Motherfucker: Part 3 by rat_race

And it didn’t take long at all before Joe asked Jenny, “Would it be okay with you if I start fucking you now?”

And Jenny told him, “Are you kidding me? I thought you’d already be doing that by now. You’re driving me crazy with that sexy Mexican dick of yours. I need it inside me right now. So stick that motherfucker in and let’s go for it! You can do it, Joe! I have faith in you!”

Meanwhile, I had been sitting across the room throughout this whole time, just observing everything. And I have to admit, Jenny was brilliant when it came to knowing how to go about turning on a guy in different situations. Her unorthodox method of getting Joe to give himself another hard-on, while she just passively lay there and enjoyed the experience, was unlike anything I had ever seen before in any online porn video, or anywhere else, for that matter.

And now, Joe was humping away at my wife’s pussy for the second time within the last 30 to 40 minutes, or so. And this time, their intercourse lasted nearly five minutes, before Joe finally came inside Jenny, and brought everything to its logical conclusion.

Joe finally pulled his rapidly-shrinking dick out of Jenny’s pussy, and thanked her for a wonderful time. Then he put his clothes back on and left the house. Of course, Jenny threw her bathrobe on and I put my dick back into my pants, and we both escorted Joe out the front door. After all, what kinds of hosts would we be, if we didn’t do that?

But the minute we waived “goodbye” to Joe as he was riding down the street in his car, we both couldn’t wait to get back into the house. We still had a good 45 minutes before we needed to pick the twins up from school. So we both headed straight for our bedroom.

Jenny threw her bathrobe onto the floor, and plopped down on her back on top of the bed, and spread her legs apart. And I was stripping out of my clothing as fast as I could go, and throwing pieces of my clothing all over the bedroom floor, by the bed.

My dick was already partially-erect, just from seeing all the sperm oozing out of my wife’s pussy. I hadn’t seen that sight since Jenny had let her older brother, Greg, fuck her in front of me so many years ago.

“God that was the sexiest damn thing I’ve seen in years!” I remarked to Jenny, as I was getting up on top of the bed to kneel between her spread thighs, so that I could mount her freshly-creampied pussy.

“Oh, so you liked the show, did you?” Jenny asked coyly.

“Wow! I didn’t realize that you had such a natural talent for turning guys on, like you do? Where did you learn that from?” I asked and I penetrated Jenny’s sticky, wet vagina and began steadily humping away at it.

“Mostly from my mother, believe it or not. She’s the real expert at seducing men. Compared to her, I’m just a rookie.”

“No, you’re a fucking monster at it! That’s what you are. Why haven’t you ever seduced me like you seduced Joe this afternoon?”

“Because I didn’t need to seduce you. That’s why. I mean, our whole relationship began with you fucking me in a public restroom, right after you had fucked your own mother in front of me. Does that sound like someone who needs seducing to you?”

“Well, no. But it would still be nice every once in a while for me to be treated like you just treated your boss. Don’t you think?”

“Okay, so everything that I did with Joe today, I will make sure that I replicate it with you the next time that we have sex. Would that work for you?”

“Oh hell yeah! I saw a whole different side of you today. A super-sexy and seductive side of you that I really like a lot. And I would be honored if you would share that part of yourself with me. In fact, to be honest with you, I was actually jealous of Joe while you were seducing him this afternoon. I want you to seduce me just like you did to Joe today.”

“No biggie. You’ve got it,” Jenny replied. “And I want you to cum inside me as soon as you can right now, because my pussy’s pretty sore from that second time fucking Joe. Can you do that for me?”

“No biggie. You’ve got it,” I replied echoing Jenny’s words right back to her, and I rammed my dick home a few more times in order to cause myself to orgasm and ejaculate inside Jenny’s awesome pussy.

Afterwards, Jenny and I both took turns taking quick showers to rinse off from our bodies all the evidence of hardcore sex that we had just finished participating in. Then we both got dressed, locked up the house, and got into our Ford Windstar mini-van to go pick up the twins from school.

On the way there, I asked Jenny, “So, why did you pick Joe to cuckold me with?”

“What do you mean by that? You know I like older men. That’s why I was naturally attracted to you years ago.”

“That’s not what I mean, and you know it. Joe’s not exactly a 10, even for an older man.”

“So, what does that have to do with anything? Talk about ‘double standards.’ I can’t believe you’re even bringing this up right now. You’ve been fucking Fran in front of me, ever since we first met, and she’s definitely nowhere near a 10 for woman–even for an elderly one. If anything, Fran’s a 10 that’s missing the 0 on the right side of it.

“But have I ever questioned you about why it turns you on so much to keep having sex with an elderly woman like Fran? No, I haven’t. And I won’t. Because I love you, and I understand that we all have different likes and dislikes when it comes to sex.

“Well, believe it or not, having sex with Joe turns me on a lot, just like your having sex with Fran does for you. I mean, why else would I have offered to let Joe fuck me a second time this afternoon if I hadn’t thoroughly enjoyed that first time?

“And I’ll bet you didn’t even notice that Joe’s dick is uncut. And by the way, that’s just another turn-on for me. Seeing what a guy’s penis looks like in its natural state, with the head of it pulled up and totally hidden from view inside his long foreskin, when he’s not aroused. And then watching the guy’s dick-head slowly emerging through the expanding hole at the tip of his long foreskin, as his dick is growing and becoming erect. That’s something your circumcised penis will never be able to do.”

“So what? You’ve never complained about my circumcised penis before,” I defended myself.

“I’m not complaining, Carl. I love your dick, just the way it is! I’m just commenting. That’s all. I’ve never had sex with a guy who had an uncircumcised penis before, and so I didn’t realize what a turn-on it would be for me to do that.

“And yes, I know that Joe came inside me really quickly that very first time. But that was exactly what I was expecting him to do, considering his circumstances.

“Joe’s wife suddenly divorced him six years after he had gotten her pregnant with their second child. And his divorce was finalized four years ago.

“After that, Joe told me that he tried re-entering the dating world again, but that he couldn’t even find any woman in his age range who would go out on a date with him, since he wasn’t that hunky-looking older man that women tend to salivate over.

“He told me that he tried the dating app scene, but that failed on him even worse. He didn’t get one offer over the course of several months of trying.

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