Until I have her head on my desk! by baebutcher

Until I have her head on my desk! by baebutcher

Discover a thrilling erotic tale in "Until I Have Her Head on My Desk!" by baebutcher. Dive into a world of captivating seduction, power play, and unforgettable passion that will leave you breathless. Experience the allure of forbidden desires and intense encounters that push boundaries. Read now for an enticing journey that promises to ignite your fantasies!<br/>

Disclaimer: This story includes graphic de***********ions of rape, bondage, violence, and death, as well as casual mentions of genocide, alien-on-alien cannibalism, and species extermination. If these things aren’t your cup of tea, feel free to get your horny on elsewhere 🙂

“I will not sign your treaty until I have her head on my desk!” Nute Gunray exclaimed.

“I am a man of my word, Viceroy…”

And with that, Count Dooku closed the coms channel. Nute Gunray sank back in his chair. Dealing with the Sith was challenging enough, but the Viceroy needed assurances that this Naboo queen wouldn’t interfere with the invasion that Dooku had forced them into. It was all very stressful for the leader of the trade federation. Even with their army of battle droids descending onto the planet, he knew that the people of the Naboo would not come quietly, and would continue to put up resistance until their queen surrendered. Looking wistfully out through the transparisteel window out at the stars, he thought back to the good old days, when he and his neimoidian friends would just hang out, bomb cities, and conduct small scale genocides against less sentient beings. Gone were the years he and his pals could masacre a city of Lurmen and just burn the city to the ground to hide the evidence, now there were real consequences to his actions, and he needed to ensure that his trade empire was stable and profitable into the future. Shuffling some information around on his hologram display screen, he tried to get back to work.

Queen Amidala was captured. That was the headline that apparently had gotten out to the holonet before Nute Gunray even knew about it. His droids had apparently apprehended the queen and some jedi attempting to flee the city. The B-1 battle droids had functioned surprisingly well, gunning down two full grown jedi and a number of royal security guards before the queen and a few of her handmaidens were eventually apprehended. They had been taken from the royal hanger where she was trying to stage her escape down into the prisons of the Naboo palace, where they were held for a few hours before being transferred directly to the Viceroy’s control ship.

Having just been woken from a mid-morning nap aboard his Lucrehulk command ship, the Viceroy was only learning of this chain of events as part of his lunchtime briefing. Typical B-1s. Handle the capture and imprisonment of one of the most valuable political assets of the century, but then not think it important enough to wake him up and tell him. Ah well. Padme would be presented to him shortly, along with her handmaiden, and it would then be up to him to secure her surrender to legalize his invasion.

And then after that? He would have them as prisoners. They would be of no more use to the trade federation. The queen and her handmaiden could surely “die” in a little staged accident. Send a ship full of droids down to the surface with a bomb on board, have it go off, claim that the Naboo freedom fighters did it, and claim the queen was on the ship when it went down. And he could keep them as prisoners. And his desk could have a new decoration…

The Viceroy’s mind was ripped out of these very pleasing daydreams by a squad of B-1 battle droids at the door.

“Um, sir – we have some prisoners to present to you sir.” the commanding droid informed him.

“Roger roger” the rest of the squad babbled.

“Some prisoners indeed” the Viceroy thought to himself. The queen and her handmaiden Rabé were standing in the palace guard clothing they were wearing when they were captured, looking a little scared at having just seen their entire security detail massacred before their eyes, but very resilient nevertheless.

“Nute Gunray – Your invasion of the planet of Naboo is illegal and will not stand. The senate will hear about this via a special report made on my behalf by Chancellor Velorum himself. Your needless act of aggression has led to the death of thousands of my people, and…”

The Viceroy started to tune her out. He knew what she would say, and he didn’t want to hear it. He considered commanding her to stop, to sign his treaty, to legalize his invasion, but his patience got the better of him. He let her finish her spiel.

“…and thus, we demand that you free all your Naboo prisoners at once, provide us transport to the royal palace, withdraw your droids, and leave our planet in peace.”

“Ahh, now, Queen Amidala – there must simply be a misunderstanding. We do not intend to murder anyone. Our presence on Naboo is purely one of tax collection! The people of the Naboo have a great debt owed to the trade federation, as you are surely aware, that must be paid! Now, if we are to engage in formal negotiations, let us present ourselves properly and not dress like this. Go with your servants, get properly dressed in your royal regalia, and let us negotiate this evening over dinner.”

With that, he waved the battle droids and the prisoners out of the room.

He turned around. He had his plan now fully formed, and just needed to put it into action.

A droid ship was sent down to the capital city that, with the instructions from the handmaiden, was able to fetch all of the royal regalia that the Queen needed to present herself formally in negotiations. (this is the full-length red dress with the elaborate headdress and white makeup that is seen in Episode 1’s palace scenes.)

Once the ship with the dresses got back, Nute had a collection of droids monitor the queen and her servant through a security tape hologram. He would be lying if he said he didn’t watch it too. It was mesmerizing to see the queen strip down out of all of her clothing (there are no bras in space, after all) and then slowly transform into the royal beautiful jewel that the queen was. After watching this transformation, the Viceroy nodded to his droids, who then scuttled off to another part of the ship, intent on their mission.

Once the queen was ready, he opened up a com channel to one of his commanding droids, and asked that the queen be brought before him alone to negotiate. “Roger roger” came the response.

On the holo vid, he saw the queen being led out of the room and down the hallway towards the Viceroy’s chambers. The handmaiden, content with her work of preparing the queen for this negotiation, was sitting back down after the stressful few hours of preparation.

“And have the other prisoner tossed into the gungan pit” Nute continued to his command droid.

“Roger roger!”

Nute watched on a different display as Rabé was pulled up and led out of the prison cell. She was led down a different maze of hallways, before coming to stop in front of a new door.

“And tell her to strip.”

“Roger roger!”

The holovid security footage showed the handmaiden being forced at gunpoint to remove her own clothing in the middle of the hallway, first kicking off her shoes, then pulling off the orange full body gown that covered her, then her tunic-like middle layer of clothing (letting her breasts spill free in the cold, gray, droid-filled hallway), before eventually pulling off her underwear, revealing her pussy to all of the droids watching.

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