Motherfucker: Part 3 by rat_race

“Finally, he said he just gave up trying to find a woman to have sexual relations with, and he accepted the fact that he seemed doomed to have sex with himself throughout the rest of his life.

“But then I came along and changed all that in one afternoon.

“You see, earlier today, I accidentally walked in on Joe while he was in his office with the office door closed, jacking himself off, while he was watching some porn on his cell phone. Apparently, he had forgotten to lock his office door behind him, like he would normally do before he would have a quick jack-off session at work, just to get rid of his sexual tension from having to constantly work around all of us young, attractive women.

“Anyway, by the time I walked in on Joe, his dick was already rock-hard, and his dick-head was drastically flared-out at the rear, and I could tell that he was very close to cumming.

“He immediately tried to cover up his package with his hands, and he apologized to me and asked me not to tell anyone about what he was doing, because he was afraid that he could lose his job, if Corporate ever found out.

“I promised him that I wasn’t going to tell anyone, and I asked him if he would show me his dick and his balls.

“And he asked me if I really wanted to see them. And I told him that they really turned me on at lot, which was–and still is–the truth.

“He warned me that he still had a partial erection, and I told him that was just fine with me.

“Then I asked Joe if it would be okay for me to go ahead and finish jacking him off. And he couldn’t believe I had just asked him that, but he quickly agreed to let me make him cum. So I pumped up and down on his sexy-looking dark-skinned dick, until I made him ejaculate.

“And of course, Joe’s ejaculation was nowhere near as strong as yours is. And so his sperm didn’t squirt out forcefully from the end of his dick, like yours does. Instead, when I made Joe cum, his sperm just began oozing out of his piss-hole in big thick white globs, and flowed down the underside of his dick. But that was still really sexy-looking to me in its own way.

“Afterwards, I asked Joe if he wanted me to become his secret girlfriend for the day, since Corporate frowns on romantic relationships at work, especially between an employee and their supervisor. And of course, Joe said ‘yes.’

“And right after that, I asked him to give me a ride home after my shift ended so that he could fuck me. But I told him that he’d have to do that in front of my husband, and I explained yours and my cuckolding relationship to him.

“And once again, Joe told me ‘yes.’ And so I gave you a call, letting you know that my boss would be giving me a ride home after I got off from work this afternoon. And the rest is history, as they say.”

“Joe’s a very sweet man. And I happen to like him a lot. He’s a great boss too. He always treats me with the utmost respect and kindness. And average-looking guys like Joe need sex too, just as much as you do, or I do. So I decided to give that wonderful man a gift that he’ll never forget. And I think I succeeded at that, don’t you?”

“Oh, you succeeded alright. In fact, you outdid yourself. So what are you going to say when Joe asks you to have sex with him again? Because you know he’s definitely going to ask.”

“And I’m going to say ‘yes,’ of course. I may be a lot of things, but I’m not a cock-teaser. You’ve got your Fran to fuck in front of me. And now I’ve got my Joe to fuck in front of you. You should be happy for me.”

“I am. It’s just that I’m going to have to get used to it. That’s all.”

“And exactly how are you going to do that, Carl? I mean, it’s not normal to let another man fuck your wife in front of you. So it’s something that you should always find exciting and taboo. It shouldn’t be something that you ever get used to.”

“You’re right. I guess I’m just a little jealous.”

“And you should be. It’ll keep you on your toes, and make you keep treating me right. And that’s a good thing. Even your mother used to praise the benefits of cuckolding, remember? Speaking of which, I really miss her a lot–especially her ‘little dick.'”

“Yeah. I know what you mean. Mom’s clit was truly awesome! I’m glad you got to see it and touch it for youself.”

“So am I,” Jenny openly admitted, as we pulled up in the car pick-up lane at the school, and our seven-year-old twins both climbed into the back seat of the car, blissfully ignorant about how kinky and weird their parents’ sex lives were.

As fate would have it, on the way home that afternoon, Sara loudly spoke up from the back seat, as she asked me point-blank, “Dad, what does the word, ‘fuck’ mean?”

Jenny looked over at me with a concerned look on her face, and I said to her, “Don’t look at me. I’m driving. This one’s all yours. Good luck!”

And Jenny turned her head around to address Sara, “Where did you hear that word?”

“I hear the boys at school using it all the time. But I don’t know what it means.”

So Jenny began to calmly explain to Sara, “Well basically, when a man sticks his penis up into a woman’s vagina so that they can make a baby together, it’s called ‘fucking.'”

“What’s a ‘vagina’?” Sara innocently asked.

And Sam started laughing his ass off, as he was telling his sister, “It’s that weird-looking, mini-butt ‘thing’ down between your legs, with that long slit running right down the middle of it that you pee out of.”

“No, it’s not!” Sara insisted loudly.

“Oh yes, it is!” Sam countered right back, even louder.

“You’re wrong about that!” Sara screamed back into her brother’s face. “Mom told me herself that that’s my ‘vulva.'”

“Way to go, Einstein!” I quickly and sarcastically remarked to Jenny upon hearing all the commotion that she had just inadvertently caused in the back seat of the car.

Jenny spoke up louder than the kids, using her stern “mother-means-business” tone-of-voice, as she told them, “You’re both right!”

And the twins suddenly quit arguing with each other, and they both looked at their mother as if she were crazy.

Jenny took a deep breath and then drastically lowered the volume of her voice, as she calmly told the kids, “I’ll explain it to you guys separately, later on tonight, okay? I promise. It’s just that now is not the right time, or place.”

After we arrived home and the kids hopped out of the car to run to the front porch, I leaned over to my wife and quickly complimented her, “Way to go! You just now handled that perfectly! I love you so much!”

“Love you more!” Jenny responded, and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. “It’s just that I never thought I’d be having to teach our kids about ‘the birds and the bees’ so long before they ever reached puberty.”

And I told Jenny, “It’s just the crazy world we live in now. That’s all. Everything’s so sexually-oriented nowadays, compared to the way that things used to be, back when we were kids.

“And as if that weren’t bad enough, I saw an article online the other day that claimed that some kids in America are actually reaching puberty as young as eight or nine years old now. That’s a scary thought, isn’t it?”

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