daughter. But I also knew that I couldn’t help myself. I blamed a big part–if not all–of my slutty behavior on my gigantic clitoris, which was responsible for keeping me in a nearly-constant orgasmic state, whenever it was rubbing up against any of my clothing. But of course, I already told you all about that stuff.

“The next morning, Mom packed her suitcases and left the house, and she never came back. She later filed for divorce.

“And that left Dad and me alone in that house together every night. I basically became his substitute wife. I mean, I took care of the household chores, and made dinner for him each night, so that he could have a nice warm meal whenever he came home from work. And most importantly, I slept in his bed with him each night, and I let him fuck me whenever he felt like it.

“Well, at least at first, it was just me letting him fuck me. But it didn’t take long for our sexual relationship to turn into full-blown lovemaking. And that’s when I realized that I was in love with my own father.

“Of course, Dad and I kept our special relationship as our dirty little secret. In fact, you’re the very first person who I ever told about it.”

“Wow! That’s really–” I started to reply, before Mom cut me off.

“I’m not done with my story yet!” Mom interrupted me in a very loud tone-of-voice that let me know that she meant business. “Just keep sucking on my nipple, Carl, and I’ll tell you the rest of my story. There’s a lot left that you haven’t heard yet.

“Yes, ma’am,” I conceded, as I dropped my mouth back down around her now-erect nipple and continued sucking away on it.

Mom took a deep breath, and let it out, before lowering the sound level of her voice drastically to continue on with her story, “The worst part of all this was that I was in love with Sam too at the same time. Sam was already my steady boyfriend when Dad raped me that very first night. But Sam and I still hadn’t ‘gone all the way’ together. Basically, I was afraid that Sam might get me pregnant, if we did. Can you believe it?

“I mean, I was on The Pill back then. But at the time, I didn’t trust that The Pill would really work as well as it does. But it didn’t take long before I started believing in The Pill, since it was the only thing that kept Dad from getting me pregnant over the course of our long relationship.”

Mom abruptly stopped telling her story, and paused for a couple of beats, before commenting to me, “Hey, is that an erect penis that I feel rubbing up against my thigh?”

“Guilty as charged,” I pulled my mouth up off of Mom’s nipple to admit, and then I asked Mom, “Would it be okay if I stop sucking your breast now, and move in between your legs so that I can rub my dick against that awesome-looking pussy of yours, until I cum all over it?”

“What do you think I’ve been waiting for?” Mom asked, spreading her legs farther apart, as I was moving around to kneel between her spread-apart thighs.

I began slowly and gently rubbing the head of my dick up and down against the perpetually-exposed head of Mom’s gigantic clitoris, and I asked her, “So when did you tell Sam about you and your Dad’s ‘special relationship’?

“I didn’t! Are you kidding me? That would have been a disaster for all the people involved, including me.”

“So then, Sam never knew that you were fucking dear ol’ dad?”

“Didn’t I just get finished telling you that you’re the very first person who I ever told about that? The truth is I just couldn’t bring myself to tell Sam what was really taking place right under his nose. If I did that, he’d think that I was betraying him.

“But weren’t you? Really?”

“No, I wasn’t. I was deeply in love with both men at the same time. And because of our monogamistic culture here in America, it was a horrible situation for me to be in, to be sure. But I couldn’t deny how I really felt.

“But Keith and I had already been fucking for over a month before I finally let Sam ‘go all the way’ with me. I don’t know why I made Sam wait that long to start fucking me, after I had lost my virginity to Dad. But I knew that there was no way that Sam would ever believe that I was a virgin, just from how adept I had become at fucking my old man.

“And so I was left with no other real choice but to lie to Sam, and make him believe that I had lost my virginity to my best friend’s pet German Shepherd. But I decided not to lie to you, because frankly, at my age, I no longer have anything to lose.

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