Motherfucker: Part 3 by rat_race

“I’m sorry, Mom. But I thought that’s what you wanted me to do. To take control of things. And besides, I could tell you were cumming when I stuck the head of my dick up into your pussy.”

“No, I wasn’t. At least, not at that point. What I was doing was peeing all over your dick-head on purpose, trying to wash any fecal matter off of it.

“But then you shoved your dick all the way up inside me, and even though I was scared by what you were doing, I realized that there was no turning back. The damage had already done.

“And so at that point, I accepted my fate, and I was able to relax enough to let myself pretend that I had a fertile womb, so that I could orgasm while you were inseminating me.”

“So I was right then. You did orgasm while I was fucking you.”

“But not until you started cumming inside me. That’s what made me orgasm. But that’s not important in the greater scheme of things, Carl. What I need you to learn from this is that actions have real consequences, son. And payback can be a real bitch. Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean that you should go ahead and do it–even if you are the one who is in control at the time.

“What I’m talking about here is that you forgot the most important rule of sex and lovemaking, and that’s the rule of reciprocation. You could think of this rule as the “I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours” rule that all sexual encounters are based on. And this is the golden rule of sex we humans naturally tend to follow from the very first time that we express our sexuality to another living person.

“This rule of reciprocation basically states that if we let someone do something to–or with–us sexually, it is always with the understanding and agreement that that other person will have our permission to also do the same thing to–or with–us. So, by fucking me in the ass, like you just did, you automatically gave me permission to do the same thing to you.

“And now that you’ve gone ahead and given me that implied permission, I’m going to do to you what you just did to me, and see how much you like it. And if you try to stop me–or do anything else besides cooperate with me completely–I’ll kick your ass out of my bed, and you’ll never have sex with me again. And you wouldn’t want that, now would you?”

“No, ma’am.”

Mom sat up on the bed, and reached across to open the drawer at the front of the night stand on her side of the bed, as she said to me, “You obviously forgot that I have a night stand full of various size dildos. And dildos don’t discriminate between vaginas and rectums. Ah, here’s my favorite,” Mom remarked, holding up the 9-inch-long, realistic-looking dildo that she had shown to me over our previous Google Meet phone video call session. “You do recognize this, right?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Good. What I didn’t show you over the phone is that this awesome dildo also has a sturdy leather harness, so that I can place the suction cup at the bottom of the dildo, down into the front pocket of the harness, and use this dildo to fake-fuck someone with it.”

While she was describing all this to me, Mom had stood up beside the bed and put the harness on, so that she now had what looked like a large black man’s perpetually-erect penis jutting out at the front of her crotch.

Mom walked around to my side of the bed, and ordered me to sit up. Then she explained to me, “Now I want you to stick the end of it in your mouth and give it a liberal coating of your saliva. The more, the better.”

“Mom, you don’t have to do this,” I begged her.

“Oh yes, I do. Otherwise, you’ll never learn. Just remember. I’m doing this because I love you. Now stand up, turn around, and bend over the side of the bed. Oh come on, Carl. You know the drill. Spread your legs apart.”

Mom moved in behind my butt to place the very tip of the saliva-coated head of the dildo up against my asshole sphincter.

“Mommy, please don’t do this to me,” I pleaded with her.

“I pleaded with you too, do you remember? But that didn’t stop you from going ahead and fucking me in the ass, now did it?”

Mom leaned her hips foward to press the head of the dildo up against my asshole sphincter until it finally gave way, allowing the whole length of the dildo to slide up into my rectum.

It literally took my breath away for a few seconds. And then I realized that the dildo felt really good inside my rectum when Mom was just leaving it in place. What I didn’t know yet was that I wouldn’t feel the same way once Mom began thrusting the dildo in and out of my asshole.

I mean, the pulling the dildo out part actually felt good to me, almost like I was taking a dump. But the inward thrusting part was making me cry out in pain during each forward thrust.

As Mom ignored by cries of pain, and continued to slowly and relentlessly thrust the full length of the dildo into my rectum, she said to me, “Good! Now I hope you’re realizing that a rectum and a vagina were designed for completely different purposes. A rectum was designed to be a one-way exit, whereas a vagina was designed to have a two-way function. This hurts like hell, doesn’t it?”

“On shit yeah!”

“If you think this is bad, you ought to try it with hemorrhoids like I’ve got. Anyway, if I were to keep thrusting away at it, your asshole would eventually relax and expand to stop fighting the dildo. But it still wouldn’t feel that good to you. It just wouldn’t hurt anymore.”

Mom pulled the dildo out of my ass, and ordered me to turn around to face her.

“Do you see all the fecal matter sticking to the head of this dildo?” Mom said, holding the dildo right up to my face.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Well, you’re lucky that I don’t make you lick it off with your tongue. You’ve got to understand something about being a woman. Way back when I was a very young girl, my parents taught me to wipe my asshole with toilet paper after I’ve finished taking a dump, but to only wipe from front to back–instead of also wiping from back to front–so that I don’t accidentally get some of my own fecal matter up into my vagina, and possibly give myself a bad infection that would require medical attention, at the very least.

Then you came along a few minutes ago, and by sticking that shit-coated dick of yours up into my vagina, you negated all those years of me trying to keep my vagina as clean and healthy as I could. Now, do you understand why I got so pissed off at you for doing that? And I’ll bet Jenny was pissed off at your too, when you did the same thing to her, wasn’t she?”

“Yes, ma’am. She was.”

“So then, why did you go ahead and do the same thing to me? I thought you loved me enough not to ever risk the health of my pussy like you just did.”

“I’m sorry, Mom. I guess I just got caught up in the power trip of it all. You know, the ‘being in total control,’ and stuff.”

“Yeah, but being in control also involves acting responsibly so that you don’t risk injuring your partner in any way. So a real man would never do what you just did to Jenny and me.

“I guess what I’m saying here is that you really need to grow up, son. I don’t care that you’re in your mid-30’s. You’re acting like a dumb teenager, when it comes to sex. You’ve got to be much smarter about what you choose to do, and not do, during intercourse, since you’re the one who is supposed to take responsibility for that.”

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