Motherfucker: Part 3 by rat_race

“As your woman, I’m just supposed to cooperate with your wishes completely, and enjoy the intercourse, while you’re getting your rocks off inside me. And the only way I can relax enough to actually enjoy the intercourse is if I feel that I can trust you not to risk hurting me in any way during the sex itself. Does any of this make sense to you?”

“Yes, ma’am. When you put it that way, it makes total sense. I’m sorry for what I did, and I promise you I’ll never do it again,” I apologized to Mom.

Mom removed the harnessed dildo from around her waist, and carefully laid the fecal matter-coated dildo on top of its harness, which was now laying on top of the night stand on my side of the bed.

“Oh my God! That just about wore me out!” Mom remarked, referring to her having just finished thrusting away at my butt, fucking me in the ass from behind with that large dildo of hers.

Then Mom climbed back onto the top of the bed, on her side of the bed, before flopping down onto her back with her head on top of the pillows, and then closing her eyes, obviously wanting to go to sleep.

I climbed up into the bed with her to lie beside her, and I cuddled with her while I sucked on her left nipple.

Within a few minutes, I heard Mom begin snoring away, which meant that she was definitely asleep.

And that meant that it was time for me to put my plan into action. I was determined to get even with my mother for fucking me in the ass like she had just done. But I knew that I had to do it in such a way that she would never realize what I had to do to her to get even–that is, until she finally woke up on her own, and figured it out for herself.

I reached across to the top of the night stand on my side of the bed, and I carefully removed the dildo from the front part of its harness, taking extra care not to touch any of the fecal matter that was spread all over the fake penis part of the dildo.

While holding the dildo by its artificial half-scrotum that was permanently molded to the base of the fake penis, I reached over into Mom’s crotch with my left hand, and began gently massaging her huge clitoris between my fingers.

Mom, who was still lying on her back and snoring away at this point, automatically spread her legs farther apart to open up her pussy. And while I continued to ever-so-gently massage her clit, I placed the head of the dildo inside the crack of her pussy, and began rubbing it up and down along her pussy crack.

And it didn’t take long at all for me to give Mom a mild orgasm. But the important part was that Mom’s mild orgasm wasn’t strong enough to actually wake her up. She just rocked her hips a little bit and moaned in pleasure a couple of times, before she went right back to snoring away.

And that was my cue. I carefully inserted the fecal matter-coated head of the large dildo up into Mom’s now-moist vagina, and then slowly slipped the 9-inch-long, realistic-looking dildo all the way up inside her, as far as it would go, before just leaving it in position, with its fake balls pressed up against her butt cheeks.

“Take that, you fucking bitch!” I forcefully whispered to my sleeping mother under my breath, as I was slowly getting up out of bed to go down to the family room to watch some TV.

“I’m the one who’s supposed to be in control, remember? You told me so yourself. So who’s in control now, you fucking cunt?”

The very next morning, I was suddenly jarred awake when I heard Mom loudly scream out from her bedroom in sheer terror, “Oh shit! God damn it! What the fuck did you do, Carl?”

“I raped you last night, just like you wanted me to. I thought you told me that was your favorite dildo,” I called back to Mom from my bedroom, as I was walking towards her bedroom, buck-naked, with my morning wood jutting out at the front of my bare crotch.

I entered Mom’s bedroom, and quickly jumped on top of my mother, who was was lying on her back and holding the dildo in one hand. Then I grabbed the dildo out of her hand and threw it onto the floor by the bed, before I pinned her down underneath me, and I literally fucked the crap out of her pussy with my morning hard-on.

After I ejaculated deep inside Mom’s vagina, and was lying on top of her, still coupled up and basking in my own orgasmic afterglow, I eventually said to my mother, “Now see? That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

“Fuck you, Carl!” Mom yelled back me. She was furious as she unleashed her barrage of words at me, “You’re one disgusting motherfucker, you know it? I can’t believe you secretly stuck that shit-covered dildo up into my pussy, and then just let me sleep all night long with that filthy thing deep inside my vagina! How could you do that to someone you love?”

“The same way that I could fuck your shit-coated pussy this morning without even giving it a second thought. I’m a guy, Mom. And guys don’t worry about stuff like cleanliness the way that women do. You should know that by now.”

After hearing my explanation, Mom calmed down just enough to say to me, “I love you, son. But what I do know is that if you ever do that to me again, I’ll make sure you never get another chance to touch my pussy! Now roll your ass off of me, son, and suck on Mommy’s nipple, like a good little boy. Mommy still needs to cum some more.”

“Yes, Mommy,” I replied without even thinking about it, and I began sucking away on Mommy’s left nipple, just like she had told me to do.

But unlike all the other times I had sucked on her nipples, this time, a sickly sweet wetness came out of her nipple directly into my mouth.

I quickly pulled my mouth up off of Mom’s nipple, and gently squeezed her large areola, just behind her nipple. And to my horror, I saw several drops of thick, yellowish-colored, puss-looking fluid emerge from the tip of her erect nipple.

“What the fuck, Mom?” I asked in totally disbelief. “Do you have breast cancer, or something? I mean, what’s all that puss stuff coming out of your nipple?”

“No, son, there’s nothing wrong with me,” Mom reassured me as she looked down at her own breast, and saw the yellowish discharge oozing out of her nipple, and she calmly reached over and squeezed some of it out of her nipple for herself, and then slowly shook her head from side to side, saying to me, “But this isn’t supposed to happen until sometime in the second trimester.”

“Second trimester? What the hell are you talking about, Mom? What’s that yellow puss-looking stuff coming out of your nipple?”

“That ‘puss-looking stuff’ coming out of my nipple is called ‘colostrum.’ And several months from now that colostrum stuff would eventually turn into milk for a newborn baby.”

“But that would mean– I mean, how can that be? I thought that you had already reached menopause many years ago.”

“Well, so did I at first, when my periods kept coming farther and farther apart. But unlike with other women, my periods never did stop completely. They just slowed way down, from coming once a month like clockwork, to coming maybe once every four to six months, or so. I actually stopped keeping track of them after Sam died.

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