Vampire Omicron: Chapter 3 – Campus Raid by SKOLL

Vampire Omicron: Chapter 3 – Campus Raid by SKOLL

Discover the thrilling continuation of 'Vampire Omicron: Chapter 3 - Campus Raid' by SKOLL. Dive into an enticing world of erotic passion, fierce desires, and unexpected encounters in this captivating vampire sex story. Unravel the secrets of campus life as desire and danger intertwine. Read now for a steamy adventure!<br/>

New strain of COVID, villain is now a disgusting perverted vampire. He creeps around a college campus, searching for the perfect girl to claim. Then forces, kills, and feeds on a college chick. Slow build-up, lots of pervy creeping around, then gross extreme NC. READ DISCLAIMERS FIRST!

Don’t start here! Start at chapter 1!

See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story

New strain of COVID, villain is now a disgusting vampire. Each chapter is like a stealth mission, with lots of slow build-up and pervy creeping around. With each suck-sex-full mission, he adds abducted victims to his harem of vampires. Then occasional chapters show his sexual ‘family’ lifestyle with his mind-controlled free-use slaves. Then right back to another depraved stealth mission.

In this one, He creeps around a college campus, searching for the perfect girl to claim. Then forces, kills, and feeds on a college chick. Slow build-up, lots of pervy creeping around, then gross extreme NC.


In this series, I write from the perspective of the VILLAIN. That means I don’t agree with his choices, and you’re not supposed to either. We’re all acknowledging he is evil and wrong. Obviously nothing he does should ever be done in real life! Please be mature adults and separate fantasy from reality. This SHOULD evoke visceral, icky feelings. That’s the POINT. This is HORROR.

This is more PORN than PLOT.

All characters are 18+.This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to events, locales, or persons living or dead is purely coincidental.


-Death / Blood / Murder (I mean it’s a vampire, I’m going for it)

-Creeping around (lots of this, sorry if it’s boring)

-Slow start, builds to BRUTAL ending

-Gross Sniffing/tasting (panties, armpits, sweat, bodily fluids, feet)

-NC / Sadism / Violence

(remember he’s a villain and this is horror!)


Chapter 3 – Campus Raid

The early morning air is crisp and chilly. Leaves crackle under my feet as I drag the fat man along the trail by his ankle, meeting back up with Victoria. The sun is just starting to rise, but the trees overhead give us cover, the fog in the air keeps the light nice and dim.

“Your biggest mistake was looking at my wife,” I casually tell the middle aged man as he groans, leaking a trail of blood behind him, his face grinding along the dirt and gravel. He had the audacity to stare at Victoria’s ass as we passed him and his wife on the path. We would’ve jumped them either way, but the extra pain I inflicted, well that was for the creepy look in his eyes.

“You understand your situation then, right? You’ll hide here until dark. Then you’ll turn yourself in, tell them how you’ve been biting people, killing people. Hiding their bodies out here. Any questions?” He groans, the silver chain necklace around his fat neck burning his skin. I didn’t even see it until he started yelling after I turned him. A happy little accident. But it’s kept him nice and weak for me.

I lick his blood off my lips. I bit my tongue, but it’s rapidly healing. His blood was strong and powerful. But damn was he nasty to bite into, I could hardly stand actually mixing my blood with such a slob.

He’ll burn up in the sun as soon as they take him outside. But by that time, he’ll have given his confession and all the locations of the bodies. We should be in the clear then. I’ve been careful to always clean up after I’m finished with a body. DNA shouldn’t be an issue. And if it is, well they’ll be chasing a man who supposedly died of COVID over a year ago.

Ahead, I finally see Victoria, hunched over and finishing up her first full feeding. Damn the guy’s wife ran fast. As soon as I jumped him, she was gone, leaving him to die. Humans are so pathetic.

Victoria looks so great. Tight black running hoodie with the hood up to block the rising sun. Sexy, dark gray yoga pants, slightly riding up her asscrack, her thick cheeks perfectly defined.

She stands up and faces me, grinning from ear to ear, fangs dripping, a slight trickle of blood leaking from her sweet lips, “Babe, that was incredible! I feel so alive. I can feel it in my veins.” The fat guy’s ugly middle aged wife lays dead on the path, sucked dry.

I reach Victoria and pull her head to me roughly by the front of her little hoodie. She sighs seductively and opens her mouth. I lick from her chin up to her lips, cleaning the trickle of warm blood.

“It’s done, my queen,” I tell her, motioning to the man left lying in agony on the ground. “Rick’s death won’t be a problem anymore. None of them will. We can focus on other things now.”

She looks down at the fat man in disgust. “I wish we wouldn’t have had to turn him though. It’s like he’s family now.”

“I know,” I pull her close to me, blatantly grabbing her ass within view of the man, his eyes filled with horror and pain. “But he won’t last long. He’ll serve his purpose and then expire. He’s got his commands. Come on, let’s go home.” She squirms beneath my touch, clearly resisting her urge to strip down and fuck right here in the woods. But I raise my hood and pull her along, leaving before it gets too sunny.

Over a year ago, I was different. A weak excuse for a man. A pervert who probably deserved to die from the pandemic. Most people that knew me would agree. But now I am reborn, powerful, a creature of the night. I claimed the beautiful woman I always dreamed about. My boss from my old office job. A sexy, black-haired mom in her mid 30s. Now, with her old husband fully out of the way, his wealth and his life are mine. I plan my kingdom. Prepare to collect more women. Each time I feed, I get a little bit stronger. Faster. More stealthy and dexterous. I’m driven by lust and perverse thoughts. I crave blood and pleasure. I need to defile innocence. Rape and plunder. And I have the perfect place in mind.


I walk alone, Victoria staying back at the house to be with the baby. I wipe my mouth and put my black cloth COVID mask back on. With my hood up as well, I walk around the campus anonymously. I walk away from the big dumpster, leaving the drained body hidden inside. No one goes back behind the music building there, so nothing to worry about. I look at the lanyard I took off him. An ID tag with his dumb face. A college ‘bro’. He looks similar enough to me, I guess. More importantly the tag has a fob with it that I can use to swipe my way into the dorm building he just came out of.

I adjust the drawstring backpack on my shoulders. Within is some duct tape and cleaning supplies I’m sure to need later. It also just gives me more of a student-like appearance. I look around as I make the short walk back to the guy’s dorm, the cold evening air fresh on my face, the sun setting safely below the horizon. It’s good to be back. Some of the best years of my old life were spent right here on this campus. I even worked in this same dorm for a while. I know the place like the back of my hand. And I still look young enough to fit right in.

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