DP Hermione: Harry Potter Parody by sandstorm3636

As her mouth was occupied and she was unable to complain, Ron lifted her sweater vest above her chest while Harry undid the buttons to her blouse. She squealed into Ron’s mouth as she felt Harry’s hand running over her exposed breasts. “Stop it!” she groaned when she finally broke her lips away from Ron’s.

His hands had found their way around her butt to her front and were now playing with her labia. She winced and squirmed a little but she was not strong enough to shake the boys off of her. “If you don’t stop, I’m going to get angry,” she warned them.

They both snickered as if that was nothing to worry about. Harry pulled her sweater up until the neck hole caught on her nose and it was covering her eyes. Her bushy hair still poked out of it messily. He pushed his fingers into her mouth and played with her tongue, making her drool more. They tasted strange to her. She could tell he had eaten some candy earlier and they were still sweet, but they had also been inside her cunt a moment ago. She clenched her thighs together shyly as she thought about it.

Ron could feel her crotch getting wetter as it squeezed his fingers inside. He swirled them around and tried to touch every wall. Hermione squealed again, and spat out Harry’s fingers. “I’m serious,” she warned them half heartedly. “If my clothes aren’t back to normal before I finish counting, I’m telling on both of you. One, two, mmmm” her numbers were cut off as Harry pried her cheeks apart with his thumbs. She could not see him but she could feel him licking her braces.

She sighed with relief when she felt Ron’s fingers leaving her cunt but suddenly felt her arms being pulled backwards as he yanked on her blouse. The next thing she knew her wrists had been bound in her own shirt and her back was cold and exposed to the air.

“ut-r-oo-oing-oo-ee (what are you doing to me)” she mumbled as Harry continued to stretch her mouth. She felt her head lowering as she was leaned forward. She could only identify the sound of fumbling cloth as both Harry and Ron undid their trousers. “ree-or-ive (three, four, five) she continued counting threateningly.

Immediately her counting changed to screaming as she felt 2 objects penetrating her. Ron’s cock from behind slipped right into her wet cunt and pressed again her stretching hymen, causing her immense pain. Harry’s cock slid into her tiny mouth, scrapping against her teeth and sliding on her tongue, making her want to gag.

Hermione tugged away from Harry only to accidentally impale her cunt against Ron and then did the opposite, forcing Harry’s cock down her throat while trying to get away from Ron. There was nowhere for her to escape as she was trapped between them. She could not scream properly with her mouth full and she could not move her bound arms. She could only bob up and down by flexing her legs in her kneeling position.

Part of her was afraid of what her 2 friends were doing to her. They were acting carnivorous and she was the prey. However, she knew neither one of them would ever really hurt her. This was their way of showing they actually loved her.

She of course loved them too. She had had dreams of climbing into bed with one or both of them before; she just did not know how to broach the subject. She was waiting on them to take the choice away from her so she could avoid responsibility for tearing up their friendship. She had somewhat gotten her wish and she knew she should not be surprised with the results.

Harry and Ron were always closer to each other than her. be it their genders or just the amount of time they could spend together, their hobbies aligning or both being on the dumber side of studies, she felt like a third wheel. The fact that they silently agreed to have sex with her at the same time rather than fighting over her was an understandable and agreeable outcome. It was uncomfortable for her to say the least but she preferred this to the awkwardness revealing a hidden relationship with one to the other would have brought.

While both boys were patient with her, not moving at all as she struggled and adjusted to being filled from 2 ends, they refused to release her. She had one choice and that was to accept her position. She felt both pleased to be so desired by them and annoyed that she was yet again the third wheel, the one getting bent over rather than doing the bending. Not that she planned to peg either boy but she wished she could swap bodies with one of them and see how they liked having a cunt and getting stuffed.

When she relaxed and stopped struggling, both boys began to move. Harry first tried to press further into her mouth and found her gagging too much. He then slid his cock out, scraping her tongue the entire way. Ron used his hand to move his cock around the inside of her cunt before he tried moving his hips. Hermione wanted to scream as she felt him touching every wall, but her small mouth was too full.

Ron pushed in ever so slowly, causing her eyes to roll back as she felt everything with excruciating sensitivity. She kept expecting him to run out of cock to push into her but it seemed as if tall lanky people had long skinny dicks. She felt the base of his groin touching her below before the tip stopped reaching into her. It obviously did not reach her cervix, but she felt just as stuffed.

Finally her eyes rolled back down and she met with Harry staring at her puffed out lips. He pulled her vest off of her head so she could see properly and she was left naked except her skirt and socks. Her blouse binding her wrists and her panties around her knees did not count. She could barely see past the cock in her mouth but looking down she saw the fuzzy peach colored flesh that were her barely protruding breasts and she felt shy. Somehow being naked was worse than getting fucked by her friends.

Ron patted her butt lightly before pushing it away from him, pulling his cock out of her slowly. She groaned into Harry’s groin. He felt her mouth vibrating around his shaft and his eyes fluttered as he basked in the sensation. Realizing she had opened the back of her mouth to make noise, he gripped her bushy hair and yanked her forward, shoving his cock into the back of her mouth and the tip past the opening of her throat.

She gagged and nearly threw up but could not with her throat plugged. Instead she swallowed repeatedly, trying to sooth the sudden lump in her throat. Her eyes widened and she squealed and screamed at the same time, unable to complain properly.

“I’ve never seen her like this,” Harry muttered.

“Obviously,” Ron scoffed.

“I mean, she’s always so calm and collected, or angrily scolding us. She’s in control and clever to boot. I just expected her to react differently. She seems like a regular girl right now. I just thought she would take it differently.”

“Differently than who?” Ron asked. “Have you fucked a girl before?”

“My cousin has,” Harry admitted. “He brought this really shy girl home to meet my aunt and uncle and they didn’t let her leave for the night. I had to sleep under the stairs again so she could have my room but Dudley told me that wasn’t necessary. He dragged her to his room in the middle of the night and they went at it like rabbits. She was red in the face and crying the next morning until Vernon gave her enough money to feed your family for a month.”

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