Motherfucker: Part 3 by rat_race

“But remember when you called me and told me that you were going to be coming to visit me for Christmas? Well, that same night, my period unexpectedly came, and that happened about two weeks before you came up to visit me.

“So by the time that you were in my house visiting me at Christmas, I was ovulating. But of course I didn’t say anything to you about it, mainly because I didn’t think that you’d believe me, if I did.

“Anyway, just like it is with other women, whenever I’m ovulating, I’m always feeling my horniest. And it had been several months since I had felt that horny. That’s what gave me the courage to go ahead and seduce my own son in the kitchen that day into having sex with me.

“And the whole time you were here fucking me at Christmas time, I never used any birth control, because frankly, I didn’t think that it would be possible for you to get me pregnant, considering how old any egg cell that I might release would be.

“But the fact is you did end up getting me pregnant. And believe it or not, it happened that very first time that you ever fucked me, Carl. Right after you had fucked your little sister, Lacey, for the very first time.

“Shortly after you came deep inside me, I instinctively sensed that your sperm cells were actually getting me pregnant. And that really threw me for a loop, because I hadn’t had that particular feeling since Ben got me pregnant with your little sister.

“I kept trying to deny it throughout the whole time that you were here with Lacey and me. But then, my body began feeling really strange to me after that very first time that you fucked me.

“And then, after you left and went back home to your house, I began feeling sick to my stomach in the mornings and puking into the toilet a lot. And so I went and took a home pregnancy test. And sure enough, the test confirmed that I had managed to get knocked up by my own son.

“I was way to scared to see a doctor at that point, and so a couple days days later, I took a second home pregnancy test–one made by a different manufacturer–and that second test ended up producing the same result, which was nothing less than devastating to me.

“As you can imagine, pregnancy was the last thing in the world that I wanted to have to deal with at my age! But I wasn’t really given a choice in the matter. The day I let you ejaculate inside my totally-unprotected vagina that very first time, my fate was sealed. It didn’t matter that I’m 57 years old. All that mattered was that I was ovulating at the time, and one of your sperm cells ended up penetrating one of my egg cells and making a baby inside my womb.

“Of course, like I told you, my colostrum was not supposed to come in until sometime during the second trimester. But even though I’m only in my first trimester right now, my colostrum’s already here, probably thanks to my giant milk glands, and the fact that I’ve already had two kids.

“By the way, I’m not the only middle-aged woman who has ever gotten pregnant. In fact, according to the Internet, the oldest woman who ever conceived naturally was 67 years old when she got impregnated. Can you believe that?”

“So what are you going to do, Mom?”

“Well, if we’re going to keep fucking like we’ve been doing–and now that we’re actually in love–I don’t see any reason why we would ever stop fucking, do you?”

“No, ma’am.”

“Well, in that case, I’m considering getting my tubes tied, so this won’t ever happen again. That way, if you ever want to go ahead and have a family with a different woman, you’ll be able to do that, and you won’t resent me for making you get a vasectomy.”

“You know that’s not what I meant, Mom. What are you going to do about the pregnancy?”

My mother looked me straight in the eye, and after taking a long deep breath and letting it back out, she told me, “Tell you what. Why don’t you let me worry about that. You just worry about making me cum some more. ‘Cuz I’m still feeling horny as hell! Aren’t you?”

“Sure. But just let me hit the bathroom first, okay? I just woke up, and I really need to go pee,” I announced to Mom, and then literally sprinted to Mom’s private bathroom.”

I didn’t even bother closing the bathroom door behind me, as I quickly lifted the toilet seat, along with its lid, into an upright position, just in time for my urine to start spraying out into the toilet bowl.

And while I was standing there in front of the toilet bowl, looking down at the head of my dick as I was urinating, I began fantasizing about rubbing my dickhead against Mom’s nipple, and getting her gooey yellow colostrum all over my dickhead, before inserting my dick up into her vagina, and fucking her with my colostrum-coated dick.

And that perverted thought was making my dick stiffen and grow, even as the urine kept forcefully squirting out in its pencil-thin stream from my piss-hole slit. I had to eventually struggle to get the last of my urine emptied out of my bladder, because by that point, I had a nearly-full-blown hard-on between my legs.

And as I turned around, walked back into the bedroom, and approached Mom, she saw my erect penis bobbing up and down as I was walking towards her, and she said to me, “I thought you went to go take a piss.”

“I did. But then this weird, perverted thought hit me out of nowhere, and I began fantasizing about it like crazy while I was still pissing. And before I knew it, my dick started getting hard again. Go figure.”

“So what exactly was this ‘weird, perverted thought’ of yours?” Mom asked. “And does it have something to do with me?”

“You bet it does. For some strange reason, your colostrum really turns me on at lot. Seeing it come out of your nipple, and touching it, and even tasting it.”

“So what is it that you want me to do, son?”

“All I want you to do is cooperate with me. That having been said, you don’t think that having colostrum in your pussy would hurt you, do you? Because for some weird reason, I really want to transfer some of that colostrum stuff from your tits to your pussy–with your permission, of course.”

Mom looked at me like I was half-crazy, and then finally said to me, “That’s some weird shit, son! You’re one sick puppy, you know it? And you’re sure it will turn you on to do this, huh?”

“Oh, I know it will!” I said, with full confidence. “I’m sure it’ll turn you on too! I mean, I seriously doubt that anyone else in this entire world has ever done what I’m wanting us to do together.

“So what do you think? Do you want to try something completely new, and different, and unique to us, as a couple?”

“Oh, what the hell! Sure. Why not. You only live once. I mean, it can’t be any worse than having fecal matter in my pussy, can it?”

“That’s the spirit, Mom!”

While standing beside the bed, I reached across and squeezed some of the thick, yellowish, puss-looking fluid out of Mom’s left nipple. And then, while she was staring at my hand the whole time, I scooped up the fresh colostrum on my fingertips, reached down between Mom’s spread-thighs, and finger-rubbed that colostrum all over the huge head of Mom’s clitoris.

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